10 - Lionel Messi - v2

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King Leo

I hope Leo is practicing his free-kicks like no tomorrow, they can come very handy in the summer. A couple of fouls, a couple of free-kick goals and there you have it: Eternal Glory! :hooray:


Best midfielder around
That "Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout" video have got 55 million views in only 4 days. Insane.


Active member
if this is last injury messi will have until the World Cup I can see him at the absolute peak of his genius at WC, he has the right age for that


New member
I see no reason why he won't be back and able to maintain peak physical condition for half a season. I just hope that they're taking more care this time, not rushing to any deadline (i.e. Atleti).


New member
^^ Their not rushing back, Leo has been out for almost 2 months now and will probably be out for a few more weeks if he doesn't feel 100%, but I don't see why he can't be 100% percent physically after those two months anyway.

Now, I'm gonna say the unlikely scenario, I know you guys will hate me for this but, what if its an injury he can't shake and gets another injury similar to ones his been getting? If that were to happen, which is highly unlikely because this time around he has taken care his body well, should we start worrying? I would certainly fear for his career if that were to happen, it doesn't take big injuries like not being able to even walk off the pitch to kill his flow of the game, but these mini injuries are enough, I think, to make him lose passion for the game.

God, please don't let this happen


Senior Member
I reckon this injury was nowhere near bad enough for 10 weeks off but the club and the player have taken the decision he could take the time off to rest and be in peak condition for CL latter stages and WC.

Nothing to back that up though.
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