16 - Fermín López


Well-known member
There is zero chance a lesser player could have played that false nine like Messi did if that is the argument it is even worse.

It is because of Messi playing there it is even seen as an option at Barca.

Always clinging to past glories.
I agree, Messi made the system work, just stating what I think he meant.

Like I say though, I might have misinterpreted what he meant. It's hard to make out with how it is written.


NTC with a Positive attitude
False nine Messi did not work?

The best team of all time had Messi as the best player in it and the best coach of all time moved Messi there and played him for majority of time there.

Dont think Olmo at fals nine in that set up outlined works.
My point is, if we had a proper 9 in that team, it would have been otherworldly.
False 9 enabled and forced Messi to be the main goalscorer.


NTC with a Positive attitude
Maybe I am not reading that right, but I am interpreting it as even a lesser player than Messi could have made false 9 work to a point back then, because of the players and system around him. It's worded ambiguously and hard to make out but I think that's what draconifire meant. Not that it didn't work.

He can probably clarify with the context of the post.
Its fine.
Maybe I am not able to explain myself. LOL


Well-known member
My point is, if we had a proper 9 in that team, it would have been otherworldly.
False 9 enabled and forced Messi to be the main goalscorer.
It was already otherworldly without a number 9 and with Messi as a false 9. It was close to the perfect team, why would Guardiola have tried to alter it?


Senior Member
My point is, if we had a proper 9 in that team, it would have been otherworldly.
False 9 enabled and forced Messi to be the main goalscorer.

There is not a CF going then that makes that team better than the one they had with Messi at false nine.

'It would have been otherworldly'?

Barca 2011 was the best team they ever. That was with Messi false nine and better than when had Etoo and Ibra at CF.

That is two 'proper 9s'... and Etoo was very good regardless but the team with Messi false nine moved them on tactically for that period.

The argument would be to drop Pedro/Villa and put Messi wider with a 'proper' 9 improves that Pep team? Cant see that at all.


NTC with a Positive attitude
There is not a CF going then that makes that team better than the one they had with Messi at false nine.

'It would have been otherworldly'?

Barca 2011 was the best team they ever. That was with Messi false nine and better than when had Etoo and Ibra at CF.

That is two 'proper 9s'... and Etoo was very good regardless but the team with Messi false nine moved them on tactically for that period.
Man just imagine that team without Villa but Suarez, Ronaldo or Ibra.
Messi's goals might have reduced a bit.
But the amount of unpredictability and verticality we would have had. We would have won all the CL matches that we lost. Absolute dominance.

And Villa scored like 33 goals in that 4 year period. That's what my argument is.


Senior Member
Man just imagine that team without Villa but Suarez, Ronaldo or Ibra.
Messi's goals might have reduced a bit.
But the amount of unpredictability and verticality we would have had. We would have won all the CL matches that we lost. Absolute dominance.

And Villa scored like 33 goals in that 4 year period. That's what my argument is.

Suarez in that team would play Villas role and Messi remains false nine most likely.

Barca were the best team in the world on the break in those years anyway.

The reason Pep played Messi there was to get the maximum threat from him at that time and he moved away from 'proper' CFs to do it.

Barca had Etoo in 2009 and he was probably the best vertical CF going... they were one kick away from going out to Chelsea etc.. to make out Barca just win all matches if have a CF is miles off and cant be sure win the games they did either.


Well-known member
Man just imagine that team without Villa but Suarez, Ronaldo or Ibra.
Messi's goals might have reduced a bit.
But the amount of unpredictability and verticality we would have had. We would have won all the CL matches that we lost. Absolute dominance.

And Villa scored like 33 goals in that 4 year period. That's what my argument is.
You can't know that mate. Villa was a better team player than Ronaldo or Ibra, for instance. Now obviously they were more dangerous attackers in general. But the point is sometimes you use a lesser player if he fits into the team well, and Villa and Pedro were perfect in the Barca system (Villa would likely have continued to do well if not for leg break).


NTC with a Positive attitude
I didn't mean anything bad by saying that mate. I meant it more of a compliment - that you speak it well even though it isn't your first language. The odd misunderstanding happens even in first language speaking.

Don't worry, your English is good.
It's ok, dude.
I know man you didnt mean anything. You are one of the nicest person on this forum.


Well-known member
It's ok, dude.
I know man you didnt mean anything. You are one of the nicest person on this forum.
Thanks mate. I can be a dick sometimes when in a mood, I am Scottish after all and we can be miserable bastards at times lol.

But generally I try to be nice to people if they are nice to me.

Put it this way - your English is miles better than my (insert your native language).

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