14 - Javier Mascherano


Barçapocalypse NOW!
The thing is that this arguing is useless... "Who fits better our system" or "who is a better player" are not concepts Txiki has in mind while looking for players to sign... It is known that Masch is one of Messi's best friends and for our directives pleasing Messi is very important (I'm not saying it shouldn't be) but disregarding a player who has proven useful just to please another seems wrong to me... It's all a gamble in the end, maybe Masch will come and perform even better than Yaya, and we won't even remember this thread, but if it turns the other way around, hell will be unsleashed...


New member
Because I don't want to trade Touré for Nigel de Jong I'm worse than Txiki? Or because I think he's a lot worse than Mascherano? Or because I think he couldn't handle the high ball circulation here?
Ok, sure. You should go play with your marbles or something.



I was joking man chill out. But I don't agree with your observation on many players though but we all have our own opinion.

I wouldn't trade Yaya for anyone either, just so you know. :p


New member
Well i'd trade Yaya even though i think he's brilliant but there is only one person better in my eyes and that's Essien.
Now i know it's a pipe dream but what a player he is wonder if Chelsea would let i'm go ;)


Rumour has it he's going to sign a new contract with Liverpool.
Let's hope that means we keep Yaya Touré.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Yep, Sky Sports have confirmed he's rejected a new contract which means we should be able to get him at a knock down price in the summer if not sooner.


Senior Member
I'm hoping Oriol convinces Pep by putting in solid performances in jan, is promoted & we don't feel the need to spend on some overrated twat.

Oriol Romeu Vidal all the way!!!!!!!!!!:flagvl8:


Senior Member
Bus has proved that he can deliver in the big games when needed and with more game time this season, i'm confident he can don the role from the following season onwards. So while Bus can be our first choice DM, Vidal can be a back-up & he'll gradually learn and get better playing with the first-teamers (starting with CDR).
And no, i haven't watched him play but i 've read some good reviews about him. So, i'm more excited about our young lad than some overpriced overrated twat playing for us. Besides, we can use the money from Yaya's sale on buying Silva or someother quality LW. Money saved and a player acquired in a position needed the most. That would be good business IMO. :D
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