What ? Fair play ? Barça's reputation ? I don't give a **** about !
True fan right here.
What ? Fair play ? Barça's reputation ? I don't give a **** about !
Saw this on twitter, it is one of the greatest things I've read on twitter.
I don't see it as intent to hurt. How much damage can a bite to an arm or shoulder do? I see it more as an immature and childish response to frustration.
If he really had intention to hurt, he would do far more damage by directing his studs to Chielinni's legs. That would do real damage. The bite is just his childish and immature response to frustration. Is stupid as hell and should get counseled out of him, but is not as bad as someone pissed off going studs first to a player with clear intent to harm. And those kinds of things happen plenty in football.
What's everyones thoughts on him coming to Barca despite the bite? lol The price is high of course.. but do we risk Madrid buying him instead?
Depends on the strenght of the bite... you can take out a piece of flesh, or make the person bleed. It's a crazy response to frustation, but it is intention to hurt too.
Stop trolling. You said Chiellini bit himself.