14 - Javier Mascherano


previously known as Jonathan28
Mascherano will play lots of games this year, especially if we draw a Chelsea or someone in the CL.


:rofl1: Hardly that. I'm a milanista.

I just happen to think that Busquets is a better player in the position for Barcelona than Mascherano. I also contend that you're overly critical of Busquets because by your own admission you don't like him.

We have a winner.

*gives woobie a cookie*

Didn't watch the match today so I can't comment on how he played. And given it was 0-0 there's no way I'm watching it. :lol:


Nah, you''ve probably just got blind love for barcelona grown talent. Just last game where he was brought on as a sub, and the game before that, he had the ball in the midfield in a dangerous position (not many players behind him) and made an awful pass directly to the other team. He also holds up play at times by holding onto the ball too long and in doing so slows down passing/ball movement. He often gets himself into a pickle by holding onto it for too long. He makes errors too often for my liking and it doesn't help that he's a swan princess when he gets hit. I hate Ronaldo for doing it and it doesn't make it ok for him to do it just b/c he's on my favorite team.

Overall, I don't like him very much. Some commentators said that he was the next Pep and that he revolutionized that position in Barca. I lol'd. I just don't see it. He has a lot of improving to do before I feel comfortable with him in there. I feel much more comfortable with Mascherano playing behind Xavi/Iniesta.
Wait, what? What does his play-acting(which he has cut out this season) have to do with his defensive skills and distributing skills?

And he has not given away a single ball this season. (that has lead to a seriously dangerous chance or a goal like against Deportivo.)


no way.
Only Busi is better than Masch.

Yes way.
Touré matched Barça's style way more than Mascherano. But wel all know why he left so we have to get over it. Busquets > Mascherano anyway so we just need him to play minor games.
I thought he (Mascherano) was better though :( Let's hope he just needs some more adaption.


New member
Yes way.
Touré matched Barça's style way more than Mascherano. But wel all know why he left so we have to get over it. Busquets > Mascherano anyway so we just need him to play minor games.
I thought he (Mascherano) was better though :( Let's hope he just needs some more adaption.

Toué is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world and so is Mascherano, however as you said yourself, Touré fits our style much better, and is also immense going forward, something we haven't seen Mascherano doing often.


New member
So far I have never seen making Mascherano any difference in matches.

That's because Barcelona have so much possesion and Mascherano isn't involved much in the build up... He's just the guy there to stop ANYONE comming through.
Let's be honest, the games he's played, we were facing weak opponents... So if he isn't much involved in the build-up play, and he only has defensive duties against weak oppoonents... Well of course we won't see much of him.

Der Kaiser

New member
at 1,74m he´s too small for CB imo. I find it amazing how puyol has had such a great carreer as a CB, because he´s not the tallest either.

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