11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
Neymar has lumps kicked out of him every game, and rather than retaliating physically or verbally, he retaliates with the ball. I love it.

I don't care what anyone says, opposition players and fans (and, unbelievably, some of our fans!) hate Neymar because they are jealous. He's young, playing for the best team in the world, captain for his country, he's incredibly talented, he's on his way to winning a Ballon d'or one day, girls seem to love him, he has the flashy haircuts and the celebrity lifestyle/instagram followers etc. He's young with the world at his feet.

They have this perception of him without knowing him, I can see why he may come across as arrogant but he definitely isn't. Just look at how much of a team player he is, how he always comes out and praises his teammates (especially Messi) and how he has accepted his role as a support player to Messi, despite always being the star back home in his native Brazil. 'He won't be able to play with Messi' they said, 'too skinny' they said, 'overrated' they said, 'not as good as Bale' they said, 'a youtube player' they said, 'the next Robinho' they said.

Keep proving them wrong, Ney. We're lucky to have you.


New member
Attitude? What attitude? He didn't dive not even once during the game. He has the right to try to dribble his man any way he sees fit. That's not provocation, and is absurd to call it that. If anything, his attitude was great because he chose not to respond to the true provocation that occured and that was started by Athletic's players, who tried to hit him several times. If you don't like Neymr fine, but a dribble can't be a provocation. Frustrated people see it as a provocation, sure, but that doesn't mean IT IS a provocation.

Are you trolling? Seriously, though, I hope you are trolling because I can't honestly understand how any of this is a reply to what I've said. You seem to be completely ignoring what you quote and just go on with what you were previously saying.

For the billionth time, the provocation I'm speaking of has nothing to do with his playing, but his attitude. He's a known hothead who doesn't shy away from stirring up conflict on the pitch.


People need to stop being over-sensitive about everything these days. At this rate we'll soon be debating about putting a ban on scoring goals because its "disrespectful" towards the keeper. This is professional football, not a kiddie tea-party attended by children in bright summer frocks and baking cookies in tree houses with rainbows and unicorns.

This incident is no more disrespectful than the countless tricks done by past footballing greats to their opponents. It was just a bunch of butthurt Bilbao players looking for any small reason to start a fight because they knew they look like idiots either way.


Next thing we know players have to start apologizing when they score a goal off the post. Absolutely bonkers that a player gets abuse from half a team because he did a rainbow flick.
The only things that were wrong was the fact that the ref didn't whistle the most obvious of fouls and completely ignored a player getting abused by 6 guys at the same time.


Senior Member
I think a big element of Barca this season is that they have NOT tried to be the humble, choir boy side of the past.

The likes of Suarez and Neymar have brought a bit more of the arrogance and 'attitude' to the team and defenders dont like it.

Carry on as you are Neymar.


Senior Member
Are you trolling? Seriously, though, I hope you are trolling because I can't honestly understand how any of this is a reply to what I've said. You seem to be completely ignoring what you quote and just go on with what you were previously saying.

For the billionth time, the provocation I'm speaking of has nothing to do with his playing, but his attitude. He's a known hothead who doesn't shy away from stirring up conflict on the pitch.

What? You said his attitude was the problem not his dribbling. What other element showed his attitude in that play or in that game? He dribbled a man, was fouled, and Athletic's players went balistic. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED.

Keep it to this game please. Are you telling me we should fault him for having a bad attitude even when it's not the case? That's stupid. When he does a stupid thing, I criticize him the same way I do with everyone, when he doesn't, he must be defended. In this case he didn't do anything wrong.


New member
Are you trolling? Seriously, though, I hope you are trolling because I can't honestly understand how any of this is a reply to what I've said. You seem to be completely ignoring what you quote and just go on with what you were previously saying.

For the billionth time, the provocation I'm speaking of has nothing to do with his playing, but his attitude. He's a known hothead who doesn't shy away from stirring up conflict on the pitch.

A hothead? The opposition players were shouting in his face while he was on the floor and he didn't react.


New member
There we have a great game, Messi scored golazo, but we are still discussing stupid, not overreaction, but reaction in general from Bilbao players. What they did is stupid and should have ended with at least two YC for them.


Senior Member
@ BBZ8800
so once lebeled player, always lebeled player? Neymar changed a lot since he is in Barcelona. he s awesome player, awesome techincs, he will probably be the best player in the world after Messi will retire ( Kiki as well), we should protect our Kid now for future generation. i loved how whole team did protect him, Xavi first as captain.
its normal if oponents supporter hate him for that, but seeing Cules debate of that is kinda crazy.
Neymar is playing football for people, people should apploud him. wish such moves would be more often in today football.

I don't see what "he will be the best player in the world" point has with someone's attitude.
For example, Suarez is an awesome player, but his biting of opponents is idiotic.

Those are two separate things.
Should we excuse him because he is an awesome player?

I am not sure how much Neymar changed in attitude since arriving to Barca.
He improved as a player, but he is still fighting with opponents and provoking them (not ONLY with dribbles) quiet often.

Would you really "punch him so hard" for doing this? That's, to me, completely insane. Suffering violence for doing a legit drible?

Sorry, mate, I quoted your post because I needed someone's post to write something.
I wouldn't punch Ney about yesterday's dribble.
About that dribble, I can understand why opponents are angry, again, because of "accumulated" sins from Ney over the last couple of Months.

I wouldn't punch him because of that.

I would punch him because of that kiss to Uruguayan player.
That is just completely idiotic and deserves a few slaps in the face.

One more time, try to imagine sir Puyol doing something like that.
Well, you can't, because he is a sir Puyol. If you get my point.

This is why players rarely jumped on Puyol...
And they always jump on Ney.
It is not that simple. Every story has two sides.
We need to look at the whole context of Ney vs all opponents.


Senior Member
But "provocation" in form of doing ball-tricks in no way justifies getting violent, and this is where their "argument" completely collapses. It's not like he flicked the ball in the air, turned around and flipped off the player as he ran past him... That would be provocation outside the legitimate boundaries of the sport. The trick alone was not.

Furthermore, I didn't see any provocation from him towards any Athletic players yesterday, unless of course you count that trick as offensive. Which they did, and that's the problem. The funny thing is that yet again, Neymar was the one getting kicked in the heels and being fouled all evening, which seems to have become a more and more acceptable thing by each passing month in Spain. Gabi and the Atletico players started this narrative of labeling him as a respectless brat who can justifiably be treated more violently than others - just look at our most recent game against Atletico, it happened there as well, and that time Messi intervened. It's completely unacceptable.

They didn't kick him because of the trick, guys. Come on.

For example, if Messi did the same TRICK in the same minute, no one would kick Messi.
They would maybe foul him and that's it. But they wouldn't argue with him.

People kicked him because he is Neymar.
Some of the hate is deserved, some is not.
But he helped a lot with 100s of his random actions/attitudes/gestures to earn this amount of hate.

He is becoming our Mourinho or our Muller.
Bayern's fans don't think that Muller is doing anything wrong on the field, or with his attitude, gestures etc.
90% of other football fans would kick Muller in the face, isn't it?

Well now, we should just switch the sides and then we will understand why so many opponents and fans are pissed off with Neymar.

And before people say again: they hate him because he is sooo good.
1. do you hate Mourinho because he is good or because he is annoying and did 100s of stupid things?
2. do you hate Muller because he is soooo good and we are jealous of him, or because he is just annoying as hell?
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Take it easy lads. If Rooney had done it, the whole EPL fanbase would be bowing down to him.
The European leagues are filled with players from Brazil, and with so many people from there, the culture comes with them. No point in arguing if it's disrespectful or not - to some it is and to some it isn't.
I remember someone being angry at Pique for backheeling infront of him... heat of the moment, of course getting served or seeing your teammate getting served is a bad thing to see but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. It's part of the spectacle.


President of FC Barcelona
I hope we sell Neymar and bitey and replace these two disrespectful players with two choir boys who can pass the ball backwards.

Atleast no one would hate us then!

Douglas seem like a good guy. Would be a good replacement for disrespectful Alves too who has strange hairstyles.

Yeah that would please some of our fans.


Senior Member
They didn't kick him because of the trick, guys. Come on.

For example, if Messi did the same TRICK in the same minute, no one would kick Messi.
They would maybe foul him and that's it. But they wouldn't argue with him.

People kick him because he is Neymar.
Some of them hate is deserved, some is not.
But he helped a lot with 100s of his random actions/attitudes/gestures to earn this amount of hate.

He is becoming our Mourinho or our Muller.
Bayern's fans don't think that Muller is doing anything wrong on the field, or with his attitude, gestures etc.
90% of other football fans would kick Muller in the face, isn't it?

Well now, we should just switch the sides and then we will understand why so many opponents and fans are pissed off with Neymar.

And before people say again: they hate him because he is sooo good.
1. do you hate Mourinho because he is good or because he is annoying and did 100s of stupid things?
2. do you hate Muller because he is soooo good and we are jealous of him, or because he is just annoying as hell?

I think we all understand the way Neymar behaves and that it will draw attention from opposing players/fans. That doesnt need to be explained.

The difference is some of us like his attitude of not backing down and getting under the skin of opponents and couldnt care less what other teams/fans think of him unless he is over stepping the mark.

Over here Busi, Alves etc have got huge hate for their behaviour. Neymar is not the first Barca player and wont be the last to get that kind of attention.

Even Messi likes a bit of provocation, he has been doing it to Real for years. Do we then try to justify or accept their fans/players behaviour towards him?

Neymar is a brilliant, unselfish team mate and that is what really matters in his attitude.
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