9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member
Yep. Don't look down on the EPL. It's as big if not bigger than La Liga.

And after the previous ban, he also knew everyone was watching him.

It's like a bomb. Dunno when it will explode and it can be in a few years or in a few months, but there's no garantees that he will stop for good.

No EPL game is bigger than a clasico even the liverpool-united game, and he hasn't played big champions league games, and last year was the 1st year he was fighting for a big trophy, so yeah he can still play higher pressure and bigger games and at a more pressurized club than liverpool. 0-0 with his team going out the world cup is as big as they come and he exploded. Could see it easily happening in a classco


New member
No EPL game is bigger than a clasico even the liverpool-united game, and he hasn't played big champions league games, and last year was the 1st year he was fighting for a big trophy, so yeah he can still play higher pressure and bigger games and at a more pressurized club than liverpool. 0-0 with his team going out the world cup is as big as they come and he exploded. Could see it easily happening in a classco
Well, we're saying the same things beside that i still consider the EPL to be a top league there near the top 1, just like La Liga.

But as said by Flavia above, that's not the problem. He went and has done it at a WC, during a crucial match while knowing he was being watched by people from all over the world.

Nothing can stop him once he goes nuts.


New member
You can't be serious. Everyone said that last time and the ban was longer than the one he got now.

What does warrant so much confidence this time that he will stop biting people?

Tell me, show me the new super ubber garantees you have.

You have none.

Il a été relativement sage cette saison à Liverpool. Après, tu as raison, rien ne garantit qu'il ne recommencera pas. Je pense juste qu'il y a un certain moment ou c'est juste trop et que le mec va comprendre que ce n'est plus possible. Au vu de l'acharnement médiatique et des institutions internationales, je pense qu'il devrait avoir un déclic et se calmer.

I don't think that he'll ever stop … You can't be crazy and the next day be "normal". But he can progress and be more mature with experience and what he's living right now is experience. Leaving his team-mates and the WC will probably hurt him a lot and he'll regret what he did to Chiellini.
It's just like Pepe in Madrid (even if Pepe is more than crazy imo), he made many mistakes in his club during the last seasons but became more and more calm. I can't remember some bad action from him this season (apart from the big dive against Elche) .
Suarez can be more calm, just like he was this season at Liverpool.

Anyway, we'll see that in the future.


New member
Il a été relativement sage cette saison à Liverpool. Après, tu as raison, rien ne garantit qu'il ne recommencera pas. Je pense juste qu'il y a un certain moment ou c'est juste trop et que le mec va comprendre que ce n'est plus possible. Au vu de l'acharnement médiatique et des institutions internationales, je pense qu'il devrait avoir un déclic et se calmer.

I don't think that he'll ever stop … You can't be crazy and the next day be "normal". But he can progress and be more mature with experience and what he's living right now is experience. Leaving his team-mates and the WC will probably hurt him a lot and he'll regret what he did to Chiellini.
It's just like Pepe in Madrid (even if Pepe is more than crazy imo), he made many mistakes in his club during the last seasons but became more and more calm. I can't remember some bad action from him this season (apart from the big dive against Elche) .
Suarez can be more calm, just like he was this season at Liverpool.

Anyway, we'll see that in the future.
Well the problem is that he can go nuts again.

And sorry if i was a bit aggressive. I think i'm like a lot of his fans (or ex-fans now), I feel so cheated on that it makes me angry :(


New member
He'll end up banned for life one day.

He's never gonna correct this. Its a mental disorder.

We should stay far away from this guy.


New member
Some things to consider if he'll join for Barca:

1) We probably wouldn't be able to register him for the group-stage of the CL, the knock-out rounds shouldn't be a problem though.
2) No official presentation at the Camp Nou, considering he cannot enter a stadium :)

Btw, did you guys just see that disgusting tackle of Belgian's Defour (for which he rightfully got red-carded), that could have resulted in a leg-break? Is a bite really that much more serious than such a tackle?


barça amor d mi alma
Some people needs to read about his miserable childhood and the bad memories that he has of losing the girl he loved most. But this media takes it to another level...he needs treatment, that is so obvious. But before blaming him, take a minute and give a read about his early life. These untold stories often means the most but known to least.
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