It's hard to cope with the ignorance in this thread. Guys the fucking millions make no fucking difference, no difference at all. Mostly when I hear people speaking "If I had those millions...", I usually end up not listening to the bullshit that comes afterwards. Most people also think about "spending a million" when they say "having a million" which is indeed a great difference. I don't even know if it is easier for somebody to quit his job when earning millions compared to somebody that earns 5€ maximum an hour. Statistically speaking, those underskilled, almost nonpaying jobs have super high fluctuations, jobs that pay millions do not in comparison!
VV cannot just quit, it takes a lot of balls to quit something that you have done for your entire life, even if you have millions. Most people here will know, even if they hated their jobs, quitting is something that is pretty hard. The comparisons with Damaskus are utter nonsense, not to say bullshit. Damaskus is a warzone, why would anybody compare their wellbeing with a city that is destroyed by the ongoing war? These are extreme situations... Nobody denies any wars, hunger, famines or poverty, but it's just no comparison, it is polemics at best!
You just dont get it, people keep acting like he has the right to be depressed and say whatever he wants,which is true but you need to understand that its considered a dick move to say in his poisition. I got many more analogies other than Damascus by the way
- Brad Pitt telling some nerd who cant get laid how sleeping with prime Angelina Jolie gets tiresome after a while and he would like to be ignored by hot women for a change.
- Some guy complaining about his marriage feeling like a prison to a guy in solitary confinement
- a millionaire complaining about having to clean his Lamborghini and dreaming about public transport to a guy who can barely afford the bus ticket to slave away at work.
- A healthy person complaining about life to people dying of cancer
- A guy livinf it up in miami complaining about too much sun against some Finns.
Also pictures if that makes it easier to understand:
Also got some fight club/ south park, Saw/ American Beauty references if you want to

etc. etc.
In all seriousness though, I cant understand people defending this just by saying " hey rich people can get depressed too / footballers are not robots/ Maslow!"
Its all logical but you can see why its annoying to say in his position especially since he can change it tomorrow. Its not at all similair for most normal people, you dont have similair freedom like Valdes when you quit your job (unless you are some teen living with his parents), there would be serious consequenses.
All in all I think I could accept Valdes comments if he realizes how extremely blessed he and his family are. Take everything away from him for a few months and he would be begging to go back to his previous life.
You only appreciate things when they are gone or when you almost lose them still holds truth for a lot of people. Valdes should man up and quit and chase happiness, any person should when in an opportunity to do so.
I dont know, maybe I just lack empathy but privileged people complaining or people in general crying over what in my eyes are ridiculous things just makes my blood boil. Same with athletes and famous people who really believe god is helping them ( while letting others die and suffer) for example.
Guess its best to agree to disagree though since its obvious there is no good outcome to this discussion where everyone agrees.