11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member

I will reply to Ballon's post, his post is the best.

So, today:
1. that user named Serbian said something bad about Ney's assists
2. then a user Fcbdna replies very rude:

3. lol, no one replies to that insult
-- no one reports that insult
-- post is not deleted
I mean, of course. Serbian guy said something bad, that is not welcomed here.
So, a rude reply is ok, and welcomed, right?
4. then I am replying that those stats from the previous post:
"Messi 176 passes to Suárez this season.
Messi --> Neymar 250
Suárez --> Messi 173
Suárez --> Neymar 122
Neymar --> Messi 329
Neymar --> Suárez 148"
= don't tell us too much and are taken out of context
5. then JamDav comes with a wrong logic and conclusions
6. then we are having a few posts answering to his posts
7. then dudes like 6 Ballon'd'ors for Messi and Neymar, jump and ask for mods to delete my replies.

6 Ballons for Messi and Ney, why haven't you asked for that rude post to be deleted?
I mean, I know why, but... lol.

Look at the discussion tonight.
One guy offended the other guy who said something bad about Ney, and nothing happened.

I only said that those stats are misleading, and you are bringing 100s of offtopic arguments from the past.
Is there any way to reply to those posts in shorter?

Or we will just write posts like:
Omg, what a goat?
Omg, what a pass?
Omg, kisses, hugs, love! What a player (for any player)!

I will say that I was trolling with that part with goals from an open play, but discussion and a level of hate for tonight's discussion is just insane.

It is an insult currently if you say:
Messi has more assist than Ney.

It seems that we should say: No. They both have an equal amount of passes, goals and everything.
That is impossible, but who cares, lol?

Again thinks its relevant to compare Messi/Neymar to make Neymar look worse.

Just that latest angle to attack Neymar. Sad.

You totally miss the point, people are mocking your posts as they are so one sided and transparent to try and down play Neymar and at least the 4/5th angle you have used in last month.
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so it takes you like 30 lines to demonstrate that pass tally isn't directly correlated to passing skills, and NOT say anything about fcbdna's aggressive post which you seem to have taken to heart since you're disappointed no one intervened.

You could have just said : "lol pass tally is a far cry from passing skills, also please be more reserved"

Furthermore serbian is a self proclaimed suarez fanboy who already claimed that he is as important as messi is. Such a waste of energy.
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New member
Any other club on the planet would sell their mothers into slavery to have our forward line and just look at us in here.



Senior Member
fcbdna's post is definitely rude and I noticed it, though i don't report posts as i didn't yours.

Other than that, bringing in Messi into the discussions is a clear attempt at trolling, there's no possible comparison for neither neymar no suarez, that serbian guy was also trying too hard, and you of course didn't miss the chance to jump on the let's trash neymar wagon, which was to be expected.

Anyway, if you want to keep spilling 1000s of adjusted arguments, stats, and theories to belittle neymar, please go ahead, i'm merely saying it makes this thread unreadable, which it definitely does.

Look, my life goal really isn't to fight with other Barca's fans and to reach a level 20 000 of hate here, lol.
I can honestly survive (or I will at least try to) without posting in Ney's thread.
Because seriously, even if argument about some of your key players being bad in something are correct, you will rarely win a discussion here.
(I am NOT saying that any of my arguments were correct, so that we can avoid any further discussion about the past again).

But, imo, just imo, my mistake was because I posted here in the same way as I am posting on some other/random forums.
If you post on a random (neutral) football forum that Ney is bad in something:
= 50% of guys will say: you are right
= 50% will say: you are wrong, and ok

But here, because this is not a neutral forum, but a forum of one club, post like from this example will be treated much different than on neutral forum.
So, no matter if an argument about our player being average/bad in something is a true or false, you will be attacked either way.

I jumped because I am slightly pissed of that bias, explained above.
I mean, some guy said today in other topic, that if we will win a treble, that 3 first places in a ballon d or contest should be:
= Messi, Ney and Suarez
(as if no one else except our players play the football...)

For the end, just look at this guy:
Oh god, now he does huge posts analysing the posts on the forum

Join date: 25 days ago, and already so rude towards the other users.

I was trying to defend myself, and imo, I didn't say anything that much wrong about Ney tonight.
But people connected my posts from tonight with comments about Ney from the past.

so it takes you like 30 lines to demonstrate that pass tally isn't directly correlated to passing skills, and NOT say anything about fcbdna's aggressive post which you seem to have taken to heart since you're disappointed no one intervened.

You could have just said : "lol pass tally is a far cry from passing skills, also please be more reserved"


Do you seriously think that my reply, like the one you have proposed now, will be enough for JamDav or this guy Barcalove.

JamDav will just reply:
Oh, so these stats are not good, but the other night you liked the stats about La Liga goals from 2004?
= and then I can either reply with a new post, with a longer post, or give up, and accept that Ney has more passes than Messi

BarcaLove would reply:
Oh, come on, have you ever watched football? Neymar made passes in Brasilian NT (or some random unrelated stat).

Look, I trolled about Neymar sometimes, and I never liked him too much.
But do you seriously think that you can post short answers about how Ney is average/bad in something, on Barca's forum, and you expect not to get at least 10 replies after that?

1. if I write a short post about Ney
= I will get 10 replies and I will have to continue with replies
2. if I will write a long post and try to explain everything and avoid attacks and new replies
= guys will still reply, but they will also whine how I am writing wall of text

Again, lesson learned. This is not a normal/neutral forum.
You can't get away with these posts (saying something bad about our stars) on Barca forum.
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I didnt meant to be rude to you, i am sorry if you thought that, but you should be more direct in your posts, i mean, no need for 100 lines to reply a single statement, no need to analyse the entire forum to prove your point


Previously known as Mehssi
BBZ, of course this is not a neutral forum, it's a Barça forum, and as much as I enjoy the constructive criticism towards our players, I have criticized some when they played badly and then hailed their good performances when they had them (Rafinha is an example), but let's try to see the positives in our players, especially now that they're playing wonderfully.

And you are right, your past posts about neymar when he had a dip in form will haunt you for a while, because you didn't come back to praise him when he was amazing, wich you should have if you were really being objective in criticizing him, but no, you posted some 50 posts of 100lines about badform neymar, yet merely 1 or 2 tainted "he's ok now" posts when he's been amazing.

Our trio is perfect! We love them, may they continue being awesome, maintain their threesome-bromance lol and win the titles they all deserve for the season they're delighting us with! :)

PD : the wish for MSN to be the 3 BO pretender if they win the trebble is not that far fetch, especially since both Messi and Neymar will have a chance to shine in Copa America.


Senior Member
BBZ this is not about people not being able to take criticism of Neymar.

It is about you changing your tune every few days about him.

Have you ever gone on the Messi thread to say La Liga is a stat padders dream? I doubt you have. So why bring it up when Neymar scores goals and after you were complaining about him not scoring?

A few weeks ago you were using a whole host of stats to show Neymar was not doing his job in scoring goals.....suddenly he does start scoring again and it moves on to another part of his game.

You barely comment on anything good he does and constantly try to compare him to Messi to earn cheap points.

You use cheap tactics like saying anyone who praises the current team is being disrespectful to past players and try to write people off as glory hunters.


Senior Member
I didnt meant to be rude to you, i am sorry if you thought that, but you should be more direct in your posts, i mean, no need for 100 lines to reply a single statement, no need to analyse the entire forum to prove your point

Long posts are my style.
For example, that is just me, but I am not reading most of shorter posts in any topic.
Those are short posts after the match like:
XX player played awesome
What a pass
What a goal
He is a goat

I am enjoying much more in reading any "discussion" on Barca forums when 2-3 users have a discussion which involves some longer posts/ideas/views/opinions and an argumentation.

And you are right, your past posts about neymar when he had a dip in form will haunt you for a while, because you didn't come back to praise him when he was amazing, wich you should have if you were really being objective in criticizing him, but no, you posted some 50 posts of 100lines about badform neymar, yet merely 1 or 2 tainted "he's ok now" posts when he's been amazing.

The same thing.
I don't like to post "praising posts".
So, instead of writing 10 post after any match:
Messi was awesome
Ney was awesome
Raki was a God
Alves was very good tonight
= I will just write one post about a player who (imo) needs to improve in something, like:
Rafinha was badly positioned tonight.
And Ney should stop with some dribbles, moves and play faster.

Then, if you are reading my posts, they may look as if I am some angry fan (or someone who works for Marca, lol) who is only "hating" our player, isn't it?
But again, I just don't like to post things like: "Omg, Messi played so well tonight, hugs and kisses etc"

I will say only when he needs to improve in something.
And ok, I have pushed too far about Ney.
But again, on any other neutral forum, nobody would jump on me for posts like from tonight where I said that Ney has less assists than Messi and Sukki, lol.
I am stating the obvious and receive a hate, lol.
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Senior Member
BBZ - have you ever mentioned in the past year you have been on this site that Messi goals/assists are inflated in a stat padding league?

Before you said it to belittle Neymars goals.

Not interested in stats to show whether it is the case or not just whether you apply the argument to other players previously.


Senior Member
Im not that impressed by him, sure, he does a fine job as a part of that trio but with Messi handing chances on a plate for him its no wonder he get 30+ goals. He is of course a very good forward, not disputing that, but im more impressed with Suarez tbh.


Staff member
Btw. Disappointed to see some users again using personal remarks in reply to posts.
I'm not gonna repeat this again: don't use disparaging personal remarks when replying to other users.



New member
Im not that impressed by him, sure, he does a fine job as a part of that trio but with Messi handing chances on a plate for him its no wonder he get 30+ goals. He is of course a very good forward, not disputing that, but im more impressed with Suarez tbh.
Hm, this reminds me of what people used to say about Messi in the past. "Xavi and Iniesta har handing chances on a plate for him".


Senior Member
Im not that impressed by him, sure, he does a fine job as a part of that trio but with Messi handing chances on a plate for him its no wonder he get 30+ goals. He is of course a very good forward, not disputing that, but im more impressed with Suarez tbh.

No wonder he gets 30 goals playing beside Messi...... in Messi's ten years in the first team only one other player has a player got over 30 goals.

Its fine you are not impressed by him, I am more impressed by Neymar than any Madrid player signed in last few years. All about opinions.
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Senior Member
Hm, this reminds me of what people used to say about Messi in the past. "Xavi and Iniesta har handing chances on a plate for him".

Yeah, well, i never believed in that. Neymar is a very good striker, but for what its worth, i think he is the weakest of the front trio. Ofc, he is better than Pedro, so he is first team material.
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