11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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Senior Member
Jammy speaking as if the club knows what they are doing. They couldn't afford Nolito ffs. and are month away from having no shirt sponsor.

Barca will get shafted make no doubt about that. Will it be worth it down the line? We'll see and bloody well hope so.

Nah Bojjy I am speaking as if Ney knows what he is doing.

Try to keep up.


Previously known as Mehssi
Ok Ok, so everything's great, wages x3, pay his fines, and a joke of 10% increase in buyout fee.

Amazing, thank you Neymar for accepting that, you are a true hero :worthy:



Senior Member
Ok Ok, so everything's great, wages x3, pay his fines, and a joke of 10% increase in buyout fee.

Amazing, thank you Neymar for accepting that, you are a true hero :worthy:


Nothing to do with being a hero.

You said yourself he brings so much money in himself to clubs that make paying hundreds of millions on him viable but totally ignore this when it comes to Barca paying him and just make out he is bleeding club dry.

You say paying for Neymar is viable for other clubs to cough up over 300m on him and thats before any wages.

What does he bring that makes that a deal other clubs are willing to pay?


previously known as Jonathan28
Hopefully next season Neyamr will be fully back to his best, though with the Copa coming up that may not be a sure thing lol


Previously known as Mehssi
Nothing to do with being a hero.

You said yourself he brings so much money in himself to clubs that make paying hundreds of millions on him viable but totally ignore this when it comes to Barca paying him and just make out he is bleeding club dry.

You say paying for Neymar is viable for other clubs to cough up over 300m on him and thats before any wages.

What does he bring that makes that a deal other clubs are willing to pay?

I have NO problem with him bleeding us dry (contrary to what people keep throwing at me, I never asked for him to be sold), just fucking commit to us in exchange and don't make us his whore is all I'm asking for.

This is some massive stockholm syndrome we're developing with fucking Neymar, never a negociation has been this unbalanced, I'm sick of it, take the 15M/year, take your fucking fines, just fucking sign a 3 or 400M€ buyout so we can have some fucking rest from all the rumours week in week out.

Is it reaaaaaally asking too much ?

Your logic is saying, he can do the same circus next summer because clubs will talk about paying 220, and it will be OK ? that's where we're at now ?

Honestly, this denial of you all is making me sick to my stomach, I'm in total disbelief, if this is the new norm than fuck my fucking life, I might just quit football.
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Senior Member
It is not about clubs paying 220m.

If they want Ney they will be paying around 300m and probably higher wages than Barca will give him. At a guess he could get 700k a week.

Over a five year contract or so you are speaking about clubs paying over 90m a year for Neymar compared to Barca giving him a new contract and paying probably between 30/35m a year for him.

Cant see any club out there any time soon being able to pay 90m a season for him.

It cant be logical that you justify him being worth 90m a season to clubs but for Barca to pay 30/35m.

If they insist on his fathers fees being paid tell them they get it at the end of the contract.

Will ask again - what does Ney bring that he justifies clubs paying 90m odd a season for him. If dont agree with 90m say 70/80m what does he bring to justify that?


Senior Member
Yes, 100M in taxes will ruin PSG or City's owners little daughters birthday, no castle in france for you this year, but Neymar will be there, he loves birthdays :lol:

Seriously, you guys are underestimating oil money and how much they have of it ... the only barrier is the FFP, other than that, PSG's cheikh doesn't give a rat's ass about a 100M of taxes.

City buys average players for 50/60M a piece .. you think they wouldn't shell 300 if Pep wanted Neymar ?

Come on :)

I think you are overrating them. :) Seriously, you don't see a difference between paying 60M or 200M for a player?

It's not like their owners can pay that from their own pocket, it has to go through club's account. According to Forbes PSG has yearly incomes of around 560M€ and City around 490M€, they can't and won't invest more than half of that into one player.

Really, you need to relax and stop worrying so much about that. ;) Ney will stay here until he's happy, when he's not, we'll sell him for less than his clause. No team will pay his clause over the next 3-5 years, whether it stays at 190M or if we raise it to 220M.


Senior Member
If there's any truth to it (Javi Miguel was the one who originally reported it) I don't blame Masche one bit.

Bad enough everyone's form decided to Dip in April, but man Neymar, was Frustrating to watch. in the Espanyol game he looks like he's getting his form back again and I hope he does because I don't want to see the Neymar that we have seen for the past 3 months ever again.
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