Red card all day, any day. Doesn't even want to play the ball, only intention is to stop Messi from playing. This is simply where the game of football stops. I would be embarrassed.
Red card all day, any day. Doesn't even want to play the ball, only intention is to stop Messi from playing. This is simply where the game of football stops. I would be embarrassed.
Where is the hattrick you and DonAK predicted?
Like I said, every singe time.
A few years ago I would have scourged anyone who said displace Messi from the CF or "false 9" position we currently play him at. After last year, and this year although he's been mostly injured, I have changed my way of thinking much like Barca is now required to. For quite a few seasons now Barca has been a one man wont do anymore because teams have figured out how to defend Messi and during so have figured out how to defend Barca. The fact is, Messi is as deadly in the midfield or wing as he is in the CF/false 9. Teams will continue to defend us with 10 men and 5 man teaming Messi. Pedro and Alexis arent good enough to draw attention from him, period. Neymar in less than half a season has proved that. Barca neeeds something new, something fresh and that isnt a target man or pure 9 finisher. It is an all arond deadly, hard working player like Eto'o was and Suarez is. Who the other options are now I'm not interested in....recognizing the problem first and foremost is. Our defense is lackluster....our midfield gem is aging and has been declining, not just now but for a few years now. However, our midfield has been good enough imo, our defense not so much...although only occassionally called upon.
Our mentality needs to change. Messi is amazing, but teams have figured out how to nullify him. Teams choke down their pride now and just 5 team Messi and park the bus now. Man United was the last team to come at us due to pride and we made an example of them (other than Bayern...but Messi wasn't there and we were injured).
Things need to change. Tiki taka was a dream, one that worked because Messi was superhuman. Nullify Messi and you nullify Barcelona. Think otherwise and you are a dreamer.
A few years ago I would have scourged anyone who said displace Messi from the CF or "false 9" position we currently play him at. After last year, and this year although he's been mostly injured, I have changed my way of thinking much like Barca is now required to. For quite a few seasons now Barca has been a one man wont do anymore because teams have figured out how to defend Messi and during so have figured out how to defend Barca. The fact is, Messi is as deadly in the midfield or wing as he is in the CF/false 9. Teams will continue to defend us with 10 men and 5 man teaming Messi. Pedro and Alexis arent good enough to draw attention from him, period. Neymar in less than half a season has proved that. Barca neeeds something new, something fresh and that isnt a target man or pure 9 finisher. It is an all arond deadly, hard working player like Eto'o was and Suarez is. Who the other options are now I'm not interested in....recognizing the problem first and foremost is. Our defense is lackluster....our midfield gem is aging and has been declining, not just now but for a few years now. However, our midfield has been good enough imo, our defense not so much...although only occassionally called upon.
Our mentality needs to change. Messi is amazing, but teams have figured out how to nullify him. Teams choke down their pride now and just 5 team Messi and park the bus now. Man United was the last team to come at us due to pride and we made an example of them (other than Bayern...but Messi wasn't there and we were injured).
Things need to change. Tiki taka was a dream, one that worked because Messi was superhuman. Nullify Messi and you nullify Barcelona. Think otherwise and you are a dreamer.
Has to be a red card, IMHO...Right in front of the blind ref as well