Transfers and Rumours - old thread


New member
Maybe that stupid f*** Rosell spend so much money on Neymar that there isn't a single euro left for a CB, which was our first necessity


New member
Idiotic. Just pay up for Luiz or whoever the fuck you want, stop being such amateurs. Modern football is destroyed by money and it's not going to get any better next year, the one after that, or for quite some time in the future, if ever. If you want a player, you have to pay the highest bid and that's it. We've been in dire need of a CB for at least 3 seasons now, yet no progress. Amateurish, embarrassing stuff. It'd be better to buy anyone than not buy at all. Buy Doria, buy Vergini, buy someone, for fuck's sake.


Improvin' Perfection!!
We are the CB version of ManU in terms of signing a CM. Nobody is available. :facepalm:
At least Utd have abundant wingers and strikers who are all they need in principle for their tactics... Us? We don't have defenders left and we even gave up the pressing to boot!!


New member
There are players we could sign, but Rosell is too cheap to pay a transfer fee for anyone who's name isn't Neymar.


Somebody should punch that assface Rosell in the face if Barca doesn't get a proper CB this summer! I can't believe even after two years the club still hesitate to get a fucking CB.

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