11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Well-known member
it's not Neymars fault?
how can you say that?
He's playing like crap, of course it's his fault... As the second or third best player in the world according to most people he should damn well be responsible! and so is Messi!
It's a team game but at the end of the day these two are suppose to be the best of the best.. You have to demand more from them.

He could have scored vs Atletico 3-4 goals in our home game vs them, but he just can't finish anymore. I think he is still getting those chances, but his finishing has been abysmal lately.


Well-known member
He won't be benched. We're in the process of renewing his contract and Neymar is sitting with all the cards. Barto is so shit-scared to screw it up that he will do anything to keep NeyGreed Jr. and Sr. happy. It seems that in the end he will even get to play both tournaments with Brazil in the summer. Fucking madness.

I think thats so stupid by Neymar. He shouldn't play both of those competitions. He is putting his national team over Barcelona. I think it might effect his preparation for next season. He is not gonna be fresh next season playing this many games in off-season.
Neymar doesn't need to buy the club, it's already his.

He will never be benched, and Barto will sell everyone else before he even considers selling him, simple as that..

No, that is what he thinks/ believes. Somebody in the club must step infront of him, look him in the eyes and say: "Listen, kidd, you are great player. But you are not the club, you are a player like all others and you will do what you're told. If you don't like it - GTFO. Get it?"

If terrorist/woman/spoiled brath realise that it has you by the balls-you're finished. That is why somebody needs to put him on his place-or show him the door.

I mean, this kidd is fucking us already... what will he do to us in 10 years? Can you imagine situations like these with our other legends like Puyol and Xavi? or, in other clubs, Maldini, Zanetti,...


Previously known as Mehssi
No, that is what he thinks/ believes. Somebody in the club must step infront of him, look him in the eyes and say: "Listen, kidd, you are great player. But you are not the club, you are a player like all others and you will do what you're told. If you don't like it - GTFO. Get it?"

If terrorist/woman/spoiled brath realise that it has you by the balls-you're finished. That is why somebody needs to put him on his place-or show him the door.

I mean, this kidd is fucking us already... what will he do to us in 10 years? Can you imagine situations like these with our other legends like Puyol and Xavi? or, in other clubs, Maldini, Zanetti,...

We discussed that too, but unfortunately with Xavi gone, I don't see who will sit him down and tell it to him straight.

Neymar will always have the wages he'll ask for, if even Balotelli is still playing, Ney being 10x the player & brand, plenty of clubs will give him everything he wants, so on his end, he has absolutely all the cards, and on our end, Barto is freaking out to loose his "legacy signing" as BBZ put it, so he'll protect him against everyone.

Jordi Mestre already came out yesterday saying "we're delighted with everything Neymar does" (yeah right, I'm sure Lucho is over the moon with him lately :coffee:), that gives you an idea.
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New member
No one can blame Neymar's poor form but himself.

Harsh to consider selling him after a few months of (very) bad form though.

I agree, to consider selling a player after a few months of bad form alone would be harsh. But there is more to this story than that. His attitude has been getting steadily worse in combination with his declining form, and this is what gets me worried. If he doesn't turn that around, then 190m will serve Barca better than he will in the coming years. In my opinion, of course.

I'm not saying I want to sell him yet, but we need to see a change in him, and spesifically his attitude first and foremost. His game against Valencia was horrible both in a sporting sense and a personal one, where he kept taking the ball wanting to do everything himself constantly running into defenders. Him lashing out against Alba which he followed up by slapping a Valencia player after the game doesn't exactly paint the picture of a player who has his head in the right place.

The argument that these sort of things happen between teammates on the pitch all the time is also quite irrelevant in this situation. Of course these things happen, but one needs to look at the whole picture here with regards to Neymar. He didn't do this before, something has definitely changed these past few months. Right now he's displaying a seemingly boundless arrogant attitude towards teammates with how he acts on the field, refusing to pass, blindly running into defenders trying to do it all himself and what not. Lashing out at Alba for not passing the ball to him, which by the way was completely understandable considering how poor he was playing, just underlines the problem. Before, his arrogant attitude was more or less aimed at opponents, and his devil may care approach made him very effective in 2015. But the "charm" of this wears off really quickly once he starts playing badly and acts out against teammates while doing it...
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Jamie Cal

Even if Xavi was here, Neymar's ego is growing and growing. It's not even been a year since Xavi told him to mature after the treble celebration.

And to be fair, he seemed to be maturing fine for the first half of the season. But with bad form, he's just so easy to wind up. Granted he takes a kicking, but he should be laughing that shit off.

It's awful that we're in a time of negotiation over a new contract with him for the biggest contract of his career when he's been utter shit for months.


New member
selling the current best player in the world seems a great idea to you Einshtein

When trying to mock someone by sarcastically calling them a name, at least get the name right. Einstein.

Oh, and "current best player in the world"? I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Probably a bit of both.
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Previously known as Mehssi
When trying to mock someone by sarcastically calling them a name, at least get the name right. Einstein.

Oh, and "current best player in the world"? I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Probably a bit of both.

These twitter kids love the absurd reasoning, everything is black or white with them, you talk positive = fanboy, talk negative = hater you want to sell ... no middle ground at all.

Don't mind them mate, they'll be gone whenever we fail to win trophies.

I think we both (and a lot of members just debating the idea) know that there's no one better than Neymar for us, bad forms come and go, though so far bad form has been longer than the good he delivered, I still believe he's the best when he's focused.

The thing that gives me chills though, is having a party animal diva that assaults his team mates as our "future"... feck me if we have a CR7-like player as our leader, that's not even as good as him, bye bye Valors, bye bye everything we love Barça for, I don't think I can live with that.
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