9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Luis Suarez has suggested to Uruguayan radio station Sport 890 that the English press may force him out of Liverpool - and indicated he would be willing to sign for Real Madrid.

When asked if there was any truth in the stories linking him to Real Madrid, Suarez said: "The desire to win with the big clubs is always there. I've talked to my agent, there's nothing concrete. To say no to Madrid would always be difficult and more so with the team they have.

.. seems like theres some truth in it, would be a big loss for liverpool..

Really hope they don't get him. Hasn't he been linked with us as well though? He was on that list of forwards we are supposedly looking at.

I think he'd be a great buy for us. Can play as a striker and (correct me if I'm wrong) on both wings. Not to mention he's arguably the best player in the PL. Imagine Neymar-Messi-Suarez....
:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

His attitude could be a problem though...
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I am Leg End
Link to the radio interview

A translation by GregCharrua with a couple of amendments by Lady_Brandybuck


¿Esta cerca del equipo madridista? ¿Han hablado con su representante?
Are you close with Real madrid? Have they spoken with your representative?

El deseo de triunfar en equipos grandes siempre está ahí. He hablado con mi agente, no hay nada en concreto, la ilusión y decirle que no al Madrid siempre será difícil, y más a un equipo así. Tengo contrato en el Liverpool pero decirle que al Madrid es muy difícil. Se rumorea mucho en este periodo de fichajes. Nunca se sabe hasta que aparezcan las ofertas concretas.
The desire to win with big teams is always there. I have spoken with my agent, but there is nothing concrete, the idea of and to say no to Madrid will always be difficult, and more so with a team like that. I have a contract at liverpool but to say no to madrid is very hard. There are lots of rumours this time of year. You'll never know until the concrete offers appear.

¿Le ha desgastado su estancia en el Liverpool?
Have you been worn out with your stay at liverpool?

Estoy agradecido al Liverpool, soy feliz gracias a los aficionados. Cometí un error, soy un humano, pero se ha hablado de mí en aspectos que no se deben, mi familia ha sufrido y se han pasado límites. Me he cansado. Mi hija y mi esposa han sufrido. No estoy preparado para seguir sufriendo a los periodistas ingleses.
I'm very thankful of Liverpool, I am happy because of the fans. I made a mistake, i am human, but the press have spoken about me in ways they shouldn't have, my family has suffered and they (the press) have crossed limits. I'm tired of it. My daugfhter and wife have suffered. I'm not ready to keep suffering because of the English press.

¿Si puede se irá a otra Liga como la española?
If you could, would you go to another league like the Spanish liga?

Amo Liverpool, pero si hay una posibilidad de jugar en otro lado… Sufrí mucho de niño para llegar a donde estoy como para estar siendo machacado por la prensa inglesa de forma injusta. No se me valoró como jugador, sólo por mi actitud.
I love liverpool, but if there is a possibility to play somewhere else... I suffered a lot as a child to get to where i am just to be cut down by the English press so unfairly. They don't value me as a player, they only look at my attitude.

¿El club le sigue insistiendo en quedarse?
Has liverpool insisted that you stay?

Si, siempre lo han dicho. He hablado con el entrenador y sabe lo que yo quiero, fue jugador. Hay compañeros que entienden mi situación, y con eso está dicho.
Yes, they always have. I have spoken with the coach and he knows what i want, he was a player too. There are teammates who understand my situation, and with that it's all said.

Some comments by a Spanish speaker on Twitter and Greg Charrua's response

@Fydsy: Suarez has said what's being reported - and a bit more. he loves Liverpool, has his contract and implies he wants protection...

@Fydsy: He doesn't want his family having another year like last year at the hands of the press.

@Fydsy: More: The questions are leading and the tone of Suarez is deferential and humble about other clubs as it always is. He is very diplomatic

@Fydsy: More: It's clear he wants the club to protect him (needs to work on that himself, too) but the key is in the questions.

Yes the guy interviewing is clearly a big Real madrid fan he asks: "Now I have to ask you about the future because I think it's also very interesting for all of us. The uruguayans always liked to have - we've had few Uruguayans in madrid - but it would really be a source of pride for all of us. Are you close to Real Madrid? Did you representative tell you something?"

So Suarez is being respectful to that, etc... but yes you could read his answers about the press as he wants some bit of protection, for the press to leave him alone or he doesnt want to put up with it more. This guys reading of it is spot on i think.

He does say "ive spoken with the coach (entrenador), and he knows what i want".

make of it what you will


I feel for his wife and child, but he's reaping what he sowed. He can't blame the media as if he's a victim, when he behaved like a madman. I don't know if this would be that different in spain.


I feel for his wife and child, but he's reaping what he sowed. He can't blame the media as if he's a victim, when he behaved like a madman. I don't know if this would be that different in spain.

This so much holy f. He's acting like the media are screwing him over :lol:


New member
I cannot understand how any supporter would want this guy at there football club, the biggest scumbag that has ever played in the premier league bar none, i will be delighted if he leaves england, good riddance to him, and the fact that it will weaken liverpool to lose there best player is a bonus, i am sure when he goes liverpool fans will try to spin it as a positive that they have money to reinvest, but whoever they replace him with will not be of the same quality...
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