11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
You have reached the heights in sporting terms.

But players sometimes do get tired of the same league, same city, they want new challenges etc.
Also, there is a possibility, for players who are not Messi and Neymar (like Rakitic and similar) that they could get a much higher salary in Man. City, Man. Utd and similar.

And if a player has won a few CLs and is not too excited about that anymore, then 4M earnings in Barca could be replaced by 6-8M earning in Man. City, especially if you are almost 30 years old or you have financial problems.
It all depends on the individual.

- Where they come from?
- What motivates them?
- Are they or their families settled where they currently are?
- Are they playing in their preferred position?
- Are they earning what they think they deserve?
- Do they get the respect they deserve? Are they getting enough love (from fans, teammates, board etc)?
- Do they want to experience different cultures? Styles of football? Leagues? Atmospheres?

When it comes to Latin-American players, I think their life ambition will always be to play for Real Madrid and Barcelona over a Northern-European club. But you raise a good point with a player like Rakitic. He is someone I can easily imagine moving on to a top EPL club later in his career, but by that time, we would hopefully already had his best years a Barca.

A club would sell a player for 500M right away.

We would pay all of our debts from the last 50 Seasons with that transfer.
Were we to receive a mega offer like that, our board would want to accept. Not that the player would want to leave, but I suspect they would try to force him out. Sadly, this is what modern football has come to.

Incidentally, didn't an unnamed Middle-East club offer Messi's buy-out clause not so long ago?


Senior Member
Were we to receive a mega offer like that, our board would want to accept. Not that the player would want to leave, but I suspect they would try to force him out. Sadly, this is what modern football has come to.

Incidentally, didn't an unnamed Middle-East club offer Messi's buy-out clause not so long ago?

1. Messi's buyout clause is 250M or something like that, right?
-- so, they haven't offered way more than he is worth, but the EXACT amount of his buyout clause
2. further, he is Messi. An alien, the one and only

While Ney is awesome, he is only a human.
We paid him 90-100 Millions, his current worth is around 150M, his inflated price could be around 200M (that is way too much already).

So, 500M for Ney, sorry, but any reasonable board should click yes on that offer after 2 seconds.

Similar example could be Rakitic.
If he was bought for 20M, his current worth is around 35-40M.
His inflated worth would be 50M.
Imagine if someone offers 140M today for Rakitic.
Wouldn't it be logical to sell him?
Yes, he is awesome and important, but in a world where you buy him for 20M, and you can sell him for 140M one year later when he is older, and where you can get reasonable alternatives for 30-40-50 Millions, you just have to do this.

Or imagine that someone offers 100M today for Bravo.
Yes, he is good, but lol.
You can buy De Gea and still have 50-60-70M after that, isn't it?

So, if we remove Messi from the maths, because he is one and only, then every other, "human" player has it's real price, inflated price and a price where you just have to say: "yes", no matter what...


San Claudio Bravo
Or imagine that someone offers 100M today for Bravo.
Yes, he is good, but lol.

What's so "lol" about that?!

If Bravo continues his current pace of wowing us fans, why can't someone offer 100M for him? He's at the peak of his skill!

Okay, maybe not 100M, but surely 99M or 98M.


1. Messi's buyout clause is 250M or something like that, right?
-- so, they haven't offered way more than he is worth, but the EXACT amount of his buyout clause
2. further, he is Messi. An alien, the one and only

While Ney is awesome, he is only a human.
We paid him 90-100 Millions, his current worth is around 150M, his inflated price could be around 200M (that is way too much already).

So, 500M for Ney, sorry, but any reasonable board should click yes on that offer after 2 seconds.

Similar example could be Rakitic.
If he was bought for 20M, his current worth is around 35-40M.
His inflated worth would be 50M.
Imagine if someone offers 140M today for Rakitic.
Wouldn't it be logical to sell him?
Yes, he is awesome and important, but in a world where you buy him for 20M, and you can sell him for 140M one year later when he is older, and where you can get reasonable alternatives for 30-40-50 Millions, you just have to do this.

Or imagine that someone offers 100M today for Bravo.
Yes, he is good, but lol.
You can buy De Gea and still have 50-60-70M after that, isn't it?

So, if we remove Messi from the maths, because he is one and only, then every other, "human" player has it's real price, inflated price and a price where you just have to say: "yes", no matter what...

you can find ten of bravo in the world so yes i sell bravo for 30M
but you cant find anyone near neymar level .dont sell neymar for even 300M but 500M is so huge to refuse.:neymar:
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Senior Member
you can find ten of bravo in the world so yes i sell bravo for 30M
but you cant find anyone near neymar level .dont sell neymar for even 300M but 500M is so huge to refuse.:neymar:

Imo, you are thinking like a fan, with your emotions.
Not like a businessman, and football is a business.

You should check how much you will earn, how much you will lose with selling a huge player, for how much can you buy a good replacement, is the replacement good enough or way weaker, how much money you will still have after buying a replacement, and whether the whole deal makes sense in terms of trophies and money.

I am not scared that we will sell Neymar to Man. Utd, but to me, I don't think that it is a sci-fi to sell some key player if the price would be insane, way higher than his actual worth, and when you can earn more on that transfer than on winning Champions league for 2-3 times in a row, from a financial point of view.


New member
So, 500M for Ney, sorry, but any reasonable board should click yes on that offer after 2 seconds.
Why? So we can pay for the stadium expansion, that is not really necessary anyway? FC Barcelona is one of the worlds most valuable sports teams after all.

And as I mentioned: Neymar is irreplaceable. Who can fill Ney's boots in terms of on-the-field and off-the-field? For me, that makes him PRICELESS. And you would only be strengthening a competitor anyway.

Neymar, like Messi is a brand unto himself. His worth cannot be measured solely by what he can do on the pitch.

If Bravo continues his current pace of wowing us fans, why can't someone offer 100M for him?
The way these crazy transfer fees are going, that doesn't sound as absurd as it should. :wacko:


Active member
For 500million I think bartomeu would kidnap him and throw him to Manchester
U can built 100 training camps and built the best stadion in the world and buy 10 Neymar replacement


New member
Imo, you are thinking like a fan, with your emotions.
Not like a businessman, and football is a business.
I realise that football is a business now, but the day a fan starts thinking like a bank manager, is the day to pack it in.

As a fan I want to see a Barca I am proud of, and one that allows us to compete for titles. I don't get excited about seeing how many €'s we have in our bank account.

If Neymar was 30 years old, I could kinda understand, but he's only 23. Neymar hasn't even reached his prime yet.


Imo, you are thinking like a fan, with your emotions.
Not like a businessman, and football is a business.

You should check how much you will earn, how much you will lose with selling a huge player, for how much can you buy a good replacement, is the replacement good enough or way weaker, how much money you will still have after buying a replacement, and whether the whole deal makes sense in terms of trophies and money.

I am not scared that we will sell Neymar to Man. Utd, but to me, I don't think that it is a sci-fi to sell some key player if the price would be insane, way higher than his actual worth, and when you can earn more on that transfer than on winning Champions league for 2-3 times in a row, from a financial point of view.

sorry for my english

if you want buy hazard(probably the best option) to replace neymar you must spend 150M .so if we sell neymar for 300M we actualy profit 150M.
with neymar we acquire more commerical money , trophies and more fans and more important from this reasons is that we arent considred a selling club to dissapoint the fans.with the money came from oil well market has changed .i dont sell neymar for 300M .
do you think manchester get profit from selling ronaldo for 90M in 2009 ? i dont think so
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Some of you are seriously contemplating selling Neymar? You are kidding me, right?

Forget about MSN. Neymar, unless he regresses unexpectedly all of sudden, will be the face of FC Barcelona in the future. Almost every club has a young star(s) like that, we have Neymar, Chelsea has Hazard, Real Madrid has James and Isco, Bayern has Neuer and Mueller, City has ... ?, and Manchester United has Depay...

You just don't sell your future poster child, no matter how much someone is offering, unless you can find an equal replacement.
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