Hermano, you must not watch a lot of other football because I can assure you that there are a lot of big teams around Europe that play similar to us.
Yes, Xavi is having a bad season and yes we are terrible to watch, but outside of the financially doped EPL clubs the majority of clubs are playing boring football.
There are always outliers that pop up throughout the season across the leagues like Girona, Stuttgart etc. But generally the standard across the board is atrocious. A lot of big clubs are having to rely on late dubious penalty decisions in order to pick up wins with the Portuguese big 3 being the prime example of that.
I was expressing myself hyperbolically, hermano. At least somewhat! 🤭
My point still stands: our style of play, relative to total expenditure, may just be the worst football in all of the top 5 leagues.
Interestingly, the Portuguese League doesn’t even fall into this category; Benfica, Porto, and Sporting Lisbon’s wage bills are 62,760,000, 33,580,000, and 26,640,000, respectively.
With that said, it’s not all about money. Having a higher budged is an advantage, of course, as it allows us to acquire talented players without having a proper scouting department in place, pay higher wages, etc, but more importantly, it serves as a benchmark for expectations and how we should be playing. But we can just as easily reference small clubs who do extraordinarily well without our budget (not even close). They play football the way we should be playing. Point is, always compare upwards (or sideways), but Girona could compare themselves to us and conclude that they are playing beautiful football (with our rejects), at only a fraction of our budget. Exceeding all expectations. Outplaying and outsmarting even us! Why is that? If it were all about money, as a certain someone seems to think it is, why is Girona performing so well? Girona’s wage bill is 27,240,000m per annum, btw.
I despise comparing downwards, for something is very wrong when Girona is our new benchmark, despite Barcelona having all the evident advantages. A Presidential candidate doesn't run for President while comparing himself to a White House line cook. A Senior lawyer with 30 plus years of experience doesn't compare himself to a Junior Lawyer who is just starting out, right? Yet here we are, doing just that. Sadly! Your are doing that too, comparing our brand of football with Portuguese teams. And that is the predicament we are in, and while Xavi didn't create the financial predicament we are in, he is highly under qualified for the job, by a landslide, which isn't helping matters. All one must do is watch our football to realise that.
Not cool!
FYI, Our wage bill is 204,710,000m per annum, which makes it the 6th highest in the world. Yet we haven’t won a game by more than 1 goal since September 19th, 2023. Point is, none of our players inspire confidence that they will score when they have a chance to do so, despite us having the most expensive frontline in La Liga. In addition, each and every one of our transfers plays worse once they start playing for us. I genuinely feel that each and every team, even division 4 teams, have a shot against us under Xavi. I don't think Im alone here.
What do they all have in common? Xavi!
We lack style of play, patterns of play, adaptable and intelligent tactics, intensity, and transitional play. It’s as if our midfield is almost entirely disconnected from our attack, and when a successful pass finally is made, it almost always goes out to one of our wingers, whose job it is to then bypass 2 defenders and cross to Lewandowski. Inshallah!
Our players look so lost and frustrated, and they deserve better. We deserve better. We cannot even beat a division 4 team convincingly, and that’s with our Gala 11. One of the highest paid squads in the world.
So, yeah, our brand of football is atrocious, relative to our budget, and we shouldn’t compare downwards (to the Portuguese league, for example) and use that as some type of justification for our failings under Xavi. But the fact that we are shows how mismanaged we are, despite all of our evident advantages. Also, style of play is at the core of who we are as a club, the reason why fans love Barcelona, and the very reason why Koeman was booted.
We shouldn’t be making exceptions for Xavi. Keeping him on is just prolonging the misery. Rant over. haha
Xavi OUT!