1 - Victor Valdes


New member
does he have any offers from other clubs?Surely he wouldn't get out with this unless he has some back up plan,if not then it was a truly horrible move for him.


World Champion
Now in all seriousness. Still don't understand why he made it public NOW. He doesn't need to wait until the end of the season if he doesn't want to but at least he could have waited 1 more week. We have the most important game of the season coming up against Malaga where we will have to overturn a shitty first leg result or we will lose a potential trophy and he comes out with it NOW, causing turmoil in and around the dressing room? Furthermore obviously every single goal he concedes will be overanalysed by the press now. This can quickly turn into a circus for the rest of the season. He makes a mistake -> press crucifies him -> teammates have to publicly defend him -> pressure is on him even more -> makes another mistake -> press crucifies him even more -> fans turn against him -> his confidence plummets. He's basically put in a transfer request in the middle of the season. We've given away a prime Eto'o who has performed to his very best and didn't want to leave despite Pep wanting him out from the beginning. What's the reason for a Catalan cantanero who is one of the team's captains to behave like this?


New member
Sid Lowe weighing in on the Valdes news

Nice read.
The 'cule' press is g disgrace to journalism and for the club. They accuse Valdes of only thinking at himself and then they say that the fans should whistle him, like this would help the team or the club. The famous 'entorno' of which Cruyff talked is still very much alive and not even the last 10 years made them understand that the club is not theirs, Laporta's or Rosell's. Valdes will mean for us more than Sport or Mundo Sandritivo ever would and Casanova,Vehills&Nolla should be closed in a dark room with Mourinho.


The Culest
If he theoretically did fcuk up our chance to reach the CL final... that of course means he cost us the final!!

If north korea went out in the first round of the world cup due to somebody's mistake the does it mean that player cost them the final(as he fked up their "theoretical" chance of reaching the final)?


If north korea went out in the first round of the world cup due to somebody's mistake the does it mean that player cost them the final(as he fked up their "theoretical" chance of reaching the final)?

No it means that player cost them their lives.


Senior Member
The problem I have with him leaving is the timing of the announcement and how it was announced. He should have made it known to the club first and waited until the summer for the club to announce it and not his agent through the press, he has put a bad taste in the mouth of the fans even those who have supported him through think and thin.


Neuer was the one who stepped up for the penalties in the final last year, ahead of the club veterans and he delivered. What a beast


Well-known member
That was badass, Robben refusing cause of his choking earlier and Neuer stepping up to the plate getting Bayern to the final.


Mike the Knife
Nice read.
The 'cule' press is g disgrace to journalism and for the club. They accuse Valdes of only thinking at himself and then they say that the fans should whistle him, like this would help the team or the club. The famous 'entorno' of which Cruyff talked is still very much alive and not even the last 10 years made them understand that the club is not theirs, Laporta's or Rosell's. Valdes will mean for us more than Sport or Mundo Sandritivo ever would and Casanova,Vehills&Nolla should be closed in a dark room with Mourinho.

There's some truth to what Sid wrote but he conveniently sidestepped or minimized some other issues that helped the theme of this piece

1. Victor's agent and negotiating for Casillas money.

2. The tit for tat played out in the media ahead of this announcement which reflects there was more going on than a feeling to test out new cultures/leagues etc.

3. Barcelona is arguably the greatest club in the world, perhaps of all time, and have been experiencing an unprecedented era of hegemony with VV assured of his place in that legacy - leaving when there is no signs of a letdown reflects abandonment since any change would be a step down in sporting terms.

4. The timing is not only more than just poor but ill advised as even the club had wished to jointly announce it at the END of the season so as not to serve as a distraction - how much of a distraction does this make it now eh?

5. And by 'honorably' refusing to even enter into negotiations, Victor & his agent are effectively taking a heavy handed approach to pushing a transfer before 2014 since no player (Particularly a cantera one) is kept at the club who wants to leave - no dead men walking at FC Barcelona.

Not a very balanced or insightful take from Sid, IMO...Just seemed like an opportunity to slam the club which is reminiscent of journalists like Skip Bayless who simply look for angles to exploit/attack rather than report


New member
I don't mind Valdes leaving, but I do mind it going public NOW. Pep knew since the beginning of the 11/12 season he wasn't going to extend his contract, the club administration was told as well, yet they decided to wait until all important competitions were over to go public with it. That's the way grown-ups do it.

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