11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
i know what im talking about, im just sick of ppl trying to say neymar us more vital then messi or suarez, its insane! Neymar is better than hazard and bale yes, but he is not creative as suarez or messi! if neymar played vs germany score would have been 7-2 or 7-3 at best, thiago silva is fortress and without him neymar would not be able to crarry brasil....fact is neymar has zero ZERO assists towards Suarez......thats alarming and he has like 4 towards messi, poor creativity. The trio is deadly but nobody can say neymar is creative and has good vision


Previously known as Mehssi
i know what im talking about, im just sick of ppl trying to say neymar us more vital then messi or suarez, its insane! Neymar is better than hazard and bale yes, but he is not creative as suarez or messi! if neymar played vs germany score would have been 7-2 or 7-3 at best, thiago silva is fortress and without him neymar would not be able to crarry brasil....fact is neymar has zero ZERO assists towards Suarez......thats alarming and he has like 4 towards messi, poor creativity. The trio is deadly but nobody can say neymar is creative and has good vision

Literally no one said that !

Neymar is a great poacher, he has the skills to finish the actions he or others create, he has also great dribbling skills that are very usefull to attack from the left, and we definitely needed those things.

Messi and Suarez have more creativity with their passes and space creation that's for sure, but we don't know that Neymar won't improve in that, in santos and brazil he had the charge of creating and scoring, now he has to combine so it'll take time, but his contribution to the team is amazing nevertheless.


No, you dont

Who ever said that neymar is more vital than messi or Suarez, clearly doesnt really a regular Barça supporter.

Neymar has creativity, just rewatch some games for Brazil and you will see, he doesnt have assists because he doesnt have that function, when neymar gets the ball around the box, most of the time he searchs for messi and deliver him a good pass where Messi can do the assist, that happens ALOT

When you say : X player got 20 assists, that doesnt mean that he made the goal all by himself, there is the positioning, the accuracy of the attacker, have you ever thought that maybe can be the opposite some times? An attacker who is so good in positioning and reaching space between defends, that makes the assister job much easier?



This isnt creativity for you? If messi had scored that, things could had been much different in champions 13/14
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New member
I think Neymar is more Cristiano than Leo which is perfectly fine. He's on course for 40 goals this season so I think the criticism is a bit OTT. No one would have predicted that before this season, even the biggest fanboys.

Neymar is much more skilfull player then Cristiano and should grow to be even better.


New member
Why is anyone saying Neymar isn't creative? He racked up a lot of assists last season, this season although he's got 10 (stats per Transfermarkt) he's being deployed in a different role, in which he scores more goals but is not involved in the play as much. It's to do with tactics and not the player himself.


New member
Why is anyone saying Neymar isn't creative? He racked up a lot of assists last season, this season although he's got 10 (stats per Transfermarkt) he's being deployed in a different role, in which he scores more goals but is not involved in the play as much. It's to do with tactics and not the player himself.

Ehm, not really. If you watch him you see that he screws up a lot of passes, even relatively easy ones. Also he tends to pass only to Messi.


Ehm, not really. If you watch him you see that he screws up a lot of passes, even relatively easy ones. Also he tends to pass only to Messi.

Sometimes i really think some people in here understand nothin about football...
If he is just creating and assisting people will complain... when he is just scoring people complain... in football its all about a role... Messi is what he is today because he has all the freedom in Barcelona.
You just have to watch Brazilian NT playing... the one in charge of assisting and scoring is Neymar and also happens that while playing everyone tends to give him the ball... its so easy to understand (he is the best in there while Messi is the best in Barca...)! Of course for this reasons some bad decisions are made... but football isnt always about perfection.


Active member
Ehm, not really. If you watch him you see that he screws up a lot of passes, even relatively easy ones. Also he tends to pass only to Messi.

No quite, his game still has to mature on this aspect and to be honest i think everyone can understand his tendency to pass to Messi, but Neyboy has some of the quickest feet in the sport, reacts fast and these feats allow him to make quick incisive passing, especially with little space crowded with defenders. Agreed, it's a lot of room for improvement, but he pulls one now and again and it looks so natural to him.

So yea, i don't agree at all he is a limited and poor passes.


Senior Member
My perception is that Neymar needs more time to see the options, probably in part because he has learned to focus on his own dribbling options first. Messi is ridiculously special in that he can nearly do both simultaneously. Suarez also seems prescient in his area of the pitch, already has seen and decided what he is going to do before he gets the ball.

As an example, look at Suarez yesterday- two one-touch hits, and even his being fouled for the penalty came from an an instantaneous turn. Neymar, on the other hand, chose not to shoot with his first touch, and then decided he needed to round a defender before shooting. This is not to say Neymar made the wrong choice, as 1) his one-touch accuracy may not be as sharp as Suarez/Messi, and 2) a one-touch shot from that angle may well have been stopped, even if well placed. Suarez may have taken the same ball with a one-touch shot, and been stopped.

The point is that, at the present time, Messi and Suarez have quicker footballing minds than Neymar, which is what makes them more creative for Barça. With the greater space and time afforded him on the Brazil NT, Neymar is allowed to be a more effective provider than he has generally been for Barça.
that's a fair post. though neymar does sometimes attempt one-touch flicks and so on every once in a while. Anyway they're generally not successful.
Ney's overwhelming quality this season has been his finishing, he can still progress a lot more in other areas :)


New member
that's a fair post. though neymar does sometimes attempt one-touch flicks and so on every once in a while. Anyway they're generally not successful.
Ney's overwhelming quality this season has been his finishing, he can still progress a lot more in other areas :)

look neymar fans gonna keep defending him, but bottom line is this. As good as neymar is in 1v1 and his pace and his improved finishing, the fact of the matter is he has terrible vision. Absolutley terrible! his creativity is non existend. I can count 20 x times he had an wide open suarez or messi where he can make extra pass he always fails. some of it its that he is selfish but most of the time he has no sense of awarness of his team mates positions and runs, he rearly picks up his head. Those are cold hard facts. Im sure with time watchin suarez and messi he will improve but it still does not excuse his sorry vision at this level of his playing ability he poses he should be much better. I already said neymar has Zero assist this season to Suarez....shocking !!! ok but then they say he passes to messi..neymar has only 4 lousy assists to messi since August of last year, those are facts...accept it and hope he fixes it!
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Let the haters hate! I am tired of trying to convince the "Neysayers". . . . No pun intended.
Neymar is one of our best purchases ever, Nuff said.


Active member
Gonna have to agree as a fan of Neymar I do admit he lacks in servicing. Many times I hope he gives that magic pass to Suarez and Messi and it doesn't really happen. especially for Suarez since he can take almost any decisive pass and convert it into something. I really hoped for more Neymar to Suarez service. Maybe in the upcoming seasons he will.
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