World Cup 2022


Senior Member
So you are saying France does not deserve it either since they only faced England if they make the final.

I would have wanted them to beat another top team, yes

But still did more than Argentina

Still have to beat Marroco THOUGH


Active member
Argentina are playing some of the best football alongside France and Brazil at this World Cup. Spain I thought as well in the first game, but after that they presented us with the Barca tiki-taka all the way...

They need to get more control of the ball really though. They give the ball away too much


You're welcome
I would have wanted them to beat another top team, yes

But still did more than Argentina

Still have to beat Marroco THOUGH

Morocco? You are only rating them because they made it past Portugal. They are not a topside. Why not rate Croatia then since they made it past Brazil?

Had Portugal beat them everybody would have said Portugal had easiest route ever until semi-final, including me.


Senior Member
Brazil lost to Croatia mate and they beat them in a final a season ago. Portugal and Spain lost to maroco, Japan...
Germany didn't even advance from groups but is somehow better than Croatia.
Using arbitrary teams as a benchmark screams of bias.
No one saying Argentina is one of the best in WC. That's the point of Messi greatness at 35 which you are missing.
You are the only person who thinks they would be better without him when they are a bang average side. Not only technical wise. They adore him and give their 120% every match. You just fail to realize this.

It's not an arbitrary selection, the underlying stats show which teams have been the best of the tournament

Arbitrary is to say that Croatia might be better than Brazil because they HAPPENED to qualify.
Sit down and watch that game again and think who is better.
Same for all the examples you use

As for this Argentina side, I don't object they give 120%, they are fighters, etc
They don't play good football simply, with and despite Messi in the team,
that's my objection,


Senior Member
Morocco? You are only rating them because they made it past Portugal. They are not a topside. Why not rate Croatia then since they made it past Brazil?

Because he usese mental gymastics to say Croatia are shit/lucky as Argentina could meet them.

But when teams like Japan are battererd and beat Spain/Germany they are 'tough defensive sides'.

Same with Morocco... when they beat Spain it is all about how good Morocco are defensively etc.. but when Argies could beat them it is about how shite they are.

Birdy can be read like a book.

Constantly speak illogical shite and move goal posts to try and back up idiotic opinions made at outset.

I can guarantee he will make out he is correct on Messi/Argentina if France beat them.


Well-known member
They need to get more control of the ball really though. They give the ball away too much

They dominated the game against Netherlands and in the end it led to equalizer. Scolari needed space against Croatia, a team that awaits every mistake, so he let the squad sit on the click for counters.


Senior Member
Morocco? You are only rating them because they made it past Portugal. They are not a topside. Why not rate Croatia then since they made it past Brazil?

Had Portugal beat them everybody would have said Portugal had easiest route ever until semi-final, including me.

I don't think Marroco is a top side of course

But they are the best of all underdogs in this tournament (Japan, Croatia, etc)
It's not that they just made it past Portugal and Spain. They play an (unattractive to me) solid bus football that reminds Greece of 2004, and still haven't conceded a goal from opponents (only 1 own-goal)

Croatia, on the contrary, who won only 1 game against Canada in the tournament, and were super underwhelming, got unreally lucky against Brazil...
This is the side that just made it somehow


Active member
They dominated the game against Netherlands and in the end it led to equalizer. Scolari needed space against Croatia, a team that awaits every mistake, so he let the squad sit on the click for counters.

They gave it away a good bit in the first 30 and last 20 against the Netherlands. Absolutely dominated extra time though


Hello friends. I watched the match with friends and in the general joy I couldn't concentrate much on the game. How would you rate Messi? 8 can fit?


President of FC Barcelona
So Spain played great football when all they did apart from one game was pass the ball a million times and create fuck all?


Senior Member
So Spain played great football when all they did apart from one game was pass the ball a million times and create fuck all?

Argentina could win the WC and that buffoon would still argue Germany/Spain were better sides due to some warped view of xG.

Never mind that Argentina beat Croatia 3-0 tonight and had better xG than Brazil did. That doesnt mean anything.

Morocco when put out Spain are a tough, under rated side.. when may face Argentina they are part of 'easiset run ever'.


Senior Member
Regarding Spain and Germany : it is not like they just got unlucky this tournament, those two have been on a steep decline for quite some time now after their successes of the previous decade.

Germany have been grouped twice in a row now at WC, knocked out early last Euros also - Spain went out in similar fashion to Russia in 2018, and in qualifying for this WC nearly lost their qualifying group to Sweden, where it came down to the last game with a late goal from Morata.

So in summary both sides have been poor for quite some time now and are not what they used to be. This tournament's performance was simply a confirmation of that rather than a surprise if we look at recent historical trends, which BBZ has pointed out previously.


Senior Member
Argentina could win the WC and that buffoon would still argue Germany/Spain were better sides due to some warped view of xG.

Never mind that Argentina beat Croatia 3-0 tonight and had better xG than Brazil did. That doesnt mean anything.

Morocco when put out Spain are a tough, under rated side.. when may face Argentina they are part of 'easiset run ever'.

If Argentina and Messi pass around the ball I. Defense 1000 times they will be finally worthy .


Senior Member
It was a clear pen.

These theories dont change a thing.

FIFA have only just realised Messi winning WC means they will make money! Yay. Should have realised ealier to give him pens when needed really!

You don't get it.
It is not only Messi, there are several big names, and all of them will be a good story for FIFA.

1. Messi, final chapter = awesome movie story
2. CR7 if it happened = equally beautiful story for fans all around the world
3. Mbappe = the new GOAT in the making = a nice story plus France is a leader of Europe and the whole Africa is France, so half of the world is happy.
If you ask Africans, for 90% of them Mbappe is the best player in the world.
4. if not these, anything will do like Spain, Germany, England = big footballing nations, lots of sponsors, fans, everything is fine.

So, Messi was a big deal for FIFA only in 2014, 2018 and 2022.
Haven't South America invented Copa America Centenario out of nowhere, from the same reason? To milk more money on Messi's Hollywood-ish winning story?
But they failed. Luckily, he finally won the last year.
In 2014, Messi came to a final.
But they played vs Germany, as equally as important big and rich and influental country. So, 50:50 = who wins => wins.

In 2018, Messi was a factor, but they played vs France. A country of a president Platini, a country who is connected with the whole Africa and a country who is connected with the next WC hosts Qatar who will invest billions in FIFA and pockets of FIFA employees and apparently in pockets of EU politicians (look at the current scandal in EU with Italian politicians regarding Qatar connections. And Infantino lives in Qatar. Coincidence, lol).
So, it is not as FIFA didn't want Messi to win it in 2018.
They did. But he was one of 4-5-6 winners whom FIFA wants to see.
And they were paired with France, who is as equally if not even more important on FIFA's tier list.
So, no help for Messi there.

2022: Argies plays only against small teams, irrelevant to FIFA.
Since Brazil, Spain, Germany, England are out. And since Argies played with Croatia with a population of 3,9 and not too rich people = who on Earth will profit if Croatia wins somehow? Croatia's win is not too good for the business.
So, from the 4 teams left, Arg-France is a dream final.
Messi's final episode against France, a future GOAT Mbappe chasing his 2nd WC.
Half of the world (Messi's fans) are happy. France is happy. Africa is happy (Mbappe is number one there). Random fans from India, Bangladesh and Eastern Asia will be happy and they'll buy tons of Messi's shirts.
Look at this, Brazil-Croatia pens filmed in a bar at Nepal.
Every single person in a bar has either a shirt of Brazil (Neymar), Argentina (Messi) or Portugal (CR7).
People who are happy in this video, they don't actually cheer for Croatia. They cheer for Messi, so they are happy that Brazil is out.
And all around the world is the same. Fans who are not from countries who have a big domestic NT teams = they personalize with Messi/Neymar/CR7:

For the business, it's just the best to have big teams (and big players in the final). Sponsors, shirt sales, buzz in papers, epic stories for the future (for video games, movies, books, memories).
Messi/CR7 in finals for FIFA is what Leonardo Di Caprio or the next young blond actress with big boobs is for Hollywood. You'll milk shit ton of money on them and create blockbusters.
Morocco and Croatia are some 60 old year old actress whom no one (from casuals) wants to see. Give us boobs, give us what sells movies and papers.
Messi is literally boobs here :lol:

FIFA baaad.. they didnt realise Ronaldo is most marketable player in world to give him a leg up.

There is a problem:
1. Africa never had a team in semis. We need to make African fans happy also
2. Also, Morocco is culturaly and religious wise close to hosts Qatar. So, on one hand, they are brothers of a host.
Also, to give a pen, Portugal or Argies need to get into the box and you need some contacts.

Argies got a pen against irrelevant countries like Saudi, Poland, Croatia.
They won't get it against France that easily.
You have to understand the TIERS.
If you play against a team from a lower TIER, FIFA/UEFA will push you.
If you play against the team of equal importance/tier = the match is fair, what happens = happens.

FIFA want Messi to win so much they think he needs a pen ten mins in v SA to do it....

FIFA want Messi to win the fuck up a VAR decision v SA to disallow a Argies goal.

FIFA want Messi to win so much they add ten mins v Netherlands when chasing a goal.... had Argies been chasing a goal and ten mins added this would have been 'evidence' also.

All matches had 8-10 mins of extra time.
Especially with rolling on the floor from Argies, lol.
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