1 - Victor Valdes


New member
Valdes has always been a dodgy keeper. His good performances are the anomaly not the bad ones. The way I see it if he has a good performance great, but if he has a bad one its just typical Valdes. To give him his due though he did improve under Pep.

So much shit in this thread, but this one takes the cake... :lol:


Senior Member
From time to time???? Valdes does it all the time. He only doesnt do it when we're completely dominating a match and he has nothing to do. Most of the time all he does is look up into the heavens and cross himself when we score. I fucking hate it when they show that in the replays.

Yes, he makes mistakes. What a surprise. Remember the 05/06 season ? He was criticized all season long and then saved our asses in the CL-final with saving two close range shots by Henry.
You're exaggerating and you know it. Got some personal problem with him or something like that ? If you can't stand him that's fine, but please don't camouflage that as a serious assessment.

Bottom line he isnt good enough for Barca but since he's a Masia product we have stuck with him. If he was an outsider he would have been given his marching orders some time ago. His mistakes have cost us in quite a few matches. His distribution is ok but nothing another competent gk cant learn. Its not as if Valdes dribbles past 3 defenders and then makes a defence splitting pass. The problem is we'd get 12 million max for him. No other club rates him.

He isn't good enough for Barca ? Barca won a shitload of titles with and not only despite him. And of course being a Masia product always gives him the benefit of the doubt. Still, I can't see the problem with that. Homegrown players get preferential treatment not only at Barca and that's fine with me.

Also, I doesn't matter how much we'd get from other clubs for him. The benchmark is how good he is for us.

Have you ever heard any opposing manager say, "That Victor Valdes, He's brilliant!". Nope I havent too!

No, I haven't. But I also haven't heard managers going like: " look that Valdez over there, he is a complete dumbtard who can't save a single shot on target". Such assessments are BarcaForum exclusive.
And you're missing the point: It's next to impossible for a keeper stand out a Barca with the occasional two shots on our goal. If he saves them he's average and it's only due to the fact that the whole team is great and stuff like that, if he doesn't save them he's shit and worthless.
Reading posts in this forum is kinda strange: The best players according to some people here always play at another club and this scheme also appears here: Even keepers like Trapp and Baumann who haven't done shit on international level are hyped with no limits. Our keeper on the other hand, who was a part of 3 CL-victories is worthless and should be shipped out.


New member
Care to elaborate? Theres reasons that I think hes dodgy. For example a few years back he picked up a blatant pass back n got booked for it.

No, considering you believe bad mathces from VV is the norm show's just how far from reasoning you are. It would be pointless. Besides, read DennyCranes post above this one. It makes sense unlike yours, and the other blind haters posts here recently.


Senior Member
Yes, he makes mistakes. What a surprise. Remember the 05/06 season ? He was criticized all season long and then saved our asses in the CL-final with saving two close range shots by Henry.
You're exaggerating and you know it. Got some personal problem with him or something like that ? If you can't stand him that's fine, but please don't camouflage that as a serious assessment.

The only problem I have with Valdes is his keeping. Yes there have been occasions where he has kept well and made some crucial saves. Against Arsenal in the 06Final and against Chelsea in the 09 sf. However in that season he had loads of problems with corners and getting off his line and flapping at the ball. Bottom line there is ALWAYS some issue with his game. Whether it be poor distribution, concentration, positioning etc. He NEEDS competition to stay on his toes. With another keeper Barca would have been alot more solid at the back. I remember his agent trying to get some more money out of Barca before the 09-10 season. They ran a poll among Barca fans and a majority thought Valdes should fuck off. He and his agent quickly retracted their demands-lol. He is almost the Oleguer of this team. Granted not half as bad but somewhat similar.

He isn't good enough for Barca ? Barca won a shitload of titles with and not only despite him. And of course being a Masia product always gives him the benefit of the doubt. Still, I can't see the problem with that. Homegrown players get preferential treatment not only at Barca and that's fine with me.

Also, I doesn't matter how much we'd get from other clubs for him. The benchmark is how good he is for us.

No, I haven't. But I also haven't heard managers going like: " look that Valdez over there, he is a complete dumbtard who can't save a single shot on target". Such assessments are BarcaForum exclusive.
And you're missing the point: It's next to impossible for a keeper stand out a Barca with the occasional two shots on our goal. If he saves them he's average and it's only due to the fact that the whole team is great and stuff like that, if he doesn't save them he's shit and worthless.
Reading posts in this forum is kinda strange: The best players according to some people here always play at another club and this scheme also appears here: Even keepers like Trapp and Baumann who haven't done shit on international level are hyped with no limits. Our keeper on the other hand, who was a part of 3 CL-victories is worthless and should be shipped out.

The only problem I have with Valdes is his keeping. Yes there have been occasions where he has kept well and made some crucial saves. Against Arsenal in the 06Final and against Chelsea in the 09 sf. However in that season he had loads of problems with corners and getting off his line and flapping at the ball. Bottom line there is ALWAYS some issue with his game. Whether it be poor distribution, concentration, positioning etc. He NEEDS competition to stay on his toes. With another keeper Barca would have been alot more solid at the back. I remember his agent trying to get some more money out of Barca before the 09-10 season. They ran a poll among Barca fans and a majority thought Valdes should fuck off. He and his agent quickly retracted their demands-lol. He is almost the Oleguer of this team. Granted not half as bad but somewhat similar.


Junior Member
No, considering you believe bad mathces from VV is the norm show's just how far from reasoning you are. It would be pointless. Besides, read DennyCranes post above this one. It makes sense unlike yours, and the other blind haters posts here recently.
Im not a hater I just dont overrate Valdes. Hes a decent keeper who can have great performances at times but also has this dodgy aspect to him that hes prone to make stupid mistakes. Admittedly these have became less frequent/obvious and for the record when he concedes or we lose I dont soley blame him unless it was caused by him being dodgy and Im not calling for him to be sold or dropped either.


Junior Member
The only problem I have with Valdes is his keeping. Yes there have been occasions where he has kept well and made some crucial saves. Against Arsenal in the 06Final and against Chelsea in the 09 sf. However in that season he had loads of problems with corners and getting off his line and flapping at the ball. Bottom line there is ALWAYS some issue with his game. Whether it be poor distribution, concentration, positioning etc. He NEEDS competition to stay on his toes. With another keeper Barca would have been alot more solid at the back. I remember his agent trying to get some more money out of Barca before the 09-10 season. They ran a poll among Barca fans and a majority thought Valdes should fuck off. He and his agent quickly retracted their demands-lol. He is almost the Oleguer of this team. Granted not half as bad but somewhat similar.

completely agree here.


Senior Member
Some people will never learn. Its only when Valdes makes more silly mistakes that people will open their eyes. In 2 crucial matches against Chelsea and RM he was shit. Yeah our team was off colour then but THATS when a good gk comes to the fore and saves the team's ass. VV instead gave Chelsea 2 gifts. The goal at SB and the one he conceded against Ramires where he needlessly rushed off his line.


New member
The problem is that in recent times he's been making some crucial mistakes in big games and he needs to cut that out and improve his positioning. Valdes isn't bad most of the time but he needs to be better. I wouldn't put him among the top 5 GK's in the world.


New member
Some people will never learn. Its only when Valdes makes more silly mistakes that people will open their eyes. In 2 crucial matches against Chelsea and RM he was shit. Yeah our team was off colour then but THATS when a good gk comes to the fore and saves the team's ass. VV instead gave Chelsea 2 gifts. The goal at SB and the one he conceded against Ramires where he needlessly rushed off his line.

Going by that logic, one could easily say that a good goalscorer could've saved our asses that night. But alas, Messi failed, and will forever be mediocre.


Active member
To me Valdes Just need to stick to goal keeping rules and basics, and not to try and smart up, by that i mean, if a player
has a wide angel like ronaldo the other day, and van perse the goal keeper just need to hug the post and
make sure he is not beating near the post, if the attacker produce a stunning shot and beats u on the far
post then fine, good for that player, its simple just follow goal keeping rules and every thing will b fine.
And i know and every one knows that Valdes was important and helped us for our past achievements, but
that was the past, if he cant produce the saves any more then its time to move on and find another goal keeper
we cant live on the merit of what he has done for us on the past.
exactly what happened happened its in the past its now what are we critisizing him for,excuses like what he did before 6 years in the cl final arent the most stable yes he did that back then and we won the cl,can he make same things anymore?


Senior Member
He needs competiton-someone who will really push him for the first team position. At the moment he's happy to cruise and complacent.


New member
I think people are being too harsh on Valdes. I am neither a fan of valdes nor a hater but definitely he is a great GK. There is no GK in the world who is on GOD mode each and every match even for one season. Every one of them make mistakes otherwise we wouldn't see so much goals. GK are the most inconsistent footballers because they have the hardest tasks. It is true that valdes is going through a bad patch recently. But I think that might have to do more with his confidence than his capability. If you have observed the recent matches closely, he often looks confused and baffled on the occasion where he gets beaten. I remember watching a video and interview with valdes where he says that he never enjoyed goalkeeping before Pep became the coach. Every weekend he would be scared to go to the ground for a match. After Pep became the coach, he sat with valdes separately and inspired him to enjoy the football rather than being worried to save goals. And we all know how his form rose from 2008 onward. Somewhere I read in an interview that Pep was more vocal whereas Tito is more calm. All valdes needs is his confidence back and enjoy the game, we know how good he can be. It is a well known fact that being a GK takes a hard toll on the nerves. And having a makeshift defense is not helping him gain confidence either. Did anyone else see in the Sevilla match that how he got irritated and gave up rather than trying to save the goal when Someone (probably Alves) made a mess trying to defend against the striker ?


New member
Yes, he makes mistakes. What a surprise. Remember the 05/06 season ? He was criticized all season long and then saved our asses in the CL-final with saving two close range shots by Henry.
You're exaggerating and you know it. Got some personal problem with him or something like that ? If you can't stand him that's fine, but please don't camouflage that as a serious assessment.

He isn't good enough for Barca ? Barca won a shitload of titles with and not only despite him. And of course being a Masia product always gives him the benefit of the doubt. Still, I can't see the problem with that. Homegrown players get preferential treatment not only at Barca and that's fine with me.

Also, I doesn't matter how much we'd get from other clubs for him. The benchmark is how good he is for us.

No, I haven't. But I also haven't heard managers going like: " look that Valdez over there, he is a complete dumbtard who can't save a single shot on target". Such assessments are BarcaForum exclusive.

And you're missing the point: It's next to impossible for a keeper stand out a Barca with the occasional two shots on our goal. If he saves them he's average and it's only due to the fact that the whole team is great and stuff like that, if he doesn't save them he's shit and worthless.
Reading posts in this forum is kinda strange: The best players according to some people here always play at another club and this scheme also appears here: Even keepers like Trapp and Baumann who haven't done shit on international level are hyped with no limits. Our keeper on the other hand, who was a part of 3 CL-victories is worthless and should be shipped out.
actually it's not barcaforum exclusive.I'm pretty sure many neutral fans share the same opinion on him.


Cardenal de Catalunya
actually it's not barcaforum exclusive.I'm pretty sure many neutral fans share the same opinion on him.

That's actually utter bs. First of all, Spanish Barça fans think of him quite highly, despite of the odd mistake here and there. Yes, he has made more errors recently, but that should in no way take away of what he has achieved, what he has done, and what he will keep on doing for our team. He's not in any way more mistake prone than any other top keeper. Have you seen the howlers / blunders made / let in by Stekelenburg, Casillas, Neuer, Cech, Buffon & co?

Second, neutral fans are in no way different than the Barça fans on this forum. They have a divided opinion of him, which luckily leans more towards him being a solid, great and WC keeper. He has proven a lot of people wrong over the past years, and it shows. And this is only an observation I've taken discussing him with plenty of my mates living around the world who support their own distinctive teams.

The fact that our own fans can't seem to give him the credit he deserves is, frankly put, appalling. What's even worse, is that people seem to pull accusations out of thin air with no factual or empirical data to back up their non-existent theories. Skating on thin ice seems to be the trend this year.

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