10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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Senior Member
He sounded annoyed and showed his true feelings. He wasn't being smart, infact he was being the opposite of smart. He wasn't naive or taken out of context, he was just dumb and acting self-important.

He did sound annoyed. Perhaps annoyed at Messi getting a new contract? Perhaps annoyed at getting asked about it constantly six months after the issue was put to bed?

Whatever reason he answered it in a bad way and should have protected Messi better.

You are taking the word 'smart' wrong as well. Doesnt mean intelligent always in English.


He did sound annoyed. Perhaps annoyed at Messi getting a new contract? Perhaps annoyed at getting asked about it constantly six months after the issue was put to bed?

Whatever reason he answered it in a bad way and should have protected Messi better.
That's the problem. He didn't seem to want to protect Messi. Which is weird and worrying.


San Claudio Bravo
He did sound annoyed. Perhaps annoyed at Messi getting a new contract? Perhaps annoyed at getting asked about it constantly six months after the issue was put to bed?

Whatever reason he answered it in a bad way and should have protected Messi better.

You are taking the word 'smart' wrong as well. Doesnt mean intelligent always in English.

I think you meant he was trying to be a "smartass." Thing is, he came out sounding like a fool.

To quote one of my favorite movies, Tropic Thunder:

"To be a moron, to be moronical, an imbecile, like the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived" "went full retard.... Never go full retard"


Senior Member
That's the problem. He didn't seem to want to protect Messi. Which is weird and worrying.

Yeah I agree with that 100% and if Messi wants to make a bigger issue of it the guy should be shown the door.

I just cant see any reason for him setting out to upset Messi, he CANNOT win that battle and neither can the board.

Looks like he got pissed off about the question and answered it in a ridiculous and arrogant way which someone in his position should have a cooler more calculated head than that.

I think he was naive in that his arrogance towards the journalists and their obsession with Messi made him speak out in a way he never should have and didnt come across well.


Senior Member
I think you meant he was trying to be a "smartass." Thing is, he came out sounding like a fool.

To quote one of my favorite movies, Tropic Thunder:

"To be a moron, to be moronical, an imbecile, like the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived" "went full retard.... Never go full retard"

Yeah 'smartass' would be close but we never use that word.

I think he was being smart and angry towards the journalists and missed the ball on protecting Messi.


Active member
And you get all this from where?

You should read Swiss Ramble and see who's accounting was truthfull..but I guess it's very believable that a club who can't afford to make black&white photocopies one year, is capable of spending between 600M-1200M euros for a new stadium the next. And if you're comparing the football side, you should also compare the state in which these 2 found the club when they came. Not to mention that we will also see in which state the team is left when Rosell is no longer president and if that team can win the CL in the first year of the next president.

No one can know if Faus just made this up, but my bet is the Messi camp did let the board know they wanted yet more changes. Not formally demanding renogiation, but letting it be known they wanted changes.

I read the financial statements prepared under Laporta, and the analysis of why they had to be corrected. As far as football goes, I'm just a crackpot fan like everyone else on this forum, I can't claim to always be the voice of truth and wisdom (but usually). But I am a CPA, I can smell deceptive accounting.

If Rosell has outstayed his welcome, so be it, but turning back to Laporta would be irresponsible.


New member
messi isnt all that right either. i mean WTF his he on? why is he talking about board directors like that? if this was ribery or ronaldo people would call them arrogant , idoits and fools. i think the same should be said of messi. the guy said he isnt going to get a renewal and provided a good reason... then messi comes out and makes this all of a big deal.

i am disappointed in messi tbh.


Wild Man of Borneo
Messi just said neither he nor any of his people ever ask for a renewal of his contract. Faus' comments were needless, unwarranted and inflammatory. Messi has been getting undeservedly killed by the press, and the last thing he needs is someone who is supposed to be on his side, needless and foolishly throwing more fuel for the bashing fire.

He had every right to snap and go at this fool.

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

The only hope I have for this is that Rosell himself is not dumb enough to worsen this. While he may not be a good president, he certainly knows politics well enough to realize that the only resolution is to give full backing to Messi because he is the victim of this and our most prized asset.


Active member
New bad PR for Messi, I saw this story in totalbarca.com.

Money Laundering: Leo Messi and father in court again


I don't want to even think about who is right, who is wrong, I just want my hero to be able to focus on his football. His advisors and his team need to protect him better. I feel so sad that he is not only injured but is in all this off the field turmoil. His father has to be replaced as his manager by a real professional, and FC Barca can never, ever say anything even remotely critical about him, no matter what.


New member
More mess.


Messi really needs to be more cognizant of his dealings which might effect his reputation and provide unnecessary distractions to his game.
Not his fault everyone is taking shots at him, even his own club for godsake

What needs to happen, is for Leo to come back and amaze the world once again, looks like people have forgotten that and instead taking shots at him is the popular thing now.


New member
There's no need to worry about Messi leaving the club. He worded what he said very carefully. By saying that Barcelona is the best club in the world and deserves the best board he's clearly expressing his loyalty to the club itself. He was referring to one single board member but he's clearly taking a swipe at the whole Rosell administration. It's obvious that many of the players aren't happy with them and Messi had the balls to speak up and confirm the suspicions that a lot of Barca fans have about this administration. He has pretty much guaranteed that Rosell wont get re-elected.
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