Neymar has been underwhelming ever since the Bernabau Clasico in November. He finally had a decent half against a good team again yesterday, so I can see why people are overreacting. His finishing is still an absolute joke and to not get that header on goal at this level is unacceptable. He just can't score these days, I swear.
Don't even know if I can't be bothered, but come on, man. Since December he has been showing up here and there in some games against the likes of Sociedad, Bilbao, Valencia etc, but he has been looking uninspired most of the time and especially in some of the big games against Atletico (league), Arsenal, Real Madrid, Sevilla etc.
What's his excuse for looking dead tired and playing sub par? He didn't play last qualifier for Brazil and returned earlier to Barcelona.
When was the last time he ad a decent match? Today he was horrible!
He's gone into Horrormar full mode since I don't know when. Did he play more than two or three good games in 2016 ?!
Every time you see Neymar get the ball, you know he's going to cut inside and run the ball back towards our own goal. It's fucking stupid. 1-2 with iniesta, 1-2 with alba... Nooooooooooooooo...
"Cut inside, give the ball away - that's the Neymar way."
Oh man...not going well for him at all. Completely predictable and one dimensional.
Seems like two different players played for us in the first half of the season vs now. Where have you gone, first half of season Neymar Jr?
Today he reverted back to his old self, treating Sociedad like a bunch of playground scrubs he was going to boss, rather than release the ball quickly, trust his teammates and make runs.
Absolute shit. That's all. Now fuck off and solve your tax problems or whatever it is that's bothering you off the pitch, you immature greedy prick.
Fuck him, he's lost all the concentration right before the most important part of the season.
No worries, surely a birthday party is incoming to take his mind off things.
Bravo Neyney, MR I want 20M/year ... clap clap clap.
poor mans ronaldinho
Of course they have a point, he's been thinking about everything but football in the last 3 months...
I could have some sympathy if it was because his legal troubles, but his lifestyle speaks louder if you ask me...
Of course they do have a point, this £**% was on Snapchat till 2 am the night prior to Clasico, and again the same prior to first leg against ATM for 2 back to back birthday parties of one of the useless guys of his entourage, with party in between in Brazil instead of using that expulsion from Brazil to come back home.
Didn't say anything because I was gonna be trashed by everyone again and called hater, let him the benefit of the doubt and answer on the pitch.
He didn't, he can go wherever he wants this summer if this is the new Neymar, BYE fucking BYE !
we are merciless with criticism for messi after a poor performance and that man has single handedly been responsible for multiple CLs and la ligas and catapulting barca to one of the best clubs of all time. neymar...his biggest contribution so far has been being a good to great player in an already great team that won the treble. his behavior and performances lately suggest that football is hardly his biggest priority and he needs to reinvigorate himself if he stands any chance of being the best player in the world.
Yet again our Horrormay showed up tonight, great, and thanks. This guy quit footbal from the start on 2016 !
He's sooo predictable, especially with his back to the goal... Sometimes I yell at the TV because he's dribbling towards the wrong goal...
Year as in 2016 and I'm talking about Neymar specifically.
I love Junior, I was so excited about what he was capable of the first half of the season, there had been a steady progression in his 2 and a half years that had us all drooling over him. He scored some goals in January that masked the performances but he's been so bad in 2016. This amount of time in poor form is much more than just a 'blip'.
robinho vol.2 is coming
Doesn't look like he gives a shit at all anymore to me. He just looks sad and careless. Maybe it got something to do with him several times a week sharing Snaps in the middle of the night where he is partying, playing poker etc.
He should start by solving his tax problems followed by growing the fuck up and spend his nights sleeping instead.
Yeah well, he's 24 and had way more days to rest than Messi, so what's his fucking excuse ?
I wanted to kill myself yesterday seeing him run towards our own goal with 20min to go, or get into the fighting games of ATM 10min from being knocked out !
What a massive let down Ney !![]()
This guy has been absolutely atrocious. I can't even remember the last time I commented on him because he hasn't done anything useful is such a long time.
What's up with these younger top class talents these days? Players like Neymar, Hazard, James and Gotze all seem to claim the spotlight of the football world and then just throw it away and go to shit.
He did a fabregas this season. Completely disappeared in 2016.
He is talented but fucking lazy and distracted by all this social media, partying bullshit.
Will probably end up like Adriano or Robinho.
No way will he hit the heights of Ronnie.
I wouldn't compare him to either Leo or CR, mainly because I don't think he will ever be as good as those two.
He doesn't have the talent of Messi and while it is arguable that he is as talented as Ronaldo, he doesn't have the work ethic or drive that Ronaldo does.
I agree with people ITT that his primadonna behavior has to stop though. Neymar became extremely complacent as the season progressed and he was performing poorly well-before we hit our slump period.
The lack of leadership in our team's dressing room is worrying, there isn't a boss figure like Xavi or Puyol to light a fire under our player's asses anymore and some of the guys in our team, like celebrity Neymar, definitely need that.
Let me add.. If Ronnie hadn't actually gotten injured towards the end of the 2nd half of the season in the beginning then Barca most likely would have won the league in his first year at Barca. Ronnie commanded games at such a quality where I'm still waiting for Neymar to do. He was on the right track beginning of this season, but then he decided to revert back. I honestly is somewhat disappointed in Neymar too. Especially when Messi is currently struggling he's suppose to step up and take his place when needed.
It's sacrilege to compare ronie with neymar.
Pls stop.
We're going to give this guy a pay rise lolll.....
At least he can party more in other countries, buy more private jets, hang with more celebrities and buy more clown fashion suits.
He was extremely bad,so bad he fuxked up every time he got the ball
holy fucking shit he sucked, by far his worst game for us - did he manage to actually do anything right? I'm not sure
The performances he has been putting in over the course off 2016 would warrant bench time at any mid table club yet here at Barcelona he's untouchable.
Crowd at stadium were going nuts at him not passing ball early.
What an idiot. Messi should've just let them kick some sense into his immature ass instead of saving him there.
I'm not enjoying anything. I was super disappointed in him up until today, now I'm flat out angry.
Dribbling, energy levels, positioning, workrate, use of the ball, finishing, runs, conduct - all terrible.
And it's got to the point where it's the 3rd season in a row that this has happened, that you can't just call it a dip in form, people weren't this kind to Fabregas when he ended his season's poorly, and he was being hamfisted into the side. Can you say that about Neymar? Messi's recent dip in form hasn't helped him, but Messi was good today, and Neymar's runs were appalling.
I don't want to sell him, we'd be mad to. For the whole squad fitness is the main problem, but Neymar certainly has more problems than that.
what a performance from this guy today... jesus, what can you say in his defence? absolutly nothing, disgrace, and still, he wants to play copa and OL with brasil, he can stay there if you ask me with that kind of attitude
I can excuse the bad run of form, every player goes through it. It's his laziness off the ball that rubs me the wrong way. He really is a me-first kind of guy.
He had 3 months of good form and now he thinks he's a big man
It's not just his footballing ability that's atrocious at the moment, it's his attitude. He walks around the pitch like he's some sort of football god and throws tantrums like one too. He has only had 1 good season, the guy isn't shit.
Something is terribly wrong if you play a game that bad and the only thing you can do at the final whistle is run over to your opposition and slap them in the face. That's not just making you look like a clown, it's an embarrassment to everyone associated with Barca.
Oh and change your fucking boots at half-time you tit.
What else can I say that I haven't said about him already .. we're almost in may, almost 5 months of SHIT, bad attitude, and parties.
Honestly, at this point, the 200M€ he'd bring in are better than having him, let alone talking about the 3x raise expected to happen at the end of the season.
And people saying that people criticizing him don't love Barça or whatever bullshit like that are wrong, almost everyone in here was praising him and very happy at the prospect of his renewal, up until January.
And YES, he'll get more shit than any other player because he's paid more, and because he parties more than the entire squad combined.
I hope the success didn't get to him, he seems to be quite arrogant these days before he was humble and hard working
He needs to be 'the man'? He's been utterly sh*t since January and tonight he was ultramegasupergarbage, you think building our team around Ney would be a good idea lol?!
Might face a ban now. Such an idiot honestly. I know he gets kicked about all game and so on but he behaves like such a twat. You can see why he is hated so much by other teams. Hazard last season when he was at his best got kicked about every single game and played like a man and never got himself involved in stupidness. Messi too. Why can't Neymar just do the same. His behaviour is disgusting and embarrassing.
He proved leadership in Oct-Nov 2015, but he decided it was enough for now and just let Messi do it all.
The perspective of him being mediocre most games, with a few sparks here and there is unsettling, considering his age and all the effort we made to get him here.
Stop snapchating, stop partying and get on the fucking job.
In this case, Neymar should shut the fuck up when he is subbed in min.60 or starts the next La Liga campaign on the fucking bench. Let us buy a good striker and put some of our stars in their place. They have started to think they are above the team. One of the reasons why having too many stars in the team could be detrimental if the attitude is not right.
Neymar has a lot of talent but his terrible form and attitude since the New year has been driving me up the wall.
He needs tough love and competition for his spot. and also he wants to play both the Copa and Olympics? he hasn't shown lately he deserves to play in either and it appears him throwing a fit over having to choose has finally worked since Barto is going to let him play in both.
If he's benched at the start of next season he better not bitch about it.
Looks like the primadona needs some benching time, what a fucking disgrace
Neymar at his best was incredible to watch during the first part of the season when Messi was out. But with the mounting problems off the field and his drop in form during the second half of the season it's quite clear he's getting Frustrated and the littlest thing these days is making him do stupid shit on the field as you can see with that video.
It's even Evident when he's playing with Brazil, when things aren't going right he's completely loses his head and tries to start confrontations. He was at the end of a bad challenge from Uruguay's RB during the WC qualifiers back in march and he lost his shit and Luckily Suarez was there to calm him down.
He has a lot of talent but he has a lot of growing up to do and he seriously needs to tackle the problems he has off the field, as it's also clearly affecting him. It's times like this the Club Captains and Lucho need to sit his ass down and put him in his place.
He's not bringing anything to the offence lately, doesn't take out defenders with his runs rather slows down and waits for a double team from opponents..his overall contribution is starting to look like a pedro or munir, except he doesn't defend...
Mental problem for sure..
Horrormar at his finest
Hope he finally hit bottom tonight and we'll see good old Neymar soon again.
We are shit but what the hell happened to this kid? Like he is playing on beach
He's playing like dogshit
Absolutely atrocious tonight.
I personally just don't want to see revisionism now and posts like: Ney was soooo good for the last 3 years, helped in winning so many trophies and only had a few weeks of poorer form.
That is far, far from a reality.
It's not, actually. He helped a lot in winning the 5 trophies of the past 2 seasons. Too bad you didn't keep your word. Back at it at full force.
Also, I sadly could do the same thing you did with quotes from Messi.
You could do it with Xavi or Iniesta as well. It's not that difficult. Time consuming, sure. But not difficult.
It's not, actually. He helped a lot in winning the 5 trophies of the past 2 seasons. Too bad you didn't keep your word, though.
You could do it with Xavi or Iniesta as well. It's not that difficult. Time consuming, sure. But not difficult.
Some of the posts in messi thread are unbelievable. You would think he became the next bojan. People like to overreact.
Nobody forced you to make that promise, it was spontaneous from you. So, bad excuse. Should just not give your word, if you couldn't keep it. I was referring to this post: promised not to post on Ney's thread after his last topic hat to get deleted. (And I didn't post until our CL exit. I lost nerves with Ney then)
But on the other hand, I feel so stupid sometimes on this forum when majority of us act as if we are brainwashed, or as if we need to say only good things, and if you say bad=you are a hater or whatever. As if we live in a North Korea.
1. Yes, BOTH Messi, Xavi, Iniesta and Ney get some hate
2. but hate about Ney's lasted the longest, isn't it? Maybe there is some stronger on-field reason for that?
He is 24 but he is still young. Which one of his age group that can be compared to him? Pogba? Hazard? Goetze? Isco?
Nobody is expecting him to be the next Messi. But he is good enough.