Thierry Henry


New member
Remember the world cup 2006 and henry's dive on puyol's tackle ? This was a shame for player like him, it will leave a black mark on his career, just like the rivaldo thing in south korea 2002.


Mike the Knife
Remember the world cup 2006 and henry's dive on puyol's tackle ? This was a shame for player like him, it will leave a black mark on his career, just like the rivaldo thing in south korea 2002.

I remember it well, both of them...Both incidents infuriated me...The Thierry one, in particular, because I have long compained about the diving in the EPL and that was right before he came to Barca...Wonder if Puyol gave him a nice tackle in training after that

A big reason why I generally think Cules can feel pretty proud that their players largely play an 'honest' game...I don't think Titi is the villain in this or that he is the reason Ireland failed to advance but he was guilty of poor play...That's about the long & the short of it, for me...The rest, continues to, fall on the referee.

BTW, Rivaldo's Turkey thing was disgusting...He really tainted my memories of him wearing the blaugrana...Part of me simply chalks it up to a Brasilian thing too, at times...Waaaay too much theatrics


New member
I must say that the handball looked deliberate both times.

He was following the ball with his eyes all the way, the first one he didn't need to move his hand much but surely was a deliberate handball.

I don't blame him for doing it really, it happens all the time. It's ashame that he got away with it of course but in practice noone is going to correct the referee about a bad call at this level.

I'm not so sure the refree was placed in a position that he could actually see the handball though. I knew what I was looking for when I watched the youtube stuff but wasn't that easy to spot until you get the close ups of course or the angles from the opposite side of the incident.

My opinion is that it's sad that noone caught the handall of course, but noone at that level of competition will stand up and admit to a rule breaking action by themselves. It is the referee teams job in football.
They have a shitty job at times, this incident is unfortunate but I don't think it's right to blame the referee as much as the some papers want to at this time.


Mike the Knife
I think the first action by the player was reflexive more than anything....The 2nd one was clearly deliberate, no doubt about that, for me.

I don't buy the linesman not being able to see...Exactly what is their purpose otherwise?...They are specifically stationed there to look for these things and Henry's handling was pretty clear from just about any angle


Remember the world cup 2006 and henry's dive on puyol's tackle ? This was a shame for player like him, it will leave a black mark on his career, just like the rivaldo thing in south korea 2002.
I dont remember so it wont

I think the first action by the player was reflexive more than anything....The 2nd one was clearly deliberate, no doubt about that, for me.

I don't buy the linesman not being able to see...Exactly what is their purpose otherwise?...They are specifically stationed there to look for these things and Henry's handling was pretty clear from just about any angle

i do not agree.

The first one was no handball at all. Shot on his hand.
The second one was a deliberate yes but still opportunistic reflex on the first hand touch.
The second one was the reflex. He acted like he knew he was doing it but it was going so fast that was the instinctive handling reflex.
The moment the body got the signal the ball was at that place it reacted on it

That's how i imagine it how it would go with me when a ball hits my hand


Check out other forums and see what people think about Henry now. He fucked up everything last night.
Yeah also on crap
Who cares. The guy has his history. Nobody can take that from him and no one will remember him because of this. When they make a video of "Who is Henry" i dont think this will make it or will be found important.

Yeah its not a cool thing,especially combined with the fact he is becoming old and not in its kind of pathetic but still..

If it was a reflex + touched it a bit..its not like had the time to think "hey lets touch this ball"...should he say: "sorry,it was a hands ball". What if France lost then? How would his compatriots feel then..."he helps the other team". Football is war actually.
Most idealistic thing: replay. but thats not gonna happen ...


Mike the Knife
i do not agree.

I watched live and plenty of replays, it's clear to see...He brought up his left hand to keep the ball from going past the endline...I could even call it reflexive....The 2nd one, however, was clearly to guide it to his foot.

Who, btw, instinctively, as a footballer, uses their hand to guide the ball to their feet? :lol:


New member
I still don't fucking get it. Where are these cries when C Ronaldo or Rooney dives and gets another penalty?


New member
Exactly. At least Henry had to deal quickly with the situation. Under pressure, a player would always go to the easy way out. You just have to hear a lot of foolish statements about Henry, but in the end it was normal human reaction.


Senior Member
I watched live and plenty of replays, it's clear to see...He brought up his left hand to keep the ball from going past the endline...I could even call it reflexive....The 2nd one, however, was clearly to guide it to his foot.

Who, btw, instinctively, as a footballer, uses their hand to guide the ball to their feet? :lol:



Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
The game should be replayed Henry has totally screwed over Ireland here.

No the game should not be replayed, if we replay this one it sets a precedent for every game settled by a dubious goal to be replayed.

get a grip? Piss off.
The first he lets hit his hand, just because he isn't looking in that direction *he is still aware of where his hand is and the ball is*, and his hand is moving towards the ball. Possibly not deliberate, but you can't say for sure. Watch the replay's in detail fellas. But anyway..even if the first one is up to the viewer to decide, the second is blatantly deliberate.

I can't believe so many are defending blatant cheating. As long as he is a barca player eh?

good article:

It doesn't even boil down just to the referee. FIFA need to deal with this properly, they are the ones letting this happen.

I can't believe people like you are getting completely hysterical over a handball which wasn't even committed to score a goal. It's not as if he's dived to win a penalty or feigned injury to get an opponent sent off.

The defense and even praise of Henry however is sickening.

Oh do grow up, some are trying to put things in perspective whilst people like you are wailing away as though he's committed genocide. As cheating goes there are far worse incidents every month if not week of the season.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Oh do grow up, some are trying to put things in perspective whilst people like you are wailing away as though he's committed genocide. As cheating goes there are far worse incidents every month if not week of the season.

I said it myself this happens all the time, Ireland might not have won anyway but the way you are defending him shocks me more than the fact that people are pissed off. You have the audacity to call him a class act? If a cheater like Henry is a class act then the standards of humanity are even lower than I expected.

As far as I'm concerned Ireland lost when they let France win in Ireland. But Henry as a captain for his country and a representative of Barcelona is not someone I am proud of.
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