9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Mr. Japes


New member
This Dinho guy seems emotionally unstable

I don't have any emotions. You could shoot my mother in front of me and I wouldn't respond. Most guys would cry or be angered.

Anyway, I bet that Suarez ends up getting his ban reduced. They might even win their appeal. Crazier things have happened.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom

The worst part of this is all the smug people who read these rags who will conclude that racism comes from foreigners and isn't something native to England. You can already see some comments here - there's no racism in England, it's all the fault of those Spaniards.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
I don't really see how a term like "negrito" in an English speaking country can be comparable to a similar sounding word though, as there's no history of using it for oppressive purposes. In fact, there's little history of using it to begin with outside of Latin communities. I'm not saying being in another language is a free pass on racism, but usually the really offensive foreign words have a precedent - in New York for instance there's Yiddish and Italian words I can think of that are shockingly offensive because of how they have been traditionally used, and their literal meaning doesn't help (the two examples I can think of are words for rag and eggplant).

Now assuming Suarez said "negrito", he probably said it was a condescending tone. He should have known better and deserves to be made an example of (though the FA is seriously dropping the ball by not being more specific here). But no, I don't know just how much Suarez could have been expected to associate what he might have said with similar sounding words. Professional footballers can be very naive. Suarez is a shit stirrer, that's all we know.

Anyway I just wish the FA would show the evidence so everyone could learn their lesson and everyone except Hatem Ben Arfa can get on with their lives.

Although expecting racism to be fought more harshly under a Tory government...well, good luck with that.




Bomb Dropper
I don't really see how a term like "negrito" in an English speaking country can be comparable to a similar sounding word though, as there's no history of using it for oppressive purposes. In fact, there's little history of using it to begin with outside of Latin communities. I'm not saying being in another language is a free pass on racism, but usually the really offensive foreign words have a precedent - in New York for instance there's Yiddish and Italian words I can think of that are shockingly offensive because of how they have been traditionally used, and their literal meaning doesn't help (the two examples I can think of are words for rag and eggplant).

Now assuming Suarez said "negrito", he probably said it was a condescending tone. He should have known better and deserves to be made an example of (though the FA is seriously dropping the ball by not being more specific here). But no, I don't know just how much Suarez could have been expected to associate what he might have said with similar sounding words. Professional footballers can be very naive. Suarez is a shit stirrer, that's all we know.

negrito means "little black man" - without the friendly context that exists when latinos use it with each other (as you know, latino slang is very physically descriptive: negro, gordo, flaco, etc. - so there's an understanding there) that's a hugely offensive thing to call a black man.

Anyway I just wish the FA would show the evidence so everyone could learn their lesson and everyone except Hatem Ben Arfa can get on with their lives.

Although expecting racism to be fought more harshly under a Tory government...well, good luck with that.

the FA didn't judge the case, it was an independent tribunal. so I doubt the FA could release the evidence even if they wanted to.

and yeah, the Tories aren't gonna help THAT much. I dunno.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
negrito means "little black man" - without the friendly context that exists when latinos use it with each other (as you know, latino slang is very physically descriptive: negro, gordo, flaco, etc. - so there's an understanding there) that's a hugely offensive thing to call a black man.

It reminds me of saying "boy" to a black man in the US, a clearly offensive and loaded term.

The issue with "negrito" is it's much more prevalent as a casual term in Spanish speaking countries than it is as a racial slur elsewhere. I'm not endorsing its use in any way but I can see how someone less context-savy than one of us wouldn't understand where to draw the line.


Bomb Dropper
It reminds me of saying "boy" to a black man in the US, a clearly offensive and loaded term.

The issue with "negrito" is it's much more prevalent as a casual term in Spanish speaking countries than it is as a racial slur elsewhere. I'm not endorsing its use in any way but I can see how someone less context-savy than one of us wouldn't understand where to draw the line.

oh without a doubt, but even if the term itself isn't widely used as a racial slur, the potential for it to be one is massively evident.

and I've seen culturally intelligent and savvy people defend it on the grounds of its context amongst Latinos.

very sad.

Liverpool's response has been beyond pathetic. that statement reads like a mad rant Ed would make on the forum. that a professional club released it on their website was just beyond belief. their behaviour through this entire saga has been utterly classless. instead of contrition we get defiance, and instead of an apology we get lies & accusations about the victim of racial abuse. utterly BAFFLING behaviour.


New member
You sound like you might be racist, trying your best to find an answer behind Suarez's comments. It's a culture thing. He's new to the country. He didn't mean anything by it. Yawn.

Yes because everyone who disagrees with or questions this decision is by default a massive racist. What sound logic.

BTW I don't think a 21 year old should automatically assume they are older and more mature than the majority of users here... not like age matters in the first place though.


If I am not mistaken. This ban will not allow Suarez to play until 11/02/2012, when Liverpool play United away.

How awesome is that?

The FA know how to market their product, and Suarez will have all the time in the world to prepare for his revenge against United.

How cool is that?

Or do Carling Cup games and FA Cup games count as well?


New member
Yes because everyone who disagrees with or questions this decision is by default a massive racist. What sound logic.

BTW I don't think a 21 year old should automatically assume they are older and more mature than the majority of users here... not like age matters in the first place though.

Who told you my age?

Edit: Never mind. You're a mod. That's how you know.
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New member
Who told you my age? Do you have a web cam...

Mods can see everyone's age.

Anyway, it would be appreciated if you could stop calling other people racist when I highly doubt that either one of them are, and belittling people's intelligence in general. Thanks.


New member
Mods can see everyone's age.

Anyway, it would be appreciated if you could stop calling other people racist when I highly doubt that either one of them are, and belittling people's intelligence in general. Thanks.

You will notice that I wasn't the one who started this little argument. FCBarca is the one who had a dig at me first. I'll play nice if others play nice.

Manuel Traquete

New member
If I am not mistaken. This ban will not allow Suarez to play until 11/02/2012, when Liverpool play United away.

How awesome is that?

The FA know how to market their product, and Suarez will have all the time in the world to prepare for his revenge against United.

How cool is that?

Or do Carling Cup games and FA Cup games count as well?

Well, the ban will only start when the appeal period is over or even later if Suarez does appeal, as he should.

If Liverpool have some good lawyers, they could take the FA to the cleaners here. A reputation-tarnishing decision like this made on so little, if any, conclusive/irrefutable evidence? If Liverpool are willing to take this to the last instances (read: civil courts), we're in for some very interesting months.

Unless the FA backtracks, which is entirely possible if Liverpool really push the issue. If civil courts become involved, it is conceivable that UEFA could threaten to exclude all English clubs from the Champions League. The recent FC Sion case shows how UEFA doesn't take kindly to such things (common law meddling into football affairs).

I really hope Liverpool (and Suarez) have some good lawyers on this case.
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