1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


President of FC Barcelona
Buffon was 23/24 when he joined Juve from Parma.... and had played tons of games!

ter Stegen is joining us at 22(Only a year younger than when Buffon joined Juve WOW!). And ter Stegen has also played tons of games! 100+ games for M'Gladbach!


New member
Haha are you really trying to think of players to try and prove your point? The 7 players you listed originally were completely different to the Stegan situation. Also like I said before for every 1 who succeeds 20 fail.. and Barca are NOT in a position to take that risk!


New member
I don't think Transfer request is binding on the employer. As for the TC and Mou talk, as per Telegraph, Mou wants to make him his #1, and is lobbying to bring him back against the wishes of the club's gk coach.

I'm only doing so to illustrate that playing behind a high-line defense isn't as easy as just putting the supposed world's #1 in the box. Its a demanding task, and requires a certain disposition and skill to execute it. MAtS has the profile and the experience in such a capacity since his youth years. TC doesn't.

Well, actually you're wrong in that.
At Genk they played with a high line, and ridiculous open defence. Remember, Courtois in his breakthrough season was voted MVP by Genk who were unlikely champions. And you know what the press, rivals and teammates praised as his best attribute? His 1v1 situations with strikers in which he had an astonishing success rate.

There is no reason to belittle TC to lower the bar for MAtS. MAtS just has to perform to his abilities to convince the doubters.
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New member
@Alarcón His champions league pedigree at that point when joining speaks for itself though.. and winning the French league. Which carried on through to a successful Barca team for years..


President of FC Barcelona
Haha are you really trying to think of players to try and prove your point? The 7 players you listed originally were completely different to the Stegan situation. Also like I said before for every 1 who succeeds 20 fail.. and Barca are NOT in a position to take that risk!

I've come at the point where I'd rather take on my shoes, go out, and find the biggest brick wall in the city to bang my head against, than keeping this discussion with you who have not even watched him play once and know nothing about him except clean sheet stats which is frankly speaking even more ridiculous than Alex Song's clothes.


Senior Member
Vilarubi who do you think they should have signed?

They have gone out and got a very mature young player who has the characteristics to be a Barca No.1.


The Swedish Wizard
He has already signed so you can bitch and moan all you want he is going to play next season with or without you mr Vilarrubi. Only time will tell if its the right or wrong choice. He does have the talent thou and i hope he will be awesome here!!


New member
@DonAK Although you must agree with me that there is a potential risk in signing a young player like Stegan while bashing your head on that wall. I just think a GK with actual experience in big competitions was needed.. and what @Moose said confirmed that I believe Courtois could adapt if not already have the ability to pass at the back and have excellent footwork..


New member
Too many people on here doubt Courtois' ability... @Noex I don't mind that we have signed him I'm not saying send him back! I'm saying have him as number 2 GK and have a more experienced GK for next season.


New member
@Noex I also want him to be really successful.. I just think there's risk in putting him number 1 and it's a financial based decision


Senior Member
@DonAK Although you must agree with me that there is a potential risk in signing a young player like Stegan while bashing your head on that wall. I just think a GK with actual experience in big competitions was needed.. and what @Moose said confirmed that I believe Courtois could adapt if not already have the ability to pass at the back and have excellent footwork..

Maybe but they have scouted him and think he can cope. While he has played a number of times against Dortmund and Bayern two of the top teams in europe.

Go for an experienced keeper every 3/4 years or try and get a young keeper that can possibly fill the position for next 10 yrs+.

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