World Cup 2018


Professor Balthazar
but his hand went up, down, then back up while the other hand went down

OK, you convinced me. With his back to the situation he used his sixth sense to 'know' exactly where the ball would go and blocked it with his hand. Never mind that the whole situation was not a dangerous one really, that if he hadn't blocked it it would be an almost certain goal - no, with like 30 cameras and the new video review system he gave Russia a PK just like that because of reasons. I agree.

El Gato

This uninspiring lack of urgency to score is on Hierro. Seems like he told them the wrong things, something along the lines of "keep playing like you are, you're dominating, the goal will come".

Team with so much talent absolutely has to be more direct, drive, try to draw a foul, put in effort into killing counters..

Players aren't doing anything wrong. The unit is functioning fine. A bit erratic at the back, but otherwise all they need is a bit of directness.


Professor Balthazar
Isco is often doing shit that amount to nothing, no end result. Stepping over the ball and running into dead ends.


Senior Member
OK, you convinced me. With his back to the situation he used his sixth sense to 'know' exactly where the ball would go and blocked it with his hand. Never mind that the whole situation was not a dangerous one really, that if he hadn't blocked it it would be an almost certain goal - no, with like 30 cameras and the new video review system he gave Russia a PK just like that because of reasons. I agree.

the thing is, you raise your hand naturally when you jump. But you don't raise it twice after you've already lowered it, that's an unnatural enhancement of your body size and that's why it was called.


Senior Member
Even in this people just now, his hands were up trying to head the ball, it's just natural, how is he going to intentionally handle the ball from behind how was he suppose to know where the ball was, that it was behind headed towards goal, does he have eyes in the back of his head

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