9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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,, Anyone got a toothpick ? I've got some Chiellini stuck in my teeth "


New member
SInce when is it completely irrelevant? Its not the only parameter, but it should matter to a certain degree. Just because it seems like an abnorm thing to do, dosent mean that you should get punished extremely hard. The moral is: Dont make it bigger than it is, he hasnt killed anyone or even injured anyone at all.

Aggressive tackles that may injure an opponent are part of the game, they should be punished but they aren't completely unexpected, they're always going to happen sometimes. Stuff like biting, intentional punching etc should always be punished harder because there is absolutely no reason for someone to do that.


New member
Well, after watching in real time, slow motion, and stills I'm still failing to see how anyone can defend him on this one.

If it is psychological with him then he should have been having treatment after the chelsea incident. I don't know if he is or he isn't but it certainly doesnt seem to be working if he is.

I really can't understand what would have made him do it. It really baffles me. I usually love our nutters but in all honesty I'm finding it hard to accept this behaviour from him. I've defended him through all his other incidents, but this is one where I'm not even going bother arguing a defence for him. Regardless of it not happening when playing for us the action will be associated with Luis Suarez of Liverpool Football Club. It's a shame really as some people, whilst never going to like him, have actually said he'd gone some way to cleaning up his act this season. All that good work is out the window now.

I dont know why but I just feel as though I've been let down by him.

Agreed. How do you feel about selling him now?


Senior Member
Help me out please: Why should he get a 1 year ban when he inflicts more or less zero damage? What are the rules here? He do it on purpose, so its intentional yes, but there is no risk for a serious injury. Think Ramos vs Messi in 2010 - that could have costed messi his career. Its serious. Even worse: Pepe vs getafe. He got like 11 matches and ramos? more like 2. Further its more serious with head issues and so on, and we see these kind of things pretty often - costa tried recently.

People dont bite each other very often:), so suarez neccesarily gets a lot og attention when he does it. Is it really that much worse than trying to finish someones career or finish someone off for good(pepe).

Difficult. The minimum ban is two matches as outlined in Art. 48 Nr. 1 d) of the FIFA disciplinary code and could be extended to 24 as outlined in Art. 19.3 because we have a case of assault here. If the FIFA takes into account that he is a repeated offender, they'll up the ban he got last time (which was 10 matches iirc) to 12-15 matches equalling roughly a year. If they don't, they'll probably ban him for 4 matches to keep him out of the WC. It's actually rather problematic whether they can because the last ban was issued by the FA and not the FIFA. So we'll see.
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