10 - Lionel Messi - v2

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New member
Eh, it's Punto Pelota.

and whats about this

En esta ocasión, como ya ha pasado en otros partidos, la parroquia blanca (una sector del Bernabéu) se dedicó a insultar a Leo Messi gritándole "Messi subnormal", algo que se ha convertido en tradición incluso cuando el Real Madrid juega contra otro equipo. Una afición que demuestra no soportar la existencia del mejor jugador del mundo vistiendo la camiseta del eterno rival.

Sin duda, las anécdotas tristes del partido que contradicen el mal llamado señorío del que tanto alardean en el club de la capital.


and whats about this

En esta ocasión, como ya ha pasado en otros partidos, la parroquia blanca (una sector del Bernabéu) se dedicó a insultar a Leo Messi gritándole "Messi subnormal", algo que se ha convertido en tradición incluso cuando el Real Madrid juega contra otro equipo. Una afición que demuestra no soportar la existencia del mejor jugador del mundo vistiendo la camiseta del eterno rival.

Sin duda, las anécdotas tristes del partido que contradicen el mal llamado señorío del que tanto alardean en el club de la capital.

Madrid fans chanted "Messi subnormal" to Messi. They do that in every match rm plays, with Barça or not. Typical classy behaviour from rm fans.


Well-known member
They use chants to insult Messi even when he isnt there?
I have heard the chants against Barca often but never against Messi when Barca isnt there.
If true its quite pathetic


The Messiah
Ahaha there's no question of a parking lot bust up, simply because the away players travel by team bus together and there are always cameras watching them getting off before the match and getting back on while leaving.
Messi was probably our best player last night, aside from our defense. Of course, that isn't saying much, but he did get an assist and create some nice chances. Still though, this was definitely an off-game for him. IMO, that's what it was, not RM defending so well (though Varane did have a great game). No need to put him in a different position in the Clasicos, just sub Villa on in the second half, especially if things aren't working out.
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Active member
I've watched the whole match again today ...the way the Real players treated Messi last night was disgusting.
Credit to Leo for not punching Arbeloa and Alonso in the face.

slim boogy

New member
Heard he refused to shake hands with alonso. If so I'm glad. Alonso is so scummy. Xavi, iniesta and co should have a word with alonso and remind him why he has two European championships and a world cup


New member
We all know that's the only way Real can stop Messi, by getting under his skin.

It's a deplorable tactic but one that has been used for many years in football or any sport. A few nicks here, a slap on the face there, anything to get the edge on someone far better than you.


The Culest
We all know that's the only way Real can stop Messi, by getting under his skin.

It's a deplorable tactic but one that has been used for many years in football or any sport. A few nicks here, a slap on the face there, anything to get the edge on someone far better than you.

That maybe wrong but the best players don't let that affect them as their mental resolve is too strong to get rattled

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Heard he refused to shake hands with alonso. If so I'm glad. Alonso is so scummy. Xavi, iniesta and co should have a word with alonso and remind him why he has two European championships and a world cup
yup. when alonso finally got carded he attempted to help messi off his feet. messi saw this and spun around the other way, giving alonso his back and walking away leaving him hanging. alonso used to be a cool guy too. he definitely is one of the one's who bought into the mourinho ideologies.


New member
What happened with messi yesterday was due to a complete failure of the wings, He receives the ball and there simply is no one on the wings to pass the ball to and all he can do is either pass it back or try to hold on onto the ball until someone decides to fill that ridiculous vacant space on the wings, And by that time the other RM players already retreated and a defensive formation was reestablished
In the few occasions that he tried to penetrate the defense by himself as soon he receives the ball he ended up failing, And who blames him he's not superman....Well at least not on that day, To be fair he could have in one occasion if it wasn't for carvalho's hand ball.
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New member
Marca picked up the moment where arbeloa made an off ball offense against messi


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