1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


Barçapocalypse NOW!
People are making a huge deal out of this 1 mistake and that other mistake when he miscalculated the ball after that Villarreal corner kick.

Considering the circumstances, his age, that we are dealing with a debutant then he has performed well. So has Bravo.

Maybe I am too optimistic but I somehow trust both of them and in my eyes it would be a mistake to change the goalkeeping order this season. A few mistakes should not change that.

It has to be said that Trigueros hit the ball really well with a lot of power too. So he deserves a bit of credit too.

I partially agree... As I said before, shit happens and that goal is proof of it, despite the defensive mistake and ter Stegen's howler, it's a one in a thousand kind of play that shouldn't be over analyzed... However, the miscalculation in the corner kick has happened a few times already, and he's doubting when to come off the goal line, more often than I'm comfortable with so he should definitely improve in that regard...

He is a great goalkeeper and I don't think we should be too harsh on him, and Bravo for that matter, as they are both having an astounding season with he team... We should put personal preference aside and just be happy we have two great players taking care of our goal...


Senior Member
What string of games? all his games have been played far apart from each other, there is no way he can feel 100% comfortable in goal while with the way the rotations work. I don't think he is our best option against big European opposition, he could get eaten alive with so little match practice.

Completely with you. The decisive nature of knock out comps. calls for experience or/and greater match rhythm, which is why the keeper who stands in the league also plays CL, whilst an experienced/vet is usually entrusted with the domestic cup. He has neither atm. He's been grossly mismanaged, and being put under more pressure, that which can be avoided. I though unzué as a keeper himself should know better. How is a young debutant keeper shouldering mere K.O comps for a big club, a good thing for his devt or for the team, I'll never know. Playing him in the CL with li'l match practice is putting his confidence and team's chances under jeopardy.
The sensible thing is to give Bravo the CL henceforth, whilst tS is allowed some easy home liga games, something he's been craving for. Mourinho has rotated his keepers well, keeping Courtois #1 but given Cech some PL games, depending on the circumstances. The reluctance of Enrique to play the young 'un in the League so far, regardless of the opponent is odd. I hope he sees reason, and communicates the changes, as deemed fit.

I was tempted to close the video after they said each other goodnight. :rofl1: I suppose the spanish expression for both greeting and farewell is same, so I can understand the interviewer but I thought tS would 've corrected it, instead he went along. lel.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Completely with you. The decisive nature of knock out comps. calls for experience or/and greater match rhythm, which is why the keeper who stands in the league also plays CL, whilst an experienced/vet is usually entrusted with the domestic cup. He has neither atm. He's been grossly mismanaged, and being put under more pressure, that which can be avoided. I though unzué as a keeper himself should know better. How is a young debutant keeper shouldering mere K.O comps for a big club, a good thing for his devt or for the team, I'll never know. Playing him in the CL with li'l match practice is putting his confidence and team's chances under jeopardy.
The sensible thing is to give Bravo the CL henceforth, whilst tS is allowed some easy home liga games, something he's been craving for. Mourinho has rotated his keepers well, keeping Courtois #1 but given Cech some PL games, depending on the circumstances. The reluctance of Enrique to play the young 'un in the League so far, regardless of the opponent is odd. I hope he sees reason, and communicates the changes, as deemed fit.

I was tempted to close the video after they said each other goodnight. :rofl1: I suppose the spanish expression for both greeting and farewell is same, so I can understand the interviewer but I thought tS would 've corrected it, instead he went along. lel.

I completely agree with you proposed solution, I think you are spot on...

And regarding the interviewer, "Buenas noches" is a greeting in spanish and the guy translated it to "Good night" just like that, however (at least here in Colombia) we don't use "Buenas noches" as farewell, just as greeting...


New member

Shit happens.


Estonian Culé
He came back stronger after the PSG game and he will come back even stronger now. He learns from mistakes and I just try to forget this now. Same goes to Ney missed pen :lol:


New member
Had an awful save in the first half that almost gave them a goal on the rebound.

His distribution was solid though, would be smart of Lucho to gave him a league game before the last 8 first leg.


Senior Member
Had an awful save in the first half that almost gave them a goal on the rebound.

His distribution was solid though, would be smart of Lucho to gave him a league game before the last 8 first leg.

I think he actually did well in it ,moving it to the left side than just kicking it and giving easy opportunity to the opponents .
Was always in the right position to make easy saves


New member
I think he actually did well in it ,moving it to the left side than just kicking it and giving easy opportunity to the opponents .
Was always in the right position to make easy saves

It was a pretty routine save imo and he pushed it into a dangerous area. Lucho needs to give him a league game but I don't see it happening.


New member
His epic ball distribution is something to behold though. Whenever he fires a hard ball with minimal airtime at the feet of someone in midfield, it gives give me a warm, cozy feeling inside. :pep:


Chief Of Footballing Matters
His distribution is something else.

Made a couple of saves. Perhaps he could have spread himself more for the goal but I wouldn't expect him to save a 1v1 with Aguero


His epic ball distribution is something to behold though. Whenever he fires a hard ball with minimal airtime at the feet of someone in midfield, it gives give me a warm, cozy feeling inside.
This +infinity. Always in the right place to make an easy catch, couldn't do much 1v1 with Aguero & orgasmic distribution.

I want him to be the #1 keeper in all comps.


Chief Of Footballing Matters
This +infinity. Always in the right place to make an easy catch, couldn't do much 1v1 with Aguero & orgasmic distribution.

I want him to be the #1 keeper in all comps.

Even our biased English commentary team noted that. When we were passing the ball around the back in the first couple of minutes he started saying how surprising it was that our number 2 was in goal and what an intriguing selection it was. Then MAtS got the ball and hit a perfect long pass to the half way line in his super chilled style. Needless to say the commentator shut up for a second.

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