11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
BBZ you say 'anything can be drawn from stats' then go on to say they prove what you think.

Neymar is far from a poor passer he is a very good passer and keeps ball well.

Also I dont need you to try and validate where I am right and wrong. Thanks anyway.

You always do that.

Again, let's say it this way:
1. stats in general can show a lot of things
-- and can be very valuable
-- for example:
= if it is raining in London for 300 days in a year (example) (over the sample of 100 years), then you know that it rains a lot there

-- but a reply from a random dude:
= how he was in London 10 times, and it never rained while he was there, so something must be wrong
-- lol, his stats are misleading and he is looking only at smaller samples which can have strange/random/misleading results

So, a post from that dude in a local papers:
= how in London is probably always sunny because it was always sunny while he was there, is not a good example of how to use stats
-- and it shows how you can use them to fit your argument sometimes

But because of those examples, it would be stupid to say: we shouldn't use any stats then.

No, you can use stats if you are looking at LARGER samples, a lot of variables, the whole context of every stat etc.

So, again:
-- a stat with passes from Ney to Suarez and Messi=is how we should not use stats

= that stat, plus 3-4-5 other stats (posted later by Anguy for example), and some logic and context like:
= Roberto will have a higher % of successful passes than Ney because he plays passes in less dangerous area to his teammates who are close to him
-- but Ney and Messi should have a similar amount of passes because they play on a similar positions, and if those two have a huge difference in a number of assists per Season=well, then we are improving in this analysis (and we are using the stats in a good way then, if we are looking to a lot of factors, if we add the context and some logic)
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Senior Member
You always do that.

Again, let' say it this way:
1. stats in general can show a lot of things
-- and can be very valuable
-- for example:
= if it is raining in London for 300 days in a year (example), then you know that it rains a lot there

-- but a reply from a random dude:
= how he was in London 10 times, and it never rained while he was there, so something must be wrong
-- lol, his stats are misleading and he is looking only at smaller samples which can have strange results

So, a post from that dude in a local papers:
= how in London is probably always sunny because it was always sunny while he was there, is not a good example of how to use stats
-- and it shows how you can use them to fit your argument sometimes

But because of those examples, it would be stupid to say: we shouldn't use any stats then.

No, you can use stats if you are looking at LARGER samples, a lot of variables, the whole context of every stat etc.

So, again:
-- a stat with passes from Ney to Suarez and Messi=is how we should not use stats

= that stat, plus 3-4-5 other stats (posted later by Anguy for example), and some logic and context like:
= Roberto will have a higher % of successful passes than Ney
-- but Ney and Messi should have a similar amount of passes because they play on a similar positions, and if those two have a huge difference in a number of assists per Season=well, then we are improving in this analysis (and we are using the stats in a good way then, if we are looking to a lot of factors, if we add the context and some logic)

Text book BBZ trying to compare Messi and Neymar to make Neymar look worse. When its been aknowledged every time Messi is best passer of ball in world.

Time after time you ignore stats that dont suit you as 'stats can show anything' then use them to back up your opinions.

You have tried to make this a Messi v Neymar debate as per usual when its not that at all.

When Neymar doesnt score for 5 league games BBZ attacks him for not scoring enough....actually four games but for officials.

When Neymar does score the argument changes to him not scoring in open play.

When Neymar starts scoring again BBZ says it is because La Liga has become a stat padding league for the big two.

Now after three assists in four games he decides to attack his passing as poor by comparing him to Messi.

It is utterly pathetic.
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My bad. Not better (player).
Better passer/assistant/creator.

These numbers say that Ney passes more to his attacking teammates than Suarez and Messi.
Since they are players who are shooting the most, these numbers may imply that Neymar is our main creator.

Again, he is not.
So, stats are misleading again.

The only way someone can infer that, is if they're not watching the games. And precisely why stats are misleading, without context.


Senior Member
These long wind up posts of bbz have become quite annoying.
Can't the mods send them to the trash?

I had a day of them earlier in week where he said Ronaldinho only won WPOTY awards as FIFA were forcing people not to vote for Etoo.

According to him Etoo was the true Barca star in 04/05 05/06 and only 'revisionsim' from modern day fan boys had Ronaldinho as better player.

The lengths he goes to in those ridiculous posts is insane.


San Claudio Bravo
Lel now the focus has been moved to Neymar's passing and vision. I think BBZ took it literally when I called on him to bring this thread back to 1000+ posts.


Previously known as Mehssi
These long wind up posts of bbz have become quite annoying.

I second this.

Not particulary in love with neymar, though he's been amazing lately, but what BBZ is doing is persecution, Neymar should be able to press charges :lol:

Seriously, the neymar thread is always destroyed and becomes unreadable bbz.
i agree with all of the above.
The redundancy is so irksome, and very few of these walls of text hold any real insight, sorry to say.


This page have 20 pages of useless and misleading information, it should be erased again.

Neymar doesnt have more assists because Messi does better, why on earth would you want neymar to have the role of playmaker if we have Messi??? We dont need another playmaker in left wing,we need a guy who can open spaces and finish, thats exactly what neymar is doing, but thats means that he is a bad passer or playmaker?? Nooo

Lets me ask in another way, Suarez has 10 goals less than Neymar, thats mean he is a worse finisher ?? Noooo , all that means is Suarez have the function of set up teammates and score when needed.

All i want to understand is why this is even discussed, we are alive in ALL competitions with very good chances, our trio are working perfectly with every one scoring or assisting all the time, why, just WHY bring those kind of comparisons?? There is no team Suarez, no team neymar and no team Messi, there is only one team and is Barcelona.

If you really need to compare, why dont you compare Neymar to Bale who got almost the double of his goals, or Suarez to Benzema who are doing an freaking good season and is vital for our team, or Messi to Cristiano ronaldo that i cant even describe how much Messi is better in every aspect of the game


Previously known as Mehssi
All i want to understand is why this is even discussed, we are alive in ALL competitions with very good chances, our trio are working perfectly with every one scoring or assisting all the time, why, just WHY bring those kind of comparisons?? There is no team Suarez, no team neymar and no team Messi, there is only one team and is Barcelona.

All this originated with Serbian (die-hard suarez fan) coming here with salt after neymar because he doesn't pass to suarez supposedly, and going on a quest to prove that Suarez > Neymar and everything we're achieving this season is thanx to suarez.

I see these comparisons growing as fans of each of the two are colliding now to try and prove who's second best (i'm glad i'm a messi fanboy, the undisputed #1) in the MSN, when no one really gives a shit as long as the 3 are deadly together :)
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Senior Member
These long wind up posts of bbz have become quite annoying.
Can't the mods send them to the trash?

The lengths he goes to in those ridiculous posts is insane.

Lel now the focus has been moved to Neymar's passing and vision. I think BBZ took it literally when I called on him to bring this thread back to 1000+ posts.

I second this.

Not particulary in love with neymar, though he's been amazing lately, but what BBZ is doing is persecution, Neymar should be able to press charges :lol:

Seriously, the neymar thread is always destroyed and becomes unreadable bbz.

i agree with all of the above.
The redundancy is so irksome, and very few of these walls of text hold any real insight, sorry to say.


I will reply to Ballon's post, his post is the best.

So, today:
1. that user named Serbian said something bad about Ney's assists
2. then a user Fcbdna replies very rude:
Someone shove this up that Serbs throat and tell him to shut up!
3. lol, no one replies to that insult
-- no one reports that insult
-- post is not deleted
I mean, of course. Serbian guy said something bad, that is not welcomed here.
So, a rude reply is ok, and welcomed, right?
4. then I am replying that those stats from the previous post:
"Messi 176 passes to Suárez this season.
Messi --> Neymar 250
Suárez --> Messi 173
Suárez --> Neymar 122
Neymar --> Messi 329
Neymar --> Suárez 148"
= don't tell us too much and are taken out of context
5. then JamDav comes with a wrong logic and conclusions
6. then we are having a few posts answering to his posts
7. then dudes like 6 Ballon'd'ors for Messi and Neymar, jump and ask for mods to delete my replies.

6 Ballons for Messi and Ney, why haven't you asked for that rude post to be deleted?
I mean, I know why, but... lol.

The lengths he goes to in those ridiculous posts is insane.

Look at the discussion tonight.
One guy offended the other guy who said something bad about Ney, and nothing happened.

I only said that those stats are misleading, and you are bringing 100s of offtopic arguments from the past.
Is there any way to reply to those posts in shorter?

Or we will just write posts like:
Omg, what a goat?
Omg, what a pass?
Omg, kisses, hugs, love! What a player (for any player)!

I will say that I was trolling with that part with goals from an open play, but discussion and a level of hate for tonight's discussion is just insane.

It is an insult currently if you say:
Messi has more assist than Ney.

It seems that we should say: No. They both have an equal amount of passes, goals and everything.
That is impossible, but who cares, lol?
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All this originated with Serbian (die-hard suarez fan) coming here with salt after neymar because he doesn't pass to suarez supposedly, and going on a quest to prove that Suarez > Neymar and everything we're achieving this season is thanx to neymar.

I see these comparisons growing as fans of each of the two are colliding now to try and prove who's second best (i'm glad i'm a messi fanboy, the undisputed #1) in the MSN, when no one really gives a shit as long as the 3 are deadly together :)
Thats sucks so much, mods shouldnt allow this forum to become an extension to youtube comments, players on different positions should never be compared, especially if they are on the same team


Previously known as Mehssi
fcbdna's post is definitely rude and I noticed it, though i don't report posts as i didn't yours.

Other than that, bringing in Messi into the discussions is a clear attempt at trolling, there's no possible comparison for neither neymar no suarez, that serbian guy was also trying too hard, and you of course didn't miss the chance to jump on the let's trash neymar wagon, which was to be expected.

Anyway, if you want to keep spilling 1000s of adjusted arguments, stats, and theories to belittle neymar, please go ahead, i'm merely saying it makes this thread unreadable, which it definitely does.
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