World Cup 2022


You're welcome
Could well be 0-0 too. I'd go with a draw too. Who knows what happens after

Reminder: If you put a draw in Scorito that includes extended period. I found out the hard way. Got score correct for Croatia Japan 1-1, but also had to suffer through extended later found out. Thought it only need to be draw at 90 min FT.
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Senior Member
Be interesting to see Scalonis plan for game.

Have a feeling he may start Paredes at DM and push Enzo higher up to try and make him v Modric a battler.

Enzo has been Argentinas best midfielder in the final third as well when been allowed to get there.

For teams with more pace Scaloni has maybe preferred Enzo to sit deeper and be able to move where needed to help double up but maybe will see Modric as threat and make Enzo v Modric the battle.

There are reports saying that Scaloni tried Paredes at DM with Enzo a little higher in training, but I don't see Scaloni changing the midfield of RDP, Enzo and MacAllister. Maybe in the 2nd half, we will see something like that with RDP being subbed out.

Hopefully, Scaloni gets it right as Argentina really needs to win the midfield battle.


Senior Member
I only hope that if we don't win today that Argentina and Messi will win in the final. However, we all believe that we can beat Argentina. We will fight with everything we have until the end! Furthermore, I am certain that we will give our hearth and soul to win this tournament! To all my Croatian friends in this forum; I hope that another crazy and unforgettable night is in front of us! Let's fucking go!!!

Ja bih ugledao sunce
Kad bih ugledao nju
Ja bih imao ljepotu
Da je pored mene tu
Ja sam znao da ću svoju ljubav pokloniti njoj
Mojoj lijepoj zemlji Hrvatskoj!!!


Well-known member
Short answer, yes
They have a bunch of very promising young players (20-25 age group) that could have played much better football if they were not instructed to play at pace 0 so that the game goes through Messi's legs.

Yeah sure, it is really easy to win the Copa and reach the semis of the WC, imagine what the team could have done without the little dictator :lol:


You're welcome
It's 5.20 on Croatia now. But why would I want a double L if it's X after 90 min and Croatia win after that?

E: Ninja'd by JDawg

I am new to this game. Since I for majority only bet on league game did not cross my mind there is this option too.

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