9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He had a couple of bright moments (the cross for Neymar stands out) but overall a very poor game. Probably our worst player on the pitch.


Professor Balthazar
I'm sorry, but I never thought Suarez was all that for us last season. Sure, he gave us a handfull of good games (even 2-3 fantastic ones) - but overall I'm not liking his standard. Clumsy, misses easy passes and chances.


New member
I honestly think winning the CL will be easier than the Liga this season. But we'll see, it's still too damn early.


Staff member
He does look clumsy in comparison to Messi, Iniesta..
He's irreplacable thought for all other qualities he usually shows. Tonight, however, wasn't Suarez' usual night.


I'm sorry, but I never thought Suarez was all that for us last season. Sure, he gave us a handfull of good games (even 2-3 fantastic ones) - but overall I'm not liking his standard. Clumsy, misses easy passes and chances.


There's edgy and then there's this. Respect your opinion, but I disagree completely.


Senior Member
I'm sorry, but I never thought Suarez was all that for us last season. Sure, he gave us a handfull of good games (even 2-3 fantastic ones) - but overall I'm not liking his standard. Clumsy, misses easy passes and chances.
I agree, you should sell him asap.


New member
Suarez is having a very slow start, played very bad today...but at least he fought for every ball! MSN is out of sync at this moment they have not clicked since game 1. Neymar has been terrible. Messi well below his par. Middle is being overran, and our defense is poor alves pique same old we knew. Last year everything clicked. Its still early but MSN gotta figure out each other, Suarez needs more passes and crosses for a 9! he is being isolated up front, and on top he is clearly not in good form just like the rest of the team. I know he will be back i just hope the team gets it together, because its not just MSN

Barcafan 2304

New member
His goals have been key for us so I don't understand how people can say he is not all that. Very poor yesterday but I trust he will score plenty again this season


New member
La Liga should finally start retrospectively punishing players for incidents like when that defender hit Suarez with a closed fist (!) in the back. You don't deal with dirty plays by ignoring them. Just look how's EPL doing it, for fucks sake.

Suarez was atrocious.

El Flaco

Active member
La Liga should finally start retrospectively punishing players for incidents like when that defender hit Suarez with a closed fist (!) in the back. You don't deal with dirty plays by ignoring them. Just look how's EPL doing it, for fucks sake.


PS: "That defender" was Sergi Gómez.
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