10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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New member
He'd have had a hat-trick but for a bogus offside and a missed penalty call from his run. Despite having to create everything for himself as he was getting fuck all service in the box and heavily marked.


New member
For the good of the team, if Messi scores 2 goals before the 70th min, I would like him to get subbed. It's really a shame that our 3 forwards have some temperament. But Ican understand that Messi wans to prove again that he is the best, and Ronaldo is simply ridiculous and annoying.

It would also be nice to see Messi playing at the centre again since Suarez has shown incredibly poor passing these last weeks.


New member
Effective maybe, but not nearly as energetic and pacy.

There is no way messi today can play like that every single game, he can be as energetic if he wants to, but he's pacing himself in every game, and the team heavily dependent on him. Its about using energy wisely. Barca back then wasnt dependent on Messi and I believe he didnt even play all the time like now. So it only make sense that he could go all out on games he could play back then.


Man we miss this messi. So energetic and wild.
True, very true. Been thinking about it a few days ago and it really hit me to an extent that I had to download the Arsenal 2010 game where he scored 4 goals and I watched the whole thing. And then I watched the Almeria game and I thought, shit, everything comes to an end. :(


Senior Member
Effective maybe, but not nearly as energetic and pacy.

Before anyone jumps, Messi is the best player in the world, but he is playing differently today.
Most of attackers are faster when teenagers and in their early twenties.

Later 99% of players lose their speed, acceleration, first step, they turn a milisecond slower etc.

Messi today plays more with "brains" and with his huge routine.
And he relies much less on his insane pace which he had as a teenager.

For example, whenever I watch some really old Messi's videos, I always think: "Oh, I haven't seen that pace or that turn in the last few years".
(Again, this is not attack on Messi. That is just nature, people get slightly slower and "heavier" as they age."

Some vidoes of young, insanely fast Messi:



Before anyone jumps, Messi is the best player in the world, but he is playing differently today.
Most of attackers are faster when teenagers and in their early twenties.

Later 99% of players lose their speed, acceleration, first step, they turn a milisecond slower etc.

Messi today plays more with "brains" and with his huge routine.
And he relies much less on his insane pace which he had as a teenager.

For example, whenever I watch some really old Messi's videos, I always think: "Oh, I haven't seen that pace or that turn in the last few years".
(Again, this is not attack on Messi. That is just nature, people get slightly slower and "heavier" as they age."
Good post but you stated the obvious. I'd like to go back in time just to watch 22 year old Messi again.


New member
I guess it is not only about pace.

Current Messi SEEMS to be less effective on his dribbles, even the low speed ones.

He SEEMS to lose more balls than in the past, even when playing good.

Maybe the opponents finally learned something about him, after so many years of pure humiliation.

Maybe the age is doing its part.

Or maybe both, I don't know.

But the incredible thing is: he still is the best player of the world, which says a lot about how supernatural old Messi was.


New member
I guess it is not only about pace.

Current Messi SEEMS to be less effective on his dribbles, even the low speed ones.

He SEEMS to lose more balls than in the past, even when playing good.

Maybe the opponents finally learned something about him, after so many years of pure humiliation.

Maybe the age is doing its part.

Or maybe both, I don't know.

But the incredible thing is: he still is the best player of the world, which says a lot about how supernatural old Messi was.


Messi is better than ever now.. look at his dribbling against city and atletico! did you forget these games already?

just because he lost many balls against almeria after an injury means nothing..


Well-known member
I dont think he is a lesser player than before, just slightly different. You could argue this is the best version of Messi ever.


New member
When Messi has a good match now a days, he's better than ever before in my opinion. He has just added so much to his game that the amount of influence he can have on a match is... well, unmatched.

He isn't as quick as 7 years ago, but his passing, reading of the game, vision and knowing when to change pace and dictate tempo, among many other things, has improved so much to weigh up for it. Which is great because it means he can have a very long career while still being as influential as he is now. If he decided to become a CM tomorrow, he'd be the best in the world at that position as well.
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