World Cup 2022


Not really.

90% of the people here are the definition of delusional when it comes to Messi, and not only are blind to his flaws, but blow things out of proportion

mate, if there is one impossible thing it is to see flaws and be delusional towards this Messi in this world cup. What he's doing at his age is a true sporting miracle


Senior Member
The ref giving Mandzukic a red card tonight was to help fix game for Argentina.

I shit you not this is the 'evidence' BBZ has.

'The ref didnt even check VAR!!!..thats how big a scandal this is!!!'

Reality... refs only check if advised made have possibly made an error.. the VAR team looked at that penalty incident and immediately saw it for what it was just as the ref in ITV studio said.. immediatley clear penalty.
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Senior Member
That ref didn't give the pen.
It's telling why such incidents is not as clear as you make them out to be

Like I said above, don't really know what's the directive refs have these days for such cases.
But they should never be a pen to begin with,
simple because it's important who initiates the contact, and not just whether contact has been made

Who initiates the contact if someone is running, I put a leg in front of that person, and he hits my stretched leg and falls? The runner for not going around my leg (which is usually impossible at full speed), or me for putting a leg in their running path?

You find the answer to that, you find out why it's a pen.

Like here, a brutal example.

A runner is doing his exercise, runs in his path, and someone impedes him from continuing his run. Who initiates contact? It's clearly the woman in this video, and she is the one who made an error, causing this accident to happen.



President of FC Barcelona
BBZ having a mental breakdown. Log off the forum for a day or two bro. Reset and think about what you are saying and come back.


Senior Member
mate, if there is one impossible thing it is to see flaws and be delusional towards this Messi in this world cup. What he's doing at his age is a true sporting miracle

I think your history of bias in favor of Messi makes you not the appropriate person to pass a cold judgment on that matter
Sorry, but that's the truth. No bad feelings mate


Senior Member
Croatian NT Dalic after the match:
"Is these are some new FIFA rules regarding pens?
I wish they would have emailed us before the match with updated rules.

We didn't know that Livakovic was supposed to move out of his way to Alvarez."



I think your history of bias in favor of Messi makes you not the appropriate person to pass a cold judgment on that matter
Sorry, but that's the truth. No bad feelings mate

yes but do you understand that the bias is yours?
I'm just enjoying the performances of one of the greatest footballers in history, if this is a bias then everyone who watches football has a bias (except you)


Senior Member
Croatian NT Dalic after the match:
"Is these are some new FIFA rules regarding pens?
I wish they would have emailed us before the match with updated rules.

We didn't know that Livakovic was supposed to move out of his way to Alvarez."


Aye Croatia like virtually every single team eliminated are moaning about refs.

Proof right there!

Saying 'supposed to move out of way' doesnt even make sense as no one saying that.


Well-known member
Same can be said about Netherlands. Huge part of their tactics in WC to play more defensively and allow opponent to play as well. After Netherlands got 2-0 behind Van Gaal figured @(# it we are switching to a 4-3-3 finally(this is what all the Dutch wanted but Van Gaal believed we not have the quality to play consistently. I think he was right).

But admit Argentina did deserve it more. I concede. But do not think Argentina dominated as much as some claimed. Enough spells where NL controlled it.

think VanG coulda played Noah Lang more. Dude got flair galore.

that Botka guy is impressive as well

ps. as for Brazil, really wished Tite woulda played Martinelli more... even off position in MF, instead of Paketa who works hard but is just too slow n lacks pezzaz

let's see if ney will pour all his energy into CL now
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Senior Member
Croatian NT Dalic after the match:
"Is these are some new FIFA rules regarding pens?
I wish they would have emailed us before the match with updated rules.

We didn't know that Livakovic was supposed to move out of his way to Alvarez."


:lol: He literally moves in his way, as he comes out of goal to like 11m or something.


Senior Member
How you can say "takes him down" is beyond me

He tries to get the ball, doesn't hit it, then Alvarez storms onto him.

It's as if you stumble onto a rock and say that the rock hit you. No, you hit the rock

Now, this might be deemed a pen according to the current directives. Couldn't care less. This should never be a pen

If a defender goes for the ball and misses it in that situation then this debate would not be happening.

It's because we are used to goalies getting away with almost everything they do, that people are having
doubts for what looked to me a clear pen.


Senior Member
Who initiates the contact if someone is running, I put a leg in front of that person, and he hits my stretched leg and falls? The runner for not going around my leg (which is usually impossible at full speed), or me for putting a leg in their running path?

You find the answer to that, you find out why it's a pen.

Like here, a brutal example.

A runner is doing his exercise, runs in his path, and someone impedes him from continuing his run. Who initiates contact? It's clearly the woman in this video, and she is the one who made an error, causing this accident to happen.

Man, I can't believe you are using this vid as an example :lol:

This is not sprinting or running track and field. Players in soccer move in all directions and at all different speeds.
Horatio used also the tangling leg as an example, and I answered: it's not what happened.

You read it completely wrong IMO if you think that Livakovic just spread out a leg to be in the path of Alvarez' run, that's far from what happened.
Both players run toward each other earlier, and the moment contact is made Livakovic is still
His whole body (not only his leg) is stationary, and the leg was not stretched to obstruct a running path

His leg moved together with his arms when trying to catch the ball BEFORE (T2) contact was made
That's one move, not 2 moves (first trying with arms to catch ball, then sticking out a leg)
Later, at T3, when his arms where down and his leg was stationary, Alvarez run into him

The only thing we agree is that Alvarez possibly couldn't avoid him

That is not a reason enough to give a pen


President of FC Barcelona
Muchahooooos ahora nos volvimos a ilusionar quiero ganar la tercera, quiero ser campeon mundiaaaaaaaaaal


Senior Member
See Schmeicel saying it was a clear penalty.. intersting to get a GK did Terry and Kaka.

Let me guess... Schmeicel is anti Croatia as they put Denmark out last WC? Reasons.

All must be part of this conspiracy that many of the UK pundits and former officials are when all said clear pen.


Senior Member
Croatian NT Dalic after the match:
"Is these are some new FIFA rules regarding pens?
I wish they would have emailed us before the match with updated rules.

We didn't know that Livakovic was supposed to move out of his way to Alvarez."


He said it ALL!

If directives for refs these days say the keeper should move out of the way of a running player, they should change ASAP

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