11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Staff member
Even 200 million is financialy viable for a player of Neymar's hype. Not that City or PSG need to care about that.

Worrying days ahead, I'm afraid.


With RM it's quite simple really. They can agree to anything between themselves (player and the club) and it may be overruled by the court but only when the player goes to the court against the club. Until that happens they can agree to whatever they want.

Our club might be calculating by the Real Sociedads player process and the calculations used there. They don't have to.

Neymars camp know that the board is a bunch of useless wankers and I'm not going to blame them for exploiting that.


Flavia .. come on, a real sociedad player ? This is Neymar we're talking about, even if the law says it has to be reasonable VS the player's market value, than 500M€ is more than realistic for Bdo Podium player when Modric has that same amount.

This is not about the law, this is not about Messi's buyout ... this is about what Neymar will accept.

You choose to give him the benefit of the doubt and look for every possible other explanation, I, in regards to the history since his signing and his father's flirting all season long, don't.

I don't know why I bother... It was a court decision. It doesn't matter who was the player. How come you dismiss a law because it's about Neymar or Messi? Thing is, to make Neymar's buyout higher, he'd have to be the highest paid and the most valuable player of Barça. Which he is not, and won't be.

And apparently what's making the deal difficult is that Neymar want Barça help in case he's found guilty in court, not his buyout. 220m is enough, with taxes it rises to around 400m.


Previously known as Mehssi
That is a ridiculous claim Flavia, meaning if Messi wanted a 50M€ clause and got it cause club trusts he's not leaving, while being the best paid player of the squad, no other player in the team could have a higher clause ? :facepalm:

Suarez has a 225M€ clause, and Neymar will have almost double his wage with new contract.

Please give me this mathematical formula that will put Neymar at 220 ...

Occam's Razor is telling us, Neymar is refusing a higher buyout.

And of course he wants help paying the fines, on top of everything ... so that his buyout doesn't even cover his freaking signing cost..


Senior Member
With RM it's quite simple really. They can agree to anything between themselves (player and the club) and it may be overruled by the court but only when the player goes to the court against the club. Until that happens they can agree to whatever they want.

Our club might be calculating by the Real Sociedads player process and the calculations used there. They don't have to.

Neymars camp know that the board is a bunch of useless wankers and I'm not going to blame them for exploiting that.

Yep. No plaintiff, no judge. Kinda begs the question why clubs even bother to try to calculate a reasonable sum. It's cringeworthy really; what does a judge do to calculate the market value of a player: Call in an expert who then checks transfermarkt.de and randomly adds or subtracts 5-10 % ? :lol:

Since buyer clubs would also have to 'gift' Neyboy the money first, a ridiculous amount of gift tax would be incurred. In reality, every clause above 100 m € is therefore merely a synonyme for 'Not for Sale' until stated otherwise. For players on the other hand, this seems to have turned into an ego thing.


Senior Member
We don't even need to raise that 190m. clause. That's a crazy sum. We need to extend the contract because it rans out in 2 years, not because the clause is too low. I wouldn't be too upset if someone pays the clause for Neymar.


Previously known as Mehssi
We don't even need to raise that 190m. clause. That's a crazy sum. We need to extend the contract because it rans out in 2 years, not because the clause is too low. I wouldn't be too upset if someone pays the clause for Neymar.

Seriously ?

Knowing how we will get ripped to shreds with this board's negociation skills to replace him if that happens, we should be worried.

190M is barely Pogba and some random Gameiro or similar if clubs know we have that money.

And that's not even entertaining the case where Barça pays his and his father's fines, taking what he cost us, wages aside, above that 190M ... you see how that would be a horrible horrible piece of business for a 24 year old future world's best.
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Senior Member
[MENTION=19697]Vlom[/MENTION]: You are worrying waaay too much. :) As I said, it's not just about paying 190M or 220M clause, buying club also have to pay taxes and give Neymar a big contract, probably top 3 in the world.

Read this: http://www.sportskeeda.com/football/buy-out-clauses-how-they-work-spanish-football/2

The player deposits the stipulated amount in the contract with the Spanish football regulatory authorities and unilaterally breaks his contract. As mentioned earlier, that sum is given to him by the buying club in order to buy himself out. As soon as that money is transferred to his account, however, it is liable to taxation at a rate that ranges from 20 to 47 per cent. Thus, a player with a buyout of €40 million would now have a real-life cost of €58.8 million.

Now you can do your math with Neymar's numbers. ;)


Previously known as Mehssi
Yes, 100M in taxes will ruin PSG or City's owners little daughters birthday, no castle in france for you this year, but Neymar will be there, he loves birthdays :lol:

Seriously, you guys are underestimating oil money and how much they have of it ... the only barrier is the FFP, other than that, PSG's cheikh doesn't give a rat's ass about a 100M of taxes.

City buys average players for 50/60M a piece .. you think they wouldn't shell 300 if Pep wanted Neymar ?

Come on :)


President of FC Barcelona
Yes, 100M in taxes will ruin PSG or City's owners little daughters birthday, no castle in france for you this year, but Neymar will be there, he loves birthdays :lol:

Seriously, you guys are underestimating oil money and how much they have of it ... the only barrier is the FFP, other than that, PSG's cheikh doesn't give a rat's ass about a 100M of taxes.

City buys average players for 50/60M a piece .. you think they wouldn't shell 300 if Pep wanted Neymar ?

Come on :)

You've got it all wrong.

Even if FFP wasn't there, no one would shell out even 200m+ for a player not named Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi.

That's how it is, no matter how much oil money they have, because at the end of the day, they have to look after their business too and not tear it apart by spending money like a donkey on massive transfer fees.


We don't even need to raise that 190m. clause. That's a crazy sum. We need to extend the contract because it rans out in 2 years, not because the clause is too low. I wouldn't be too upset if someone pays the clause for Neymar.

Me neither. If any team want to pay the 220m for him, there's enough money to replace him. Not long ago he was thrash to some here anyway, why the worry now? :pep:


Previously known as Mehssi
You've got it all wrong.

Even if FFP wasn't there, no one would shell out even 200m+ for a player not named Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi.

That's how it is, no matter how much oil money they have, because at the end of the day, they have to look after their business too and not tear it apart by spending money like a donkey on massive transfer fees.

Bony, Cavani, Davis Luiz, Sterling etc etc ...

Neymar is 10x the player any of those are, and he's the next #1 face of Nike, and captain of football's greatest nation.

He's as close to Messi and CR7 as it gets in the current market, and only 24 years old .. if you guys can't see how PSG could break the bank for him, even at a loss (which again the cheikh doesn't give a fuck about) to make their brand 10x bigger worldwide ... I don't know what else to say.

Me neither. If any team want to pay the 220m for him, there's enough money to replace him. Not long ago he was thrash to some here anyway, why the worry now? :pep:

He's been trash for months yes, but he's our trash :wub:

If Barça ends up paying say 50M€ for his fines, and just after that someone pays his buyout, we'll be barely making our money back on him.

And again, you guys are moving the discussion ... all to make Ney look good.

IF he doesn't triple his wages and we don't pay his fines, than yeah we can keep the 190M and if someone pays it good.

BUT, as things are looking, his wage will be tripled, the club will probably back at least a part of his fines to keep him happy .. and the ONLY concession he has to make, which is the buyout fee, he won't make ... great !

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