Try-hard. Not funny in the least.
Try-hard. Not funny in the least.
*TryhardS, then.You do realize it's not actually him doing it, right? Just a desperate marketing campaign by Nike.
Will probably be cringeworthy if it goes on for much longer.
Just a pisstake of this whole Chuck Norris larger than life myth that has been created. And well, it went viral so obviously it was a succesful marketing campaign.
It's just so childish.Lighten up dude why the butthurt?
It's a joke... No need to be so serious.*TryhardS, then.
It's just so childish.
thanks zlatan i'll try it
y u lie to me zlatan
It seems if you're good and you know it in this day and age people don't like you, it's stupid. Not everyone has to be humble. It's nice to have some personality.
It seems if you're good and you know it in this day and age people don't like you, it's stupid. Not everyone has to be humble. It's nice to have some personality.