Thierry Henry


Now that he has won the Champions League he doesn't really care much about playing good or bad.
At least, that's what I think. He just came to Barça to win the CL and he achieved it so...


New member
Well to be fair: if he really wasn't motivated to win anything else, he'd move back to England for his kids.


Monster Masch
I think you're right about him not being motivated, but I suspect it could be a number of other factors and that would only be speculation.

Like I said, if he was only here to win the Champions League (No doubt that was one of his main goals), then he would have considered his options and looked to the exit door, and although we have no idea if that did or didn't happen, he's still here so he must have seen a short-term future as a realistic option.

Right now, Henry, from an outsiders point of view, doesn't seem to have the most amazing personal life, being away from his daughter more often than not, he may not be happy for that reason.

Secondly, the recent handball-fiasco which was taken completely out of context by the British press going to town on him and making him public enemy number 1. That has obviously taken it's toll on him and it has still happened very recently so getting over that will take some time.

Thirdly and the last point I can think of at the moment, is his own reflective evaluation of where he belongs in football and in the best team in the world. At 32, he has been declining for a few years now, but in some ways he turned back the clock last year, making a real contribution and not just being some bit-part player. This year he probably felt he may be able to achieve something similar and at the moment it's not really working out, so it's possible that he has hit somewhat of a wall in self-confidence.

I feel this will be his last season, successful or not, he won't be here after the world-cup.


The Observer
Secondly, the recent handball-fiasco which was taken completely out of context by the British press going to town on him and making him public enemy number 1. That has obviously taken it's toll on him and it has still happened very recently so getting over that will take some time.

^^^ this , glad he scored he needed some positive outcome .
They blamed France being seeded in the 4th pot (and England seeded first) on him and there is a disciplinary committee and he might be suspended for the WC games which could mean he has played his last game in the WC in 2006

House of Flies

all your bases belong to us
I do feel for Henry if what Beast said is true. He has been scapegoated massively and I think when he was substituted yesterday, there were jeers from the Xerez supporters for his handball against Ireland. And the disciplinary committee... what they will do to him is anyone's guess at the moment.


Bomb Dropper
fuck ireland.

fuck liam brady.

fuck the british press.

and fuck ireland again.

bunch of whinging cunts. they had all that time to beat an awful france side and couldn't manage it. so instead of looking inward at their own faults they've been bleating like a bunch of spoiled brats about justice. cunts.

cunty cunting cunts.

props to damien duff for telling it like it is. and props to trap for keeping his trap shut.

sorry if the above is rude, I'm just seriously fucked off at the vilification that's occurring to henry. it's INCESSANT and completely exaggerates the incident. it's not like ireland were even qualifying, ffs, they were heading for penalties.

there's so much to slate him for (his shit play, for example) but the guy doesn't need to be made into a fucking pantomime villain. he handballed it. big fucking deal.

he'll get a 3 match ban though. those mick fuckers won't shut up until some form of punishment is dished out so he'll be given a ban to miss the group stages.

but really if he was contemplating retirement this has sealed it. for me he'll probs be done at the end of the season. forget MLS now. there's way too many whinging micks in the USA for that to work now.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Ireland have embarassed themselves with this 33rd team rubbish, I mean really, who the hell do they think they are? Football gave them some typically rough luck largely because they failed to take their many chances in Dublin and suddenly because of a myopic referee/linesman and an opportunistic frenchman or two the whole world cup should be corrupted and turned into a circus just to appease the Anglo-Irish media monster and their paranoid sense of perpetual victimisation.


Senior Member
people act like this is the first time someone touched the ball with their hand in the sport of football. get over it. As much as I hate France as a country, I have nothing against their football squad (fuck you for beating Brasil in 98 and knocking them out in 2006). Henry has shown nothing but class during his career and he had nothing to hide when asked about the handball. He did what pretty much everyone else would have done. Big deal.

This is just another case of people who love to be whiny cunts and complain finding something to complain about.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
The worst part about Henry is he doesn't even look like he gives a fuck anymore. He looks like he did in his last season at Arsenal, where he was a complete waste of space, and this time he doesn't have the injury excuse.
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