1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


Active member
Well..seems like a 3-2 for Naploli scenario, with us missing tons of chances to kill the tie...this shithead got it rolling for them.


Senior Member
Bravo collapsed not long after leaving you, so getting rid wasn't a mistake, just a different replacement was needed.

Doesnt matter that Bravo collapsed after leaving. Not like Mats was any better, he alone cost the club numerous trophies. 2019 CL would have been won if we had an average GK instead of this bum.


Senior Member
as i have said many many time, he always start and the reason of the collapse and the come back of the other team, worst player
for us for more than 4 years now, any any random keeper is better than him, how much is he earning :)


Senior Member
Remember when his defenders would say that he's not the biggest problem at the club? Lollll

This guy is the worst player at this club at the moment by lightyears.

Worst goalkeeper in FC Barcelona's history and the worst goalkeeper in the world today.

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