11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Right, now is neymar faults that he plays for Barça and griezman dont ..

Lets compare with Bale then, is real madrid a good attacking team?
17 goals
0 goals against hard opposition , YES you read it right, ZERO GOALS against any of those i mentioned of neymar or their equivalent in the champions league


Senior Member
BBZ not looking for you to praise him just be fair which you are not.

You make up these stat passing rules that have never been applied to any Barca player and go on to say you will blame him for trophies not won.

You have been on since April 2014 and never mentioned anything about Messi stat padding. Why not Suarez thread say same thing? Or down play what Pep did in a weak La Liga?

Rules get changed all the time ads to suit the anti Neymar argument.

If you dont like him thats fine and up to you but its going to be hard for you to watch all the great things he does in a Barca strip for the next 7/8 years and keep coming up with excuses as to down play anything he does.

I told you in a PM, I was a member of this forum 2-3 years ago.
And in the days when we were buying Neymar, I was saying all the time that we don't need him etc, and I was banned from this forum (deleted), lol.

So, I am at least persistent in my Neyhate, lol, give me at least credit for that :)

BBZ not looking for you to praise him just be FAIR which you are not.

Mate, how can you measure fairness?

Each of us have a subjective opinion.
When you sum 100 of subjective opinions, you can get some "average" and more objective opinion.

But you can do that only on a neutral place, with 100 random, biased and unbiased people.
You can't create any sort of objective opinion on a forum like Barcaforum, Bayernzone, Real's forum, Man utd's forum etc.

Here we think that Messi is a God.
On Real's forum they think that that Ronaldo is a God.

On this forum, "average" would say that 99% of people think that Messi is better.
On Real's forums, average would say that 90% of people think that CR7 is better.

But then, when you would ask 100 neutral people, then 60:40 or 70:30 would vote for Messi.

So, if you are basing your "objective" opinion here, you won't get too far.
I am not saying that I am 100% fair and that I am not talking crap sometimes, but calling for a fairness on an extremely biased place like a forum from one team (where all of your key players are treated as Gods), well...
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Senior Member
I told you in a PM, I was a member of this forum 2-3 years ago.
And in the days when we were buying Neymar, I was saying all the time that we don't need him etc, and I was banned from this forum, lol.

So, I am at least persistent in my Neyhate, lol, give me at least credit for that :)

Mate, how can you measure fairness?

Each of us have a subjective opinion.
When you sum 100 of subjective opinions, you can get some "average" and more objective opinion.

But you can do that only on a neutral place, with 100 random, biased and unbiased people.
You can't create any sort of objective opinion on a forum like Barcaforum, Bayernzone, Real's forum, Man utd's forum etc.

Here we think that Messi is a God.
On Real's forum they think that that Ronaldo is a God.

On this forum, "average" would say that 99% of people think that Messi is better.
On Real's forums, average would say that 90 of people think that CR7 is better.

But then, when you would ask 100 neutral people, then 60:40 or 70:30 would vote for Messi.

So, if you are basing your "objective" opinion here, you won't get too far.
I am not saying that I am 100% fair and that I am not talking crap sometimes, but calling for a fairness on an extremely biased place like a forum from one team, well...

Being objective in not constantly making new rules to try and down play what Neymar is doing.

I couldnt care less if you dont like him all that will do is make watching him and Barca succeed as less enjoyable for you, thats your choice.

Neymar and Suarez have come in to join Messi and make Barca the best attacking team in the world and deserve more respect for it in my opinion.


Previously known as Mehssi
Neymar has more goals against the big teams than Griezzman, Bale and Benzema .. If that's not enough, I fear (I know this is the case) nothing will ever be.

The hate for him is reaching unexplicable levels, BBZ or Bojan will NEVER discount Pedro's hat-trick or qualify it as stat-padding because it was against weak opposition, Yet, neymar's stats against hard opposition are belittled constantly.

I mean, the guy even stoped being a dick, made peace with Lucho... what else does he have to do ????


Senior Member
Being objective in not constantly making new rules to try and down play what Neymar is doing.

I couldnt care less if you dont like him all that will do is make watching him and Barca succeed as less enjoyable for you, thats your choice.

Neymar and Suarez have come in to join Messi and make Barca the best attacking team in the world and deserve more respect for it in my opinion.

1. I want trophies from Ney

2. I have never attacked Sukki (Suarez), for example.
Even when he is not scoring, somehow he is trying all the time, and he is not doing nonsense.

It is hard to explain with words, but, in my eyes (this is how I see them not you):
1. when Ney plays good=he is awesome
2. when Suarez plays good=he is awesome
3. when Suarez plays bad=he is still somehow trying, not doing really stupid dribbles, decisions etc
4. but when Ney is not having a good day=he is really a frustrating player

I mean, even on chat during matches, how many times during last 4-5 Months have you heard people cursing on Suarez?
= almost never
And how often they curse on Ney?
= well, quite often

I will like an improvement in his extremely hot and cold performances which goes from a Goat level to an Alexis-tripping-over-the-ball-and-having-the-worst-decisions-ever-and-like-not-caring-about-the-match-at-all level.


New member
Just because someone is good doesn't mean he shouldn't do better or shouldn't be expected to do in accordance with his abilities. Neymar has scored many goals this season, that is true, but that cannot be a universal argument against any kind of legitimate criticism towards him. Yes, he has scored many goals, but yes, he could have scored many more and he needs to improve. There's nothing wrong with saying that, as there was nothing wrong with saying that Suarez needed to improve his passing at some point etc. It's ridiculous how quickly someone is called a hater simply because they expect and say what is perfectly normal. If Messi scored 20-30 goals in a season, and missed a bunch of opportunities, I don't think anyone would have a problem saying that he could have scored more. Because we know he can do better. That's not "being a hater". If Neymar scores 30 and we say he could have done better because he missed sitters or whatnot, we're not haters, we're simply expecting him to do in accordance with his abilities, which means we think he is a great player and capable of much more. If anything, it's a compliment.
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New member
Just because someone is good doesn't mean he shouldn't do better or shouldn't be expected to do in accordance with his abilities. Neymar has scored many goals this season, that is true, but that cannot be a universal argument against any kind of legitimate criticism towards him. Yes, he has scored many goals, but yes, he could have scored many more and he needs to improve. There's nothing wrong with saying that, as there was nothing wrong with saying that Suarez needed to improve his passing at some point etc. It's ridiculous how quickly someone is called a hater simply because they expect and say what is perfectly normal. If Messi scored 20-30 goals in a season, and missed a bunch of opportunities, I don't think anyone would have a problem saying that he could have scored more. Because we know he can do better. That's not "being a hater". If Neymar scores 30 and we say he could have done better because he missed sitters or whatnot, we're not haters, we're simply expecting him to do in accordance with his abilities, which means we think he is a great player and capable of much more. If anything, it's a compliment.

Of course he could do better but when someone comes on here and says he was pathetic against Cordoba and should have better stayed at home it looks more like bashing then anything.


New member
Just because someone is good doesn't mean he shouldn't do better or shouldn't be expected to do in accordance with his abilities. Neymar has scored many goals this season, that is true, but that cannot be a universal argument against any kind of legitimate criticism towards him. Yes, he has scored many goals, but yes, he could have scored many more and he needs to improve. There's nothing wrong with saying that, as there was nothing wrong with saying that Suarez needed to improve his passing at some point etc. It's ridiculous how quickly someone is called a hater simply because they expect and say what is perfectly normal. If Messi scored 20-30 goals in a season, and missed a bunch of opportunities, I don't think anyone would have a problem saying that he could have scored more. Because we know he can do better. That's not "being a hater". If Neymar scores 30 and we say he could have done better because he missed sitters or whatnot, we're not haters, we're simply expecting him to do in accordance with his abilities, which means we think he is a great player and capable of much more. If anything, it's a compliment.

But people should also praise his ability to be in the position to "miss sitters". Scoring 30 and missing sitters because he moves smartly is better than scoring 30 and not missing much because of poor movement.


Neymar vs hard opposition = 17 goals
Bale + benzema + griezmann + mandzukic vs hard opposition = 14 goals

What about now, its fair to compare?


Previously known as Mehssi
Neymar vs hard opposition = 17 goals
Bale + benzema + griezmann vs hard opposition = 10 goals

What about now, its fair to compare?

Where the goals from open play ? :D

Seriously, Neymar could be much better that's for sure, but he doesn't deserve the hate, he's great, let's hope he'll keep progressing like he has been doing so far (doubling his goals and conversion rate% from 1st to 2nd season!!).


Senior Member
Neymar vs hard opposition = 17 goals
Bale + benzema + griezmann vs hard opposition = 10 goals

What about now, its fair to compare?

Mate, you will win a gold medal for this Month for using the stats in the most biased way in this topic :hooray:

And trust me, the competition was really hard because a lot of us were doing some insane things with stats :lol:

Seriously, you can't use stats in this way...


New member
But people should also praise his ability to be in the position to "miss sitters". Scoring 30 and missing sitters because he moves smartly is better than scoring 30 and not missing much because of poor movement.

Sorry, I'm not going to praise a €97,000,000 player for being able to get into scoring positions. That's the least that is expected of him, that's why we bought him. I will, however, praise him, when he plays to the best of his abilities and the results show. Also, he has incredible help from Messi and Suarez, which the likes of Griezmann and Bacca don't have.
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