10 - Lionel Messi - v4

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RMU ReBorn

New member
Some of you care to much about what random people on twitter or forums are saying.
Majority of them are Ronaldo fan girl's and Madrid fag's. Doesn't deserves any attention. Their beloved manager did the same back in 2004 and it was hailed as a heroic attempt only to loose his cool and headbutt opponent 2 years later


New member
well, he is back cuz Higuain won't be included in the WCQ team.

The list is out, Messi and Dybala were included in the team but not Higuain!

Is this true? Really true?
If so, then:


No more that fucking obese choker between my balls!! EUREKA!
They should make this a permanent decision, otherwise Argentina will never, EVER win anything as their MAIN STRIKER will continue to fucking choke goals in the finals left and right.
No more Higuain in the national team, no more fucking Aguero and fucking Di Maria and Argentina maybe will stand a chance of winning something.
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Active member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Leo Messi on Instagram: "First steps for Matu" ❤️❤️❤️ <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Messi?src=hash">#Messi</a> <a href="https://t.co/KGDj7Wza7m">pic.twitter.com/KGDj7Wza7m</a></p>— AHMED THE CULÉ. (@MessiCuIe) <a href="https://twitter.com/MessiCuIe/status/764497538447773698">August 13, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]

cuteness overload :wub:
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Senior Member
Glad he's walking, but the next video better be of him dribbling a ball past 5-6 toddlers and then slotting it in the net.

RMU ReBorn

New member
Looking at the reaction's of some retard's in other forum's make's me realize how heartbreaking it would have been to get humiliated by Messi in two final's with in three year's :lol:


New member
Really don't get all the fuss, and a bit of perspective needed here.

Putting myself in Leo's shoes here - three years, three major international finals, three losses, two on penalties, one in extra time. The pressure he's under to emulate Maradona and the talent they have with nothing to show for it, hence his comment after the game.

Reaching a final is a rarity in itself, for example England haven't even been in one since we won the WC in 1966, over 50 years ago, so to reach that stage three times in as many years and lose in heartbreaking circumstances, i'm giving him the benfit of doubt.

Had he said 'Fuck this i've had enough' after Germany 2014, maybe the critisim would be fair, but not when you've lost three in three and your country haven't won anything for over 20 years.


New member
Really don't get all the fuss, and a bit of perspective needed here.

Putting myself in Leo's shoes here - three years, three major international finals, three losses, two on penalties, one in extra time. The pressure he's under to emulate Maradona and the talent they have with nothing to show for it, hence his comment after the game.

Reaching a final is a rarity in itself, for example England haven't even been in one since we won the WC in 1966, over 50 years ago, so to reach that stage three times in as many years and lose in heartbreaking circumstances, i'm giving him the benfit of doubt.

Had he said 'Fuck this i've had enough' after Germany 2014, maybe the critisim would be fair, but not when you've lost three in three and your country haven't won anything for over 20 years.

Add to that a dumb fat striker missing winning goals he himself served in a plate.

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