9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
I love it how Barcelona fans defend their players. Man, this forum has been an awesome experience. You're damn right that they're both douches. Talented douches at that.

You sound like you might be racist, trying your best to find an answer behind Suarez's comments. It's a culture thing. He's new to the country. He didn't mean anything by it. Yawn.

He's been living in England for nearly a year and knew what he was doing. He tried to wind him up and took it too far. Welcome to England, they don't tolerate that kind of nonsense. There is no place for it. If anything, he got off lightly.

You tell em!


La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I love it how Barcelona fans defend their players. Man, this forum has been an awesome experience. You're damn right that they're both douches. Talented douches at that.

You sound like you might be racist, trying your best to find an answer behind Suarez's comments. It's a culture thing. He's new to the country. He didn't mean anything by it. Yawn.

He's been living in England for nearly a year and knew what he was doing. He tried to wind him up and took it too far. Welcome to England, they don't tolerate that kind of nonsense. There is no place for it. If anything, he got off lightly.

John Terry agrees.


Mike the Knife
I love it how Barcelona fans defend their players. Man, this forum has been an awesome experience. You're damn right that they're both douches. Talented douches at that.

You sound like you might be racist, trying your best to find an answer behind Suarez's comments. It's a culture thing. He's new to the country. He didn't mean anything by it. Yawn.

He's been living in England for nearly a year and knew what he was doing. He tried to wind him up and took it too far. Welcome to England, they don't tolerate that kind of nonsense. There is no place for it. If anything, he got off lightly.

You won't go far in life with that sort of brilliant deductive logic, kid

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I thought racism was pretty common in England? That's all you see in movies... maybe because they're all working class environments

(oh and there's no coloured people in Midsummer Murders)


New member
You won't go far in life with that sort of brilliant deductive logic, kid

Kid? I'm probably older than you. Can you even grow a beard?

I thought racism was pretty common in England? That's all you see in movies... maybe because they're all working class environments

(oh and there's no coloured people in Midsummer Murders)

I'm not English. I'd rather die than live there.

Racism exists everywhere. Some countries at least make an effort to solve this problem.


Bomb Dropper
I bet he said something like "negrito", which is not at all a racist slur in South America, but those racist anti-Uruguayans in England don't care and want to punish Suarez for being from South America.

Though Suarez probably said it to be a dick.

I know for sure he said "por que, negrito?"

which, if he was in Latin America, or speaking to a Latin American, would not be offensive at all.

but he was in England speaking to a Frenchman of African origin.

the idea that he gets to decide what is and isn't offensive in a foreign country is laughable. that's not how it fucking works. I'd like to see him go down to Hackney Marshes to play some 5-a-side, and then call some black guys "negrito." see how they react to his explanation that in South America it's a term of endearment.

and that's if we assume he didn't mean to offend, which given Suarez's history of being a dick, is highly unlikely.

England has a real problem with racism, that much has been evident for a while. but this & the John Terry issue have really brought to light just how serious and deeply embedded the problem is. the attitudes towards race of otherwise reasonable people is quite shocking and saddening. but thankfully those in charge and parts of the population (I would have said large parts, but I'm not sure anymore) are attempting to fix this.

all in all, despite Suarez's ban, I'm not happy. today has revealed an ugly side to people I really respected.


Manuel Traquete

New member
I know some people here don't like Suarez, but this affair was very poorly conducted. Liverpool and Suarez should definitely appeal.

A decision like this can't be taken or announced so lightly. This is a decision that affects the entire league and of course tarnishes the reputation of a player. What is the evidence in this case? Why hasn't it been disclosed?

Has it even been discussed with the player and the club before making such announcement?

There's a complete lack of transparency. I believe Suarez and Liverpool will appeal and if it is revealed that the evidence is insufficient, Suarez should definitely sue the FA for tarnishing his name. Of course that if there is indeed solid evidence, his ban should be even lengthier.

Even the Suarez haters shouldn't be happy with this decision. We should be upset than once again one of football's governing bodies has shown no transparency at all in a very serious case.

This is akin to UEFA punishing Busquets for racism just because Marcelo said so. What other evidence (other than Evra's words) is there in this case and why hasn't it been disclosed? This decision sets a very dangerous precedent and if Liverpool and Suarez take it to the last instances (as they should if the player is indeed innocent as he clams) it will open a Pandora's Box.
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New member
Mentally, you're an infant

A beard, that's awesome...You are a mental midget :lol:

To be frank, I'd probably beat you in a quiz about pretty much anything.

That's great but can you grow a beard. I'm probably taller than you as well.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I know for sure he said "por que, negrito?"

which, if he was in Latin America, or speaking to a Latin American, would not be offensive at all.

but he was in England speaking to a Frenchman of African origin.

the idea that he gets to decide what is and isn't offensive in a foreign country is laughable. that's not how it fucking works. I'd like to see him go down to Hackney Marshes to play some 5-a-side, and then call some black guys "negrito." see how they react to his explanation that in South America it's a term of endearment.

and that's if we assume he didn't mean to offend, which given Suarez's history of being a dick, is highly unlikely.

England has a real problem with racism, that much has been evident for a while. but this & the John Terry issue have really brought to light just how serious and deeply embedded the problem is. the attitudes towards race of otherwise reasonable people is quite shocking and saddening. but thankfully those in charge and parts of the population (I would have said large parts, but I'm not sure anymore) are attempting to fix this.

all in all, despite Suarez's ban, I'm not happy. today has revealed an ugly side to people I really respected.


I don't really see how a term like "negrito" in an English speaking country can be comparable to a similar sounding word though, as there's no history of using it for oppressive purposes. In fact, there's little history of using it to begin with outside of Latin communities. I'm not saying being in another language is a free pass on racism, but usually the really offensive foreign words have a precedent - in New York for instance there's Yiddish and Italian words I can think of that are shockingly offensive because of how they have been traditionally used, and their literal meaning doesn't help (the two examples I can think of are words for rag and eggplant).

Now assuming Suarez said "negrito", he probably said it was a condescending tone. He should have known better and deserves to be made an example of (though the FA is seriously dropping the ball by not being more specific here). But no, I don't know just how much Suarez could have been expected to associate what he might have said with similar sounding words. Professional footballers can be very naive. Suarez is a shit stirrer, that's all we know.

Anyway I just wish the FA would show the evidence so everyone could learn their lesson and everyone except Hatem Ben Arfa can get on with their lives.

Although expecting racism to be fought more harshly under a Tory government...well, good luck with that.
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