Transfers and Rumours - old thread


New member
I've always seen something in Mathieu, but I don't understand his position on the field, guy is everywhere. Def. better defender than Adriano is. Even if transfer is to happen, i hope it will be the last one, because we really need improvement on other positions.


Senior Member
Only things we need is a good cb. Only thing that would improve out performances against strong teams is a good coach. We played only one good game against a really good opponent (Milan second leg), and the Way i see it, that Was the only game in which we lived up to near Our full potential. We need a coach who is willing to integrate new players in to the system even though they are Young, and more importantly willing to put those who plays like shit on bench (pedro and villa). Neymar is a bit of a gamble, and might be a terrible purchase. Players like Deulofeu would have gotten plenty of chances to Prove his worth in a PL club. Tito must be out og his mind if he chooses to keep him on the sideline for another season, just to make room for that brazilian nutcase with the half Assed passes and lack of disciplin.


New member
I can't even imagine what to think if Tito's plans are to make him a CB ... :lol: would be the end of an era , indeed.


I wouldn't mind Mathieu + a top CB. Definitely a better CB than Adriano, and a much more physical presence. And if we were to go 3 man defense in a match, i'd rather see Piqué-(top CB)-Mathieu and then Alba on the wing. If we were to buy Mathieu i dont think it's meant as our CB signing, like some of you suggesting. He shouldn't be too expensive neither, 7-10m.?


New member
I think we're in a pretty tough spot right now.

We surely need a CB and Hummels would fit really well.
Though, I doubt he'll be available this summer with Götze joining Bayern and Lewandowski most likely leaving as well.

So what do you do?
Do you buy some cheaper guy that will help you for a season but won't really strengthen your club as much as guy like Hummels, whom you'd try to buy next summer?
Or do you go for someone like Thiago Silva, who's closing in on 30, will require a big transfer fee and makes a boatload of money while playing there?

I'd rather go with the first option and give Bartra more playing time(at least in La Liga) while trying to keekp the legs of Puyol and Pique fresh for the important CL games.

The next thing is the gk position.
Will Valdes stay or go?
I'd like him to stay for one more year so we can wait another year to find a solution at that spot.
ter Stegen is a great talent and could be had this summer(though, the Gladbach manager Max Eberl has said that they won't sell any chore players this summer, after losing Reus(BVB), Dante(Bayern) and Neustädter(Schalke) last summer) but would be pretty expensive. He'd also benefit playing another year in Germany, given his so-so perfermormances this season.

De Gea most likely won't be available as he's finally established himself as the clear cut #1 at Manchster United.

Then there's the Reina rumor which makes everyon nervous, given his lack of productivity the last couple of seasons.
I'd rather play Pinto or get an experienced guy like Julio Cesar on a free transfer instead of paying anything to buy Reina.

And another midfielder is absolutely not what we need, given all those talents from La Maesa and the guys already established on the team, as long as we don't intend to sell Fabregas.

Though, all the things we're speculating about right now are just that, given that we don't know who'll leave the club.


New member
I'm sorry, but I think a new goalkeeper is necessary. Valdes doesn't want to stay, so he probably is not motivated anymore? Although he is a club legend he should leave. I think buying Hummels is smarter than buying Silva.


New member
I'm sorry, but I think a new goalkeeper is necessary. Valdes doesn't want to stay, so he probably is not motivated anymore? Although he is a club legend he should leave. I think buying Hummels is smarter than buying Silva.

Well, if Valdes really wants to leave then of course we'll have to buy another goalkeeper.

I also wouldn't want to buy Silva(too expensive) and rather have Hummels, but it will be really tough to get him as he does not have an opt out in his contract.


New member
This thread is gonna be epic for the weeks coming. Can't wait for our 1st signing, which I hope doesn't take forever to be announced.


New member
Real Madrid are willing to pay 120M for Santos forward neymar (21), including 40M penalty to Barcelona. Player prefers Barcelona. [md]


New member

40M penalty doesn't sound that bad, but I would be mad if Neymar became the world's greatest player and we missed out on him.

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