6 - Carles Alena


Well-known member
Lets be realistic, this guy doesn’t seem like he got what it takes to be a suitable starter in the future. Puig on the other hand is a different story


Well-known member
All the signs that he wont make it are there but some of you guys are too bais to see them.

1. He is not a stabilizing midfielder and will break the balance. The guy cannot control the ball even in the “secret box chalkenge” he sucks compared to malcom who has much better ball control

2. Playing him as a CAM is not gonna happen. Check Fabregas.

3. He wont play as a ST


Senior Member
Issue that has plagued Alena is that his first touch is erratic.

At times he can have an exquisite touch that breaks him free of two nearby opponents. Then the next play the ball will bounce a metre away from him losing possession.

He is not a typical Barcelona midfielder but has his value. To be honest with his style it may be better to take a loan to a lower table team than have scrap first team minutes. He is the type of player that a lower LaLiga team would build around as he takes control of the situation.

Here that wont happen as his midfield breaks will be slowed down with the distribution hierarchy.


New member
All the signs that he wont make it are there but some of you guys are too bais to see them.

1. He is not a stabilizing midfielder and will break the balance. The guy cannot control the ball even in the “secret box chalkenge” he sucks compared to malcom who has much better ball control

2. Playing him as a CAM is not gonna happen. Check Fabregas.

3. He wont play as a ST

1. His first touch is miles ahead of Malcom

2. He can rest Coutinho there, and there are many formations where he can fit, 4-3-3 with "controller and creator" isn't the only possible formation, and we have never even played that anyway since EV joined.


Senior Member
Would love to see a future midfield of Arthur-De Jong-Puig, that midfield just wouldn't give the ball away...and with Alena as the wild card, the attacking midfielder/extra attacker from the bench, the erratic, yet more exciting option.


Senior Member
All the signs that he wont make it are there but some of you guys are too bais to see them.

1. He is not a stabilizing midfielder and will break the balance. The guy cannot control the ball even in the “secret box chalkenge” he sucks compared to malcom who has much better ball control

2. Playing him as a CAM is not gonna happen. Check Fabregas.

3. He wont play as a ST

FFS there is no way in hell anyone can be sure he will make it or not after 2,5 games he played this season. Except if you area Nostradamus??? Of course he won't play as a ST but he can play as a CM (not only CAM) and regarding his first touch, he is miles ahead of Rafinha or Vidal. Will he become a starter or not nobody knows but he could become a much better backup than Denis or Rafinha ever were. Also if you think that a "secret box challenge" is a relevant thing for assessing player's quality than let's signs some guy from Cirque du Soleil!
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New member
Would love to see a future midfield of Arthur-De Jong-Puig, that midfield just wouldn't give the ball away...and with Alena as the wild card, the attacking midfielder/extra attacker from the bench, the erratic, yet more exciting option.

Thats just wishfull thinking, you watched puig few times, not vs top guns, while de jong is considered huge talent you never know how he will do at barca, arthur isnt xavi level still

God Serena

New member
Alena is more likely to succeed than any La Masia player since Pep left but people are obsessed with shitting on him because he's not as flashy as Puig... :rolleyes:


New member
Alena is more likely to succeed than any La Masia player since Pep left but people are obsessed with shitting on him because he's not as flashy as Puig... :rolleyes:
For me they are different player types. Puig is almost a copy of iniesta. Alwaya looking to get something going forward, rarely passing backwards.
Alena is more calm and controlling like a xavi type(but not as agile as xavi was)

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