I don't think the argument that EPL is more competitive than La Liga because we see more upsets in the EPL is a valid one. I mean you could say that upsets are due to competitiveness or you can say that the few teams on top are not performing the way they should every week, I mean just look at the past couple of weeks Arsenal lost to Stoke and Villa, does that mean EPL is more competitive? maybe, or it may mean that Arsenal just couldn't get their shit together enough. La Liga is competitive and the smaller teams can play more technical football than the ones in EPL, one way you can judge this by seeing how well mid table la liga teams have done in the Europa league/UEFA cup. Aside from Real and Barca la liga is very competitive 
EDIT: no point tearing our hair out over this argument, we'll find out in about a weeks time.
EDIT: no point tearing our hair out over this argument, we'll find out in about a weeks time.