The Troll Hunter
In light of Ferguson's recent comments about Liverpool vs Utd being the best, and only Celtic vs Rangers come close to it, that the Scot fight is even better than Barcelona vs Madrid... I'm telling you he lost it. The recent Rooney being the White Pele comment and this one, he is talking out of his arse. That's all there is to it. He has lost his fucking mind
1) Look at the Rooney and Pele comment.. Did he say Rooney's the next Pele? NO. "'They have similarities that way. Strength, speed, determination. But Wayne's white, completely white"
That comment is spot on.
2) Do you really think that every fan thinks Barcelona VS Madrid is the biggest? It's called an OPINION.
Opinion: 1.A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
2.The beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
3) Some people think United VS Liverpool is the biggest.. Celtic VS Rangers.. Barcelona VS Madrid. etc..
4) Do your research before you make a comment.
5) He hasn't lost it.