Thierry Henry


immaculately conceived
the ball bounced up and hit his hand. the deliberateness of his second touch was a split-second decision to prod the ball back towards his foot.

maradona jumped into the air, raised his fist, and punched the ball over shilton and into the net. way more elaborate a motion than henry's and requiring of more intent (given the extra time and greater movement).

I mean it's mainly semantics, as cheating is cheating, but there's a vast difference between the two offences.
I do think there is a difference in gravity of the offence.

But if I check the whole situation regarding that goal, I have to say that Henry cheated and conned everyone just as much as Maradona regarding deliberateness. Probably not Henry's first hand ball (that was more of a reflex imo) but the second one + his reaction are. To me at least.


New member
the ball bounced up and hit his hand. the deliberateness of his second touch was a split-second decision to prod the ball back towards his foot.

maradona jumped into the air, raised his fist, and punched the ball over shilton and into the net. way more elaborate a motion than henry's and requiring of more intent (given the extra time and greater movement).

I mean it's mainly semantics, as cheating is cheating, but there's a vast difference between the two offences.
Sorry but i am gonna have to call bullshit on this. Go and watch the vid again. He moves his hand slightly to control it the *first* time then controls it again even more deliberately a second time.

You may say 'who cares' and 'it's just a qualifier' but plenty of people (myself included) will view that as a low act in such an important match and will not easily forget it. Don't presume to speak for everyone please.

The worst part is that he couldn't even admit that it was deliberate. Just be a man Thierry and admit it was low but you did what was necessary. But no, he has to insult our intelligence too. Pathetic.
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There's no way the first one is deliberate. He's not expecting the ball to reach him and it hits his hand accidently. He's not looked to use his hand to control it. The second touch is the deliberate one.
Sorry but i am gonna have to call bullshit on this. Go and watch the vid again. He moves his hand slightly to control it the *first* time then controls it again even more deliberately a second time.

You may say 'who cares' and 'it's just a qualifier' but plenty of people (myself included) will view that as a low act in such an important match and will not easily forget it. Don't presume to speak for everyone please.

The worst part is that he couldn't even admit that it was deliberate. Just be a man Thierry and admit it was low but you did what was necessary. But no, he has to insult our intelligence too. Pathetic.

Get a grip


Mike the Knife
It was poor play from Thierry but the ball gets handled in nearly every match played....Sometimes it's inadvertent, sometimes intentional and sometimes it's simply a reflex...I think it all boils down to the referee, tbh...Gotta make the correct call and that one seemed pretty obvious and clear to see for the linesman.

Yet, making it out as if Henry is the villain is far too over the top, IMHO...Even if the goal hadn't counted, it was no guarantee of advancement for the Irish...One bad call didn't sink Ireland...If anything, Keane should look in the mirror at the golden opportunities he squandered


New member
get a grip? Piss off.
The first he lets hit his hand, just because he isn't looking in that direction *he is still aware of where his hand is and the ball is*, and his hand is moving towards the ball. Possibly not deliberate, but you can't say for sure. Watch the replay's in detail fellas. But anyway..even if the first one is up to the viewer to decide, the second is blatantly deliberate.

I can't believe so many are defending blatant cheating. As long as he is a barca player eh?

good article:

It doesn't even boil down just to the referee. FIFA need to deal with this properly, they are the ones letting this happen.
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Mike the Knife
I certainly don't defend Thierry's actions but I don't see it the same as diving (Unless the hand was used to punch it into the net ala Maradona)...For me, it was bad play from Henry but it's on the referee...I thought he had a bad match...Even prior to that, I thought Lass Diarra deserved at the very least to be booked once yet never did...The only bookings France received were for dissent, never for rough play

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
It looked deliberate to me. As said before however this is far from a rare occurrence and many equally great players have done it too, and the bulk of the blame goes with the linesman who was either inept at his job or deliberately favoured the more renowned team.

The defense and even praise of Henry however is sickening. A spade is a spade and a cheat is a cheat, this is not the first team Henry has cheated to eliminate another country from the World Cup and while his win at all costs mentality can arguably considered respectable (I would have done the same thing), let's not pretend he's something he's not, and that's a player who isn't a cheating cunt. A celebrated cheating cunt who will go down in history as a great striker for club and country, but as admirable as his attitude was last season, this type of action is not out of character in his career overall and when I hear words like "class" and "gentleman" used to describe a noted whiner and hypocrite who left his wife and daughter under less than admirable circumstances, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

You can consider Henry a very good player and still admit he's of low character, just like Maradona.


I thought overall the ref was very good tbh, a few fouls he didn't clamp down on but he tried to let the game flow. He also didn't give that penalty on Anelka when you could imagine a lot of other refs awarding it given the home support.


Bomb Dropper
I can't believe so many are defending blatant cheating. As long as he is a barca player eh?

good article:

1. I'm not defending cheating. at all.
2. that's not really a good article, it's far too subjective and has already judged henry. and it's ludicrous, as well, to expect henry to stop the game and say "no, I handled it, sorry." and demand the goal be chalked off. he'd be villified in france. the journo points out fowler and di canio but those were league fixtures, not knockout football, not international knockout football. the stakes were much lower and when that's the case it's easier to play fair and honest. when it comes to the big stakes games, desperate men do desperate things. henry did right by his country.

now THIS is a fair assessment of what happened. credit to duff for manning up and telling it like it is. any of them would have done it.


Mike the Knife
Desperation is never justification, IMHO...Wrong, remains wrong, for me...Love the player and realize people make mistakes but he deserves the spotlight atm

I still contend, however, that qualification or the lack thereof falls squarely on the Irish...They had chances...Duff, O'Shea & Keane all had golden chances

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