The servant
I really miss Dalitis 
But seriously I think part of the problems we seem to have is not really talking about the thing most of us originally wanted when we joined the forum.Talking about Barcelona,now even though this whole situation started because HBA posted a story about Batra and Messi we very quickly sidetracked into talking about the forum being lacklustre in recent times.Thing is though,last season during matches we had with other teams in the CL (and Real Madrid) I ended up looking at their forums and have come to realise that out of most clubs Barcelona as one of the best forums on the internet at the moment because of people trying to get involved in a conversation,whether that be making a joke about Neymar being GOAT or just praising everyone who agrees slightly to what we have to say (things I saw in the forum long ago) and even though they have been overused haven't they at least gotten people started?I remember when Puyol the Wall first joined he kind of struggled getting his opinion out there and now I personally see him as a respectable poster on this forum that by the looks of things has started to be taken for granted.
I might have also been a been of a hypocrite by posting about this on a thread about Messi though now that I think about it

But seriously I think part of the problems we seem to have is not really talking about the thing most of us originally wanted when we joined the forum.Talking about Barcelona,now even though this whole situation started because HBA posted a story about Batra and Messi we very quickly sidetracked into talking about the forum being lacklustre in recent times.Thing is though,last season during matches we had with other teams in the CL (and Real Madrid) I ended up looking at their forums and have come to realise that out of most clubs Barcelona as one of the best forums on the internet at the moment because of people trying to get involved in a conversation,whether that be making a joke about Neymar being GOAT or just praising everyone who agrees slightly to what we have to say (things I saw in the forum long ago) and even though they have been overused haven't they at least gotten people started?I remember when Puyol the Wall first joined he kind of struggled getting his opinion out there and now I personally see him as a respectable poster on this forum that by the looks of things has started to be taken for granted.
I might have also been a been of a hypocrite by posting about this on a thread about Messi though now that I think about it