9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Active member
Eh? How does that justify Suarez missing an open net?

I blame suarez but tbf he could not hit a grounded shot(the sevilla defender was sliding) and he had to hit it fast too from around the box.Under these circumstances its not as easy as it looks to score but yeah he still should have scored there.


Senior Member
Had a off night in terms of finishing and this along with a few of his teammates errors lead to the loss of two points. Sad but true.


Senior Member
Regarding the articles surfacing today, about him having said, that part of the blame for the bites was on the defenders, can anyone translate his actual quote:

¿Has encontrado alguna explicación al asunto de los mordiscos?
Tratando ahora con personas que me ayudan, en parte es culpa mía y en parte de la provocación que siento. Y en lugar de irme y olvidarme, me quedaba ahí. Y no es por nada, pero lo que viví con Ivanovic y con Chiellini… Son dos defensas que saben jugar, que son provocadores y te molestan, y te molestan y te molestan… Son irritantes, y llega un momento que uno está mal, se siente responsable de muchas cosas. Ahora me sigue pasando, pero me voy o hablo bien. Entonces seguía en la pelea, y no bajaba las revoluciones. Por eso, ahora siento que soy más consciente y más inteligente y por algo suceden las cosas.


Active member
I just saw some of the quotes floating around about biting. I know he is one of ours now but he should really stop talking about his incidents of biting. There is no way to normalize a grown man, father, and husband biting another grown man.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Signing him was a huge mistake imo; i don't mean in that he is a bad player or anything. But its just we have so little creativity in midfield and will suffer this next season also, honestly i'd rather we'd have bought a World-Class CM that is creative than Suarez for the money spent. Our side is great at the back and front, yet the middle is non-existent. We have spent €150 + million on two attacking players in the last 2 years, yet let our midfield sink to inadequacy. Was scoring goals ever an issue? Not really, against busses yes but all sides struggle versus that except set piece sides such as Atletico.
Bookmarked for when we win the doblete.


Signing him was a huge mistake imo; i don't mean in that he is a bad player or anything. But its just we have so little creativity in midfield and will suffer this next season also, honestly i'd rather we'd have bought a World-Class CM that is creative than Suarez for the money spent. Our side is great at the back and front, yet the middle is non-existent. We have spent €150 + million on two attacking players in the last 2 years, yet let our midfield sink to inadequacy. Was scoring goals ever an issue? Not really, against busses yes but all sides struggle versus that except set piece sides such as Atletico.
I agree wholeheartedly


Senior Member
What a ridiculous claim to make. Also incredibly ignorant statement to make based on zero validity.

We are in great shape in all 3 competitions this season and apparently signing a great striker who has tremendously helped us achieve this status this season was a huge mistake? I dont know where people get their ideas from here.

I can't take anyone seriously who acts as if this season has been a failure at this point.


High Definition Member
If we didn't buy suarez and neymar we would be stuck with alexis and Pedro as starters which was shown not to work. Scoring goals was a major issue against anyone that even knew basic defending and all you had to do was mark messi knowing thee were no other threats. Nowadays though I'm confident we can get more than one goal against anybody.

We should have bought another midfielder yes but buying suarez and neymar a mistake? Come on.

We are less creative in midfield because Lucho plays a different style now.
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We are less creative in midfield because Lucho plays a different style now.
It's not even that we're less creative. Now we struggle to keep possession even against celta (and everyone knows we suffer greatly if we don't have the ball). I'm not saying buying Suarez was a huge mistake but we'd be better off with one or two world class midfielders for that money.


It's not even that we're less creative. Now we struggle to keep possession even against celta (and everyone knows we suffer greatly if we don't have the ball). I'm not saying buying Suarez was a huge mistake but we'd be better off with one or two world class midfielder for that money

Repeating myself, but there was a lot of money left in that window. They didn't spend it all. They didn't get Kroos, or another wc midfield, because they didn't really want it.


San Claudio Bravo
Sorry but buying Suarez doesn't preclude buying a midfielder. There were midfielders to be had, like Kroos for instance, at reasonable prices that would have improved the situation.

Suarez was a need and has improved the team. The other deficiencies present are not his fault.

Last year Neymar scored all of 15 goals in all competitions and there was Alexis who was a poor fit, and Pedro who continued to struggle. The team needed striking power desperately.


Senior Member
Repeating myself, but there was a lot of money left in that window. They didn't spend it all. They didn't get Kroos, or another wc midfield, because they didn't really want it.

Not getting Suarez would mean another season of Messi at false nine which had become one dimensional and easier for teams to stop.

The attack needed changed. The team lost out on league through barely being able to score vs Atletico in both CL and La Liga. Stop Messi and teams were in business.

Messi has been back to his best on the RW and teams have found it harder to stop him with three threats up front that can't be given space.

This is arguably the best front three at any time ever that all get on and play for one another. Anything that is won this season will be in huge part down to how good individually and collective that front three are.

The midfield being weak is a severate issue and could have been managed much better even with Suarez in team.

Not even sure what midfielders people wanted at club as Kroos could have came regardless and Koke never wanted to leave Atletico.
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