Zlatan Ibrahimovic


Blue Blooded Aussie
Um, People forget Ibra has been very good at club level for quite a long time, do all those years mean nothing too? You can't just count how he's doing in France and put him down. That'd be like saying Cavani is no good anymore when he's one of the best pure strikers in the world.


High Definition Member
Such a bs post. He's been scoring in friendlies, yes. He's been scoring against French teams, yeah big shocker he plays in the French league. Suarez only scores against mediocre EPL clubs And I can't keep track of the amount of goals he has scored in the CL this season. Ibra has 10 by the way. See how that works?
I assume he needs to start scoring against North Korean clubs as DonAK said.

He is much better than Suarez. Also I ain't knocking him he is a great player for several years but I'm against the "most dominant player since ronaldinho" thing.

I think u guys misunderstood me.


You have to watch Ibra play to make any serious judgment, and I'm guessing most people here don't follow PSG. It's not just about goals, assists, flicks, free kicks... He's everywhere. He's wherever the team needs him, except in defense. When midfield can't create - Ibra becomes midfielder. AMF keeps struggling with that crucial final pass? No problem, Ibra pulls back and does the job. Impossible to go through middle? Ibra goes to flank and does a good job there too. The only thing he still messes up every now and then are regular, short range passes. The game before Bastia was one of his worst this season, but he still provided an assist and was actually fairly good, just not as good as usual.

I'm not going to compare him with Suarez because I haven't watched Suarez play, all I can tell you is that Ibra hasn't bitten anyone yet :)


New member
He is much better than Suarez. Also I ain't knocking him he is a great player for several years but I'm against the "most dominant player since ronaldinho" thing.

I think u guys misunderstood me.

But he is, when Ronaldinho was on form everything went through him, when he started it was game over, a bit like when Messi goes on those runs you just know it'll end bad for the other team.
Ibrahimovich is like that, he absolutely dominates the game, there is no other way to put it. Wether you agree or not is irrelevant, everyone here just voices their oppinion ^^ .


High Definition Member
He's a dominant player but Ronnie, cristiano and Messi did it at a higher level and won the CL. If Ibra wins the CL then u can begin that argument that he is the most do inant since Ronnie, even then it's not true.

(Which itself is crap because cristiano and Messi were both more dominant than Ronnie in my opinion)


New member
I'm sorry, that's just BS. I was at that game and United were much better than Inter and Zlatan did nothing to change that. In fact, he messed up a fairly easy chance from 5 yards with a terrible header that hit the bar.

Edit: inb4 Ibra fanboys decide he hit the header into the ground on purpose.

He was left isolated the entire game, but still did a great job and brought others into play. Dominated the two central defenders as well. Besides, it was just an example. I don't really think anything that happened in 2009 has any relevance today.

Nope, no delusions here. I don't think there's much between him and Suarez.


New member
He's a dominant player but Ronnie, cristiano and Messi did it at a higher level and won the CL. If Ibra wins the CL then u can begin that argument that he is the most do inant since Ronnie, even then it's not true.

(Which itself is crap because cristiano and Messi were both more dominant than Ronnie in my opinion)

I think you misinterpret the use of the word dominant as its beeing used here. Christiano is great no doubt but not a dominant type of player in terms of the use of the word in this discussion.


New member
I think you misinterpret the use of the word dominant as its beeing used here. Christiano is great no doubt but not a dominant type of player in terms of the use of the word in this discussion.
Messi is/was though.
For many years now it has been my opinion that Messi is the only player today that compares with Ibra (or the other way around), CR is not really in that discussion. He is awesome in his own way, but he doesnt carry teams, he doesnt carry anything. He scores the 4-0, 5-0 and 6-0 goals, and when things doesnt go his teams way he cries (the loudest) with the team rather than takes the initiative.

But what Messi did some years back, that was pure domination, sometimes beating the world by himself. Ibra definately has had dominating performances like that, but not against a strong United in a CL final. At least not yet.

On the other hand, Ibra has the ridiculous things never seen on a fotball field before, the inhuman amount of impossible kicks and flicks. I think he and Messi is comparable in the way they are both dominating completely, and they both do it in their own unique ways.
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New member
Obviously just his "management" from Nike doing all this but still, great stuff. Obviously a disguised commercial.




"how did you quickly react and score that goal vs England ? Did you actually think it'll go in ?" ?

- "Zlatan Ibrahimović ‏@Ibra_official 2 tim
Dear @Khaledsaifi. Zlatan used this simple thought process. #DareToZlatan pic.twitter.com/zshiqHl9eY"



Dear @ArmouredGuy, a wise man once said, surprising your opponent is the key to surprising them. That wise man was Zlatan.

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Haruko The Goon

He's a dominant player but Ronnie, cristiano and Messi did it at a higher level and won the CL. If Ibra wins the CL then u can begin that argument that he is the most do inant since Ronnie, even then it's not true.

(Which itself is crap because cristiano and Messi were both more dominant than Ronnie in my opinion)

This may sound silly to some, but winning isn't everything.

A player doesn't get cemented as one of the greats because he wins the CL.

Messi hasn't won a world cup, but he's the best ever player.


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