2022 Ballon d'Or


Well-known member
I don't recall KL ever saying Messi is having a good Ligue 1 season. He only highly praised him for days on end when PSG beat City. The others were just one or two post replies, not the 5 page Daily Mail replies we are getting here with shit-on-Messi takes

he insulted guys who said Messi had a bad match which amounts to the same thing


Senior Member
The one nice thing about Barca Reddit is that trolls get banned quite fast. Here you literally have a gang of them. It's the wild west, but unlike the wild west there is no sheriff station.

This forum was always rather lenient, but it feels moderation has been completely absent for months now tbh.


The one nice thing about Barca Reddit is that trolls get banned quite fast. Here you literally have a gang of them. It's the wild west, but unlike the wild west there is no sheriff station.

curious: why was it okay when kingleo would go out of his way to insult and harass posters here back when messi was still good? why is it that 'we' are the trolls for doing exactly what he did (and continues to do)?

seems to me that its awfully convenient to say that those you dislike/disagree with are trolls even if you do the exact same thing. not that you do--you do not

but its really curious to me how you determine who is a troll and who isnt


in other words: its inscrutable to me how you would say we are trolls (at times we are, especially when dealing with KL) but not KL who for months harassed fati about his age--how is that permissible/not trolling?


for the record: i am all for more strict moderation (i.e. less personal attacks, less swearing, less toxicity) so long as its applied evenly and not just to those who have views some find objectionable, within reason (i.e. not allowing racism/xenophobia/homophobia etc)

double standards are not ok


Senior Member
There is no way it's comparable. OG, you and your posse are actively looking for him every time he has a bad game now.


Well-known member
if double standards wouldnt be allowed here guys like KL or Rory would have been permabanned, they should be happy Mods are relatively inactive here :lol:


There is no way it's comparable. OG, you and your posse are actively looking for him every time he has a bad game now.

its probably because you get on well with KL--which is fine, but there were long spans of time when he would actively go out of his way, daily, to harass Rassvet and Fati all across this forum. the posts are archived--the evidence is there.

its easy not to notice these things when you are not being targeted, but believe me it happened. over a period of 6-9 months, too.

i would invite you to look through post histories to see just how toxic KL behaved towards others just because they were critical of messi, especially 1-2 years ago.


The thing is the moment you put up a view he doesn't agree with he'll try to pick a fight instead of debating properly. This is what happens most of the time. This is just a forum of strangers. Initially nobody has anything personal against anyone


Senior Member
Basically every friggin game then?

His second half against RM was absolute dog :shit: and was a lot worse than the mediocre performances he has in Ligue 1. Also a lot more was expected given its RM at the Bernabeu in a CL KO stage. You typically want a BD'Or winner to do something instead of standing there sulking. He is finished at the CL level.


in other words: as a matter of fact, based on post histories that are freely accessible, it is simply a mischaracterization of the situation to say that 'we' go after 'him'. again, don't take my word for it, look through the archives yourself. obviously that's time consuming and im sure you have better things to do, but i doubt youd be saying that if you had been on the receiving end of daily harassment like fati, rassy and i were for a long time 1-2 years ago


Well-known member
The thing is the moment you put up a view he doesn't agree with he'll try to pick a fight instead of debating properly. This is what happens most of the time. This is just a forum of strangers. Initially nobody has anything personal against anyone

good observation my guy, since 2017 you had this problem with him, waiting for his amigos to defend him made it impossible to discuss with him :lol:

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